ALPHABETIZED LIST OF PRODUCT FILES ---------------------------------- ACLOCK PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: ACLOCK CPP - OWL example file ACLOCK H - OWL example file ACLOCK ICO - OWL example file ACLOCK IDE - OWL example file ACLOCK RC - OWL example file CUCKOO1 BMP - OWL example file CUCKOO2 BMP - OWL example file CUCKOO3 BMP - OWL example file CUCKOO4 BMP - OWL example file CUCKOO5 BMP - OWL example file CUCKOO6 BMP - OWL example file CUCKOO7 BMP - OWL example file CUCKOO8 BMP - OWL example file FACE_BMP BMP - OWL example file MAKEFILE - OWL example file README TXT - ADDON PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: ADDONPG H - IDE addon example file AOEXGUID CPP - IDE Addon Example File AOEXPCH CPP - IDE addon example file AOEXPCH H - IDE addon example file CLOSFOLD BMP - IDE addon example file CMDTEST CPP - IDE addon example file CMDTEST H - IDE addon example file CMDTEST1 BMP - IDE addon example file CMDTEST2 BMP - IDE addon example file EDITTEST CPP - Windows example file EDITTEST H - Windows example file EDITTOOL CPP - IDE addon example file EDITTOOL H - IDE addon example file EDITTST2 CPP - EDITTST2 H - EXADDON IDE - Windows example file FILE BMP - IDE addon example file FILETEST CPP - Windows example file FILETEST H - Windows example file HELPIDS HH - ICON1 ICO - Windows example file IDEUITST CPP - IDEUITST H - MAKETEST CPP - Windows example file MAKETEST H - Windows example file MENUTEST CPP - IDE addon example file MENUTEST H - IDE addon example file MPDENV CPP - IDE addon example file MPDPRJ CPP - IDE addon example file MPDTEST CPP - Windows example file MPDTEST H - Windows example file MSGCLI CPP - MSGCLI H - MSGTEST CPP - IDE Addon Example File MSGTEST H - IDE Addon Example File MSGTEST2 CPP - MSGTEST2 H - MSGVIEW CPP - IDE addon example file MSGVIEW H - IDE addon example file OPENFOLD BMP - IDE addon example file OPTION CPP - Windows example file OPTION H - Windows example file PDVIEW CPP - IDE addon example file PDVIEW H - IDE addon example file PDWIN CPP - IDE addon example file PDWIN H - IDE addon example file PRJVIEW CPP - IDE addon example file PRJVIEW H - IDE addon example file PRJWIN CPP - IDE addon example file PRJWIN H - IDE addon example file PROJECT CPP - Windows example file PROJECT H - Windows example file PROJECT2 CPP - PROJECT2 H - PROJECT3 CPP - PROJECT3 H - PROPVIEW CPP - Windows example file PROPVIEW H - Windows example file PRSET CPP - PRSET H - SCRIPT CPP - Windows example file SCRIPT H - Windows example file SSINIT SPP - Windows example file SSTEST SPP - Windows example file TARGET CPP - Windows example file TARGET H - Windows example file TESTDLG CPP - Windows example file TESTDLG H - Windows example file TESTDLG RC - Windows example file TESTHELP HPJ - TESTHELP RTF - TESTS CPP - Windows example file TESTS H - Windows example file TESTS HRC - Windows example file TEXTVIEW CPP - Windows example file TEXTVIEW H - Windows example file TOOL2 CPP - Windows Example file TOOL2 H - Windows Example file TOOLSRVR CPP - Windows example file TOOLSRVR H - Windows example file TXOWL CPP - IDE addon example file TXOWL H - IDE addon example file TXOWL UID - IDE Addon Example File VIEWTEST CPP - Windows example file VIEWTEST H - Windows example file ADDONBIN PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: ADDONREG EXE - IDE addon file BCWADDON DLL - IDE Addon file ADDONINC PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: ADDON RC - IDE addon file COMHELP CPP - IdeAddon include file COMHELP H - IdeAddon include file COMMON H - IdeAddon include file ICMD H - IDE addon include file ICMD UID - IDE addon include file IDEGUID CPP - IdeAddon include file IEDITOR H - IdeAddon include file IEDITOR UID - IdeAddon include file IIDE H - IDE addon include file IIDE UID - IdeAddon include file IIDEUI H - IIDEUI UID - IIDEWIN H - IIDEWIN UID - IMAKE H - IdeAddon include file IMAKESVR UID - IdeAddon include file IMENU H - IDE addon include file IMENU UID - IDE addon include file IMPD H - IdeAddon include file IMPD UID - IdeAddon include file IMSGSYS H - Ide Addon Include File IMSGSYS UID - IDE Addon Include File IOPTION H - IdeAddon include file IOPTION UID - IdeAddon include file IPOLYSTR H - IdeAddon include file IPOLYSTR UID - IdeAddon include file IPROJ H - IdeAddon include file IPROJ UID - IdeAddon include file IPROJEVT UID - IdeAddon include file IPROJNOD UID - IdeAddon include file IPRSET H - IPRSET UID - ISBAR H - IdeAddon include file ISBAR UID - IdeAddon Include File ISCRIPT H - IdeAddon include file ISCRIPT UID - IdeAddon include file ISTATUS H - ITARG H - IdeAddon include file ITARG UID - IdeAddon include file ITOOL H - IdeAddon include file ITOOL UID - IdeAddon include file ITOOLEXE UID - IdeAddon include file ITOOLINF UID - IdeAddon include file ITX H - IDE addon file ITX UID - IDE addon file IVFILE H - IdeAddon include file IVFILE UID - IdeAddon include file IVIEW H - IdeAddon include file IVIEW UID - IdeAddon include file ANALOG PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: ABOUT C - Windows example files ANALOG C - Windows example file ANALOG ICO - Windows example files ANALOG IDE - Windows example file ANALOG RC - Windows example file COPIER C - Windows example file COPIER H - Windows example file DISPATCH C - Windows example file GLOBALS H - Windows example file INIT C - Windows example file MAKEFILE - Windows example file MISC C - Windows example file README TXT - Windows example file RESOURCE H - Windows example file WINMAIN C - Windows example file ANIMCTL PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: ANIMCTL H - ANIMCTL IDE - OWL example file ANIMCTL RC - ANIMCTLX CPP - OWL example file MAKEFILE - OWL example file README TXT - OWL example file APPEXPRT PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: ADDAUTO SNP - IDE AppExpert Snippet ADDDATA SNP - IDE AppExpert Snippet ADDDOCV SNP - IDE AppExpert Snippet ADDOLEDV SNP - IDE AppExpert Snippet APPLDOCV ICO - IDE AppExpert Snippet APPLMDI ICO - IDE AppExpert Snippet APPLSDI ICO - IDE AppExpert Snippet APXPREV CPP - IDE AppExpert Snippet APXPREV H - IDE AppExpert Snippet APXPRINT CPP - IDE AppExpert Snippet APXPRINT H - IDE AppExpert Snippet AREGDEL SNP - IDE AppExpert Snippet AUTOCLAS SNP - IDE AppExpert Snippet AUTOREG SNP - IDE AppExpert Snippet BORABOUT BMP - IDE AppExpert Snippet CADDCXFR SNP - IDE AppExpert Snippet CADDDATA SNP - IDE AppExpert Snippet CADDMETH SNP - IDE AppExpert Snippet CADDPROP SNP - IDE AppExpert Snippet CADDRSP SNP - IDE AppExpert Snippet CADDSXFR SNP - IDE AppExpert Snippet CADDSYM SNP - IDE AppExpert Snippet CHEADER SNP - IDE AppExpert Snippet CHKAUTO SNP - IDE AppExpert Snippet CLASS SNP - IDE AppExpert Snippet CLIENTCG SNP - IDE AppExpert Snippet CMDI OWL - IDE AppExpert Snippet CMDIDOCV OWL - IDE AppExpert Snippet COMMCTRL SNP - COPY BMP - IDE AppExpert Snippet CRESAUTO SNP - IDE AppExpert Snippet CSDI OWL - IDE AppExpert Snippet CSDIDOCV OWL - IDE AppExpert Snippet CUT BMP - IDE AppExpert Snippet CVBX SNP - IDE AppExpert Snippet CVBX2 SNP - IDE AppExpert Snippet DELAUTO SNP - IDE AppExpert Snippet DELAUTOC SNP - IDE AppExpert Snippet DELDATA SNP - IDE AppExpert Snippet DELEVENT SNP - IDE AppExpert Snippet DOCVIEW SNP - IDE AppExpert Snippet EVENT SNP - IDE AppExpert Snippet FIND BMP - IDE AppExpert Snippet FIND SNP - IDE AppExpert Snippet FINDAUTO SNP - IDE AppExpert Snippet FINDDATA SNP - IDE AppExpert Snippet FINDDOCV SNP - IDE AppExpert Snippet FINDFUNC SNP - IDE AppExpert Snippet FINDNEXT BMP - IDE AppExpert Snippet FNDCLASS SNP - IDE AppExpert Snippet FNDEVENT SNP - IDE AppExpert Snippet FNDHDR SNP - IDE AppExpert Snippet FWNDBKGD SNP - IDE AppExpert Snippet HADDADAT SNP - IDE AppExpert Snippet HADDAMET SNP - IDE AppExpert Snippet HADDAPRO SNP - IDE AppExpert Snippet HADDAUTO SNP - IDE AppExpert Snippet HADDCXFR SNP - IDE AppExpert Snippet HADDDATA SNP - IDE AppExpert Snippet HADDMET1 SNP - IDE AppExpert Snippet HADDMETH SNP - IDE AppExpert Snippet HADDPROP SNP - IDE AppExpert Snippet HADDRSP SNP - IDE AppExpert Snippet HADDSXFR SNP - IDE AppExpert Snippet HADDVIR2 SNP - IDE AppExpert Snippet HADDVIRT SNP - IDE AppExpert Snippet HAUTOCLA SNP - IDE AppExpert Snippet HELP BMP - IDE AppExpert Snippet HELP CUR - IDE AppExpert Snippet HELPICON BMP - IDE AppExpert Snippet HFOOTER SNP - IDE AppExpert Snippet HHEADER SNP - IDE AppExpert Snippet HMDI OWL - IDE AppExpert Snippet HMDIDOCV OWL - IDE AppExpert Snippet HRESAUTO SNP - IDE AppExpert Snippet HSDI OWL - IDE AppExpert Snippet HSDIDOCV OWL - IDE AppExpert Snippet HSLIDER BMP - IDE AppExpert Snippet HVBX SNP - IDE AppExpert Snippet KEYS RTF - IDE AppExpert Snippet MAIN OWL - IDE AppExpert Snippet MAINHELP RTF - IDE AppExpert Snippet MAKE OWL - IDE AppExpert Snippet MDICHILD ICO - IDE AppExpert Snippet METHRIP SNP - IDE AppExpert Snippet NAVAUTO SNP - IDE AppExpert Snippet NEW BMP - IDE AppExpert Snippet NEXT BMP - IDE AppExpert Snippet OPEN BMP - IDE AppExpert Snippet OWLDB APX - IDE AppExpert Database PASTE BMP - IDE AppExpert Snippet PREVIEW BMP - IDE AppExpert Snippet PREVIEW1 BMP - IDE AppExpert Snippet PREVIEW2 BMP - IDE AppExpert Snippet PREVIOUS BMP - IDE AppExpert Snippet PREXIT BMP - IDE AppExpert Snippet PRINT BMP - IDE AppExpert Snippet RC OWL - IDE AppExpert Snippet REGISTRY SNP - RENAME SNP - IDE AppExpert Snippet RENAMRSP SNP - IDE AppExpert Snippet RESCAN SNP - IDE AppExpert Snippet RESDVOLE SNP - IDE AppExpert Snippet SAVE BMP - IDE AppExpert Snippet TAPPLICA OWL - IDE AppExpert Snippet TDIALOG OWL - IDE AppExpert Snippet TDLGCLIE OWL - IDE AppExpert Snippet TEDITFIL OWL - IDE AppExpert Snippet TEDITVIE OWL - IDE AppExpert Snippet TLISTBOX OWL - IDE AppExpert Snippet TLISTVIE OWL - IDE AppExpert Snippet TMDICHIL OWL - IDE AppExpert Snippet TMDICLIE OWL - IDE AppExpert Snippet TOLEVIEW OWL - IDE AppExpert Snippet TOOLBAR RTF - IDE AppExpert Snippet TWINDOW OWL - IDE AppExpert Snippet TWINDOWV OWL - IDE AppExpert Snippet UNDO BMP - IDE AppExpert Snippet USECLASS SNP - IDE AppExpert Snippet USENEW SNP - IDE AppExpert Snippet VBX SNP - IDE AppExpert Snippet VBXDLG SNP - Snippet file VBXINIT SNP - IDE AppExpert Snippet VERIFY SNP - IDE AppExpert Snippet VIRTUAL SNP - IDE AppExpert Snippet VSLIDER BMP - IDE AppExpert Snippet WNDBKGD SNP - IDE AppExpert Snippet XFRSTATE SNP - IDE AppExpert Snippet APPLAUNC PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: APPBTN CPP - OWL example file APPBTN H - OWL example file APPBTNBA CPP - OWL example file APPBTNBA H - OWL example file APPLAUNC CPP - OWL example file APPLAUNC HPJ - OWL example file APPLAUNC ICO - OWL example file APPLAUNC IDE - OWL example file APPLAUNC RC - OWL example file APPLAUNC RH - OWL example file APPLAUNC RTF - OWL example file APPMGR CPP - OWL example file APPMGR H - OWL example file APPWIN CPP - OWL example file APPWIN H - OWL example file DIALOGS CPP - OWL example file DIALOGS H - OWL example file DRAGBTN CUR - OWL example file EXITWIN CPP - OWL example file EXITWIN ICO - OWL example file EXITWIN RC - OWL example file MAKEFILE - OWL example file README TXT - APXDLG PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: APPLSDI ICO - AppExpert example file APXDLG APX - AppExpert example file APXDLG IDE - AppExpert example file APXDLGAP CPP - AppExpert example file APXDLGAP DEF - AppExpert example file APXDLGAP H - AppExpert example file APXDLGAP RC - AppExpert example file APXDLGAP RH - AppExpert example file APXDLGDC CPP - AppExpert example file APXDLGDC H - AppExpert example file HSLIDER BMP - AppExpert example file MAKEFILE - AppExpert example file VSLIDER BMP - AppExpert example file APXDLGDV PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: APPLDOCV ICO - AppExpert example file APXDLDDC CPP - AppExpert example file APXDLDDC H - AppExpert example file APXDLGDA CPP - AppExpert example file APXDLGDA DEF - AppExpert example file APXDLGDA H - AppExpert example file APXDLGDA RC - AppExpert example file APXDLGDA RH - AppExpert example file APXDLGDV APX - AppExpert example file APXDLGDV IDE - AppExpert example file HSLIDER BMP - AppExpert example file MAKEFILE - AppExpert example file VSLIDER BMP - AppExpert example file APXMDI PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: APPLMDI ICO - AppExpert example file APXMDABD CPP - AppExpert example file APXMDABD H - AppExpert example file APXMDAPP CPP - AppExpert example file APXMDAPP DEF - AppExpert example file APXMDAPP H - AppExpert example file APXMDAPP RC - AppExpert example file APXMDAPP RH - AppExpert example file APXMDEDF CPP - AppExpert example file APXMDEDF H - AppExpert example file APXMDI APX - AppExpert example file APXMDI IDE - AppExpert example file APXMMDI1 CPP - AppExpert example file APXMMDI1 H - AppExpert example file APXMMDIC CPP - AppExpert example file APXMMDIC H - AppExpert example file APXPREV CPP - AppExpert example file APXPREV H - AppExpert example file APXPRINT CPP - AppExpert example file APXPRINT H - AppExpert example file COPY BMP - AppExpert example file CUT BMP - AppExpert example file FIND BMP - AppExpert example file FINDNEXT BMP - AppExpert example file HSLIDER BMP - AppExpert example file MAKEFILE - AppExpert example file MDICHILD ICO - AppExpert example file NEW BMP - AppExpert example file NEXT BMP - AppExpert example file OPEN BMP - AppExpert example file PASTE BMP - AppExpert example file PREVIEW BMP - AppExpert example file PREVIEW1 BMP - AppExpert example file PREVIEW2 BMP - AppExpert example file PREVIOUS BMP - AppExpert example file PREXIT BMP - AppExpert example file PRINT BMP - AppExpert example file SAVE BMP - AppExpert example file UNDO BMP - AppExpert example file VSLIDER BMP - AppExpert example file APXMDIDV PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: APMDMDI1 CPP - AppExpert example file APMDMDI1 H - AppExpert example file APMDMDIC CPP - AppExpert example file APMDMDIC H - AppExpert example file APPLDOCV ICO - AppExpert example file APXMDDAD CPP - AppExpert example file APXMDDAD H - AppExpert example file APXMDDEV CPP - AppExpert example file APXMDDEV H - AppExpert example file APXMDDVA CPP - AppExpert example file APXMDDVA DEF - AppExpert example file APXMDDVA H - AppExpert example file APXMDDVA RC - AppExpert example file APXMDDVA RH - AppExpert example file APXMDIDV APX - AppExpert example file APXMDIDV IDE - AppExpert example file APXPREV CPP - AppExpert example file APXPREV H - AppExpert example file APXPRINT CPP - AppExpert example file APXPRINT H - AppExpert example file COPY BMP - AppExpert example file CUT BMP - AppExpert example file FIND BMP - AppExpert example file FINDNEXT BMP - AppExpert example file HSLIDER BMP - AppExpert example file MAKEFILE - AppExpert example file MDICHILD ICO - AppExpert example file NEW BMP - AppExpert example file NEXT BMP - AppExpert example file OPEN BMP - AppExpert example file PASTE BMP - AppExpert example file PREVIEW BMP - AppExpert example file PREVIEW1 BMP - AppExpert example file PREVIEW2 BMP - AppExpert example file PREVIOUS BMP - AppExpert example file PREXIT BMP - AppExpert example file PRINT BMP - AppExpert example file SAVE BMP - AppExpert example file UNDO BMP - AppExpert example file VSLIDER BMP - AppExpert example file APXOLE PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: APPLDOCV ICO - AppExpert example file APXOLABD CPP - AppExpert example file APXOLABD H - AppExpert example file APXOLAPP CPP - AppExpert example file APXOLAPP DEF - AppExpert example file APXOLAPP H - AppExpert example file APXOLAPP RC - AppExpert example file APXOLAPP RH - AppExpert example file APXOLE APX - AppExpert example file APXOLE IDE - AppExpert example file APXOLOLV CPP - AppExpert example file APXOLOLV H - AppExpert example file APXOMDI1 CPP - AppExpert example file APXOMDI1 H - AppExpert example file APXOMDIC CPP - AppExpert example file APXOMDIC H - AppExpert example file APXPREV CPP - AppExpert example file APXPREV H - AppExpert example file APXPRINT CPP - AppExpert example file APXPRINT H - AppExpert example file COPY BMP - AppExpert example file CUT BMP - AppExpert example file FIND BMP - AppExpert example file FINDNEXT BMP - AppExpert example file HSLIDER BMP - AppExpert example file MAKEFILE - AppExpert example file MDICHILD ICO - AppExpert example file NEW BMP - AppExpert example file NEXT BMP - AppExpert example file OPEN BMP - AppExpert example file PASTE BMP - AppExpert example file PREVIEW BMP - AppExpert example file PREVIEW1 BMP - AppExpert example file PREVIEW2 BMP - AppExpert example file PREVIOUS BMP - AppExpert example file PREXIT BMP - AppExpert example file PRINT BMP - AppExpert example file SAVE BMP - AppExpert example file UNDO BMP - AppExpert example file VSLIDER BMP - AppExpert example file APXSDI PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: APPLSDI ICO - AppExpert example file APXPREV CPP - AppExpert example file APXPREV H - AppExpert example file APXPRINT CPP - AppExpert example file APXPRINT H - AppExpert example file APXSDABD CPP - AppExpert example file APXSDABD H - AppExpert example file APXSDAPP CPP - AppExpert example file APXSDAPP DEF - AppExpert example file APXSDAPP H - AppExpert example file APXSDAPP RC - AppExpert example file APXSDAPP RH - AppExpert example file APXSDEDF CPP - AppExpert example file APXSDEDF H - AppExpert example file APXSDI APX - AppExpert example file APXSDI IDE - AppExpert example file COPY BMP - AppExpert example file CUT BMP - AppExpert example file FIND BMP - AppExpert example file FINDNEXT BMP - AppExpert example file HSLIDER BMP - AppExpert example file MAKEFILE - AppExpert example file NEW BMP - AppExpert example file NEXT BMP - AppExpert example file OPEN BMP - AppExpert example file PASTE BMP - AppExpert example file PREVIEW BMP - AppExpert example file PREVIEW1 BMP - AppExpert example file PREVIEW2 BMP - AppExpert example file PREVIOUS BMP - AppExpert example file PREXIT BMP - AppExpert example file PRINT BMP - AppExpert example file SAVE BMP - AppExpert example file UNDO BMP - AppExpert example file VSLIDER BMP - AppExpert example file APXSDIDV PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: APPLDOCV ICO - AppExpert example file APXPREV CPP - AppExpert example file APXPREV H - AppExpert example file APXPRINT CPP - AppExpert example file APXPRINT H - AppExpert example file APXSDDAD CPP - AppExpert example file APXSDDAD H - AppExpert example file APXSDDEV CPP - AppExpert example file APXSDDEV H - AppExpert example file APXSDDVA CPP - AppExpert example file APXSDDVA DEF - AppExpert example file APXSDDVA H - AppExpert example file APXSDDVA RC - AppExpert example file APXSDDVA RH - AppExpert example file APXSDIDV APX - AppExpert example file APXSDIDV IDE - AppExpert example file COPY BMP - AppExpert example file CUT BMP - AppExpert example file FIND BMP - AppExpert example file FINDNEXT BMP - AppExpert example file HSLIDER BMP - AppExpert example file MAKEFILE - AppExpert example file NEW BMP - AppExpert example file NEXT BMP - AppExpert example file OPEN BMP - AppExpert example file PASTE BMP - AppExpert example file PREVIEW BMP - AppExpert example file PREVIEW1 BMP - AppExpert example file PREVIEW2 BMP - AppExpert example file PREVIOUS BMP - AppExpert example file PREXIT BMP - AppExpert example file PRINT BMP - AppExpert example file SAVE BMP - AppExpert example file UNDO BMP - AppExpert example file VSLIDER BMP - AppExpert example file ARRAYS PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: ARRAY CPP - Classlib example file ARRAYS IDE - Classlib example file IARRAY CPP - Classlib example file ISARRAY CPP - Classlib example file MAKEFILE - Classlib example file SARRAY CPP - Classlib example file ASSOCS PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: ASSOCDD CPP - Classlib example file ASSOCDI CPP - Classlib example file ASSOCID CPP - Classlib example file ASSOCIDD CPP - Classlib example file ASSOCII CPP - Classlib example file ASSOCS IDE - Classlib example file MAKEFILE - Classlib example file AUTOCALC PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: ACALCGER BAS - OCF Example file ACALCGER HPJ - OCF Example file ACALCGER RTF - OCF Example file AUTOCALC BAS - OCF Example file AUTOCALC CPP - OCF Example file AUTOCALC H - OCF Example file AUTOCALC HH - OCF Example File AUTOCALC HPJ - OCF Example File AUTOCALC IDE - OCF Example file AUTOCALC RC - OCF Example file AUTOCALC RH - OCF Example file AUTOCALC RTF - OCF Example File CALLCALC CPP - OCF Example file CALLCALC RC - OCF example file CALLCALC RH - OCF example file MAKEFILE - OCF Example file README TXT - README to explain the ocf autocalc example. WINMAIN CPP - OCF Example file AUTOCK PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: AUTODRIV FRM - AUTOCK1 PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: ACLIKDOC CPP - ACLIKDOC H - ACLIKVW CPP - ACLIKVW H - AUTOCLIK CLW - AUTOCLIK CPP - AUTOCLIK H - AUTOCLIK IDE - AUTOCLIK ODL - AUTOCLIK RC - AUTOCLIK REG - CHILDFRM CPP - CHILDFRM H - DIALOGS CPP - DIALOGS H - MAINFRM CPP - MAINFRM H - MAKEFILE - README TXT - RESOURCE H - STDAFX CPP - STDAFX H - AUTOCK1R PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: ACLIKDOC ICO - AUTOCLIK ICO - AUTOCLIK RC2 - TOOLBAR BMP - AUTOCK2 PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: ACLIKDOC CPP - ACLIKDOC H - ACLIKVW CPP - ACLIKVW H - AUTOCLIK CLW - AUTOCLIK CPP - AUTOCLIK H - AUTOCLIK IDE - AUTOCLIK ODL - AUTOCLIK RC - AUTOCLIK REG - CHILDFRM CPP - CHILDFRM H - DIALOGS CPP - DIALOGS H - MAINFRM CPP - MAINFRM H - MAKEFILE - README TXT - RESOURCE H - STDAFX CPP - STDAFX H - AUTOCK2R PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: ACLIKDOC ICO - AUTOCLIK ICO - AUTOCLIK RC2 - TOOLBAR BMP - AUTOCK3 PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: ACLIKDOC CPP - ACLIKDOC H - ACLIKVW CPP - ACLIKVW H - AUTOCLIK CLW - AUTOCLIK CPP - AUTOCLIK H - AUTOCLIK IDE - AUTOCLIK ODL - AUTOCLIK RC - AUTOCLIK REG - CHILDFRM CPP - CHILDFRM H - CLIKPNT CPP - CLIKPNT H - DIALOGS CPP - DIALOGS H - MAINFRM CPP - MAINFRM H - MAKEFILE - README TXT - RESOURCE H - STDAFX CPP - STDAFX H - AUTOCK3R PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: ACLIKDOC ICO - AUTOCLIK ICO - AUTOCLIK RC2 - TOOLBAR BMP - AUTODR PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: AUTOCLIK CPP - AUTOCLIK H - AUTODDLG CPP - AUTODDLG H - AUTODRIV CLW - AUTODRIV CPP - AUTODRIV H - AUTODRIV IDE - AUTODRIV RC - MAKEFILE - RESOURCE H - STDAFX CPP - STDAFX H - AUTODRR PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: AUTODRIV ICO - AUTODRIV RC2 - AUTOEXCL PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: DRVEXCEL CPP - DRVEXCEL IDE - MAKEFILE - README TXT - XL5EN32 CPP - XL5EN32 HXX - AUTOWORD PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: DRVWORD CPP - MAKEFILE - README TXT - WB70EN32 CPP - WB70EN32 HXX - BAGS PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: BAG CPP - Classlib example file BAGS IDE - Classlib example file IBAG CPP - Classlib example file MAKEFILE - Classlib example file BAMGR32 DL_ (Disk1) - Borland install support file BARMDI PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: ABOUT C - barmdi series example BARMDI C - barmdi series example BARMDI ICO - barmdi series example BARMDI IDE - barmdi series example BARMDI RC - barmdi series example CHILD ICO - barmdi series example DISPATCH C - barmdi series example GLOBALS H - barmdi series example INIT C - barmdi series example MAKEFILE - barmdi series example MDICHILD C - barmdi series example MISC C - barmdi series example README TXT - barmdi series example RESOURCE H - barmdi series example STATBAR C - barmdi series example STATBAR H - barmdi series example TOOLBAR BMP - barmdi series example TOOLBAR C - barmdi series example TOOLBAR H - barmdi series example WINMAIN C - barmdi series example BARSDI PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: ABOUT C - Windows example file BARSDI C - Windows example file BARSDI ICO - Windows example file BARSDI IDE - Windows example file BARSDI RC - WIndows example file DISPATCH C - Windows example file GLOBALS H - WIndows example file INIT C - WIndows example file MAKEFILE - Windows example file MISC C - Windows example file README TXT - WIndows example file RESOURCE H - WIndows example file STATBAR C - WIndows example file STATBAR H - WIndows example file TOOLBAR BMP - Windows example file TOOLBAR C - Windows example file TOOLBAR H - Windows example file WINMAIN C - Windows example file BATCH PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: BATCH CPP - BATCH H - BATCH ICO - BATCH IDE - BATCH RC - BATCH RC2 - BATCH REG - BATCHDOC CPP - BATCHDOC H - BATCHDOC ICO - BATCHVW CPP - BATCHVW H - BITMAP1 BMP - COMPRESS CPP - COMPRESS H - DESTDIRD CPP - DESTDIRD H - INTERLEA CPP - INTERLEA H - MAINFRM CPP - MAINFRM H - MAKEFILE - README TXT - RESOURCE H - STDAFX CPP - STDAFX H - TOOLBAR BMP - BC5MAIN PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: BC5MAIN CNT - BC5MAIN HLP - BC5RMV EXE (Disk1) - BC5 Uninstaller file BC5_D2 PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: 723_O HTM - BC360 HTM - BC360 PPT - README TXT - BCBREADM PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: README TXT - OWL BCB Example readme BCEXAMS PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: BIDSMAKE GEN - OWL example file MAKEFILE GEN - OWL example file OCFMAKE GEN - OCF examples makefile OWLMAKE GEN - OWL example file OWLOCFMK GEN - OCF example file BCUNREG PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: REGSRVR EXE - UNINST INI - Unregister BC5 ini file UNREG EXE - Unregister BC5 from registry UNREG INI - Unregister BC5 ini file BGI PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: ATT BGI - BGI file BGIDEMO C - BGI file BGIDEMO IDE - BGI file BGIOBJ EXE - BGI file BOLD CHR - BGI file CGA BGI - BGI file EGAVGA BGI - BGI file EURO CHR - BGI file GOTH CHR - BGI file HERC BGI - BGI file IBM8514 BGI - BGI file LCOM CHR - BGI file LITT CHR - BGI file PC3270 BGI - BGI file SANS CHR - BGI file SCRI CHR - BGI file SIMP CHR - BGI file TRIP CHR - BGI file TSCR CHR - BGI file BGILIB PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: GRAPHICS LIB - BGI library BIDSAPI PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: MYCLASS CPP - Classlib example file MYCLASS H - Classlib example file BIDSD PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: BIDSDT LIB - BIDSDTI LIB - Classlib Diagnostic BINTREES PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: BINTREE CPP - Classlib example file BINTREES IDE - Classlib example file IBINTREE CPP - Classlib example file MAKEFILE - Classlib example file BLAKJACK PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: BLAKJACK CPP - OWL Example file BLAKJACK DEF - OWL Example file BLAKJACK H - OWL Example file BLAKJACK ICO - OWL Example file BLAKJACK IDE - OWL Example file BLAKJACK RC - OWL Example file CARD RH - OWL Example file MAKEFILE - Owl example file MHCD2001 H - OWL Example file OWLMAIN CPP - OWL Example file OWLMAIN H - OWL Example file READ TXT - OWL Example file README TXT - BLANDMDI PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: ABOUT C - series example file BLANDMDI C - BLANDMDI ICO - BLANDMDI IDE - BLANDMDI RC - CHILD ICO - DISPATCH C - series example file GLOBALS H - Series example file INIT C - Series example file MAKEFILE - MDICHILD C - MISC C - Series example file README TXT - RESOURCE H - Series example file TURBOC CFG - VERSION H - Series example file WIN16EXT H - Series example file WINMAIN C - Series example file BLAZER PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: ABOUT CPP - Owl example file BALL BMP - Owl example file BLAZER CPP - OWL example file BLAZER H - Owl example file BLAZER HLP - Owl example file BLAZER HPJ - Owl example file BLAZER IDE - OWL example file BLAZER RC - OWL example file BLAZER RH - OWL example file BLAZER RTF - Owl example file BOING WAV - CLIENT CPP - Owl example file ENGINE WAV - HELPIDS HH - Owl example file MAKEFILE - OWL example file PROPDLGS CPP - Owl example file PROPDLGS H - Owl example file README TXT - OWL example file SPLSLOGO BMP - OWL example file BLOCKS PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: BLOCKS CPP - OWL Example file BLOCKS DEF - OWL Example file BLOCKS IDE - OWL Example file BLOCKS RC - OWL Example file BLOCKS RH - OWL Example file MAKEFILE - README TXT - OWL Example file BMPVIEW PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: BMPVIEW CPP - OWL example file BMPVIEW H - OWL example file BMPVIEW IDE - OWL example file BMPVIEW RC - OWL example file MAKEFILE - OWL example file READ1 BMP - OWL example file READ2 BMP - OWL example file README TXT - SBSML256 BMP - OWL example file SB_BW BMP - OWL example file BOCOLE PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: BCOM H - OCF source file BCONNPNT CPP - OCF source file BCONNPNT H - OCF source file BHATCH CPP - OCF source file BHATCH H - OCF source file BOCOF DEF - OCF source file BOCOF RC - OCF source file BOCOFW DEF - Bolero flat model wide character def file BOCOFW RC - Bolero flat model wide character rc file BOCOLE DEF - OCF source file BOCOLE RC - OCF source file BOCXCTRL CPP - OCF source file BOCXCTRL H - OCF source file BOLE H - OCF source file BOLE32 H - OCF source file BOLECLIP CPP - OCF source file BOLECMAN CPP - OCF source file BOLECMAN H - OCF source file BOLECOMP CPP - OCF source file BOLECOMP H - OCF source file BOLECONT CPP - OCF source file BOLECONT H - OCF source file BOLECTRL CPP - OCF source file BOLECTRL H - OCF source file BOLEDATA CPP - OCF source file BOLEDATA H - OCF source file BOLEDEFS H - OCF source file BOLEDOC CPP - OCF source file BOLEDOC H - OCF source file BOLEFACT CPP - OCF source file BOLEFACT H - OCF source file BOLEFONT CPP - OCF source file BOLEFONT H - OCF source file BOLEGUID CPP - OCF source file BOLEHELP CPP - OCF source file BOLEINTF H - OCF source file BOLEIPS CPP - OCF source file BOLEIPS H - OCF source file BOLEPART CPP - OCF source file BOLEPART H - OCF source file BOLEPICT CPP - BOLEPICT H - BOLESITE CPP - OCF source file BOLESITE H - OCF source file BOLESVC CPP - OCF source file BOLESVC H - OCF source file BOLEVER CPP - Bolero source file BOLEVER H - OCF source file HASHTBL CPP - OCF source file HASHTBL H - OCF source file MAKE INC - OCF source file MAKEFILE - OCF source file MORPH BAT - OCF source file MOVEWIN CPP - Ocf header file MOVEWIN H - Ocf header file OLEDEBUG CPP - OCF source file OLEDEBUG H - OCF source file OLEDLL CPP - OCF source file OLENEW CPP - OCF source file PORTDEFS H - OCF source file UTILS CPP - OCF source file UTILS H - OCF header file BOLBIN PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: BOCOLE DLL - Bolero DLL file BOLEUI PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: BOLEUI LIB - OCF source file BOLEUI RES - OCF source file COMMON H - OCF source file OLE2UI H - OCF source file OLESTD H - OCF source file BOLEUI32 PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: ANSIAPI H - OCF source file BOLESTD H - BOLEUI32 LIB - OCF source file BOLEUI32 RES - OCF source file COMMON H - OCF source file OLE2UI H - OCF source file BOLINC PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: BOLEINTF H - Bolero header file BORERR PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: OLE_ERR DLL - OLE error messages OLE_ERRF DLL - Ole error messages BTNMFC PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: BTNCTL BMP - BTNCTL CPP - BTNCTL H - BTNPPG CPP - BTNPPG H - BUTTON CPP - BUTTON DEF - BUTTON H - BUTTON ICO - BUTTON IDE - BUTTON ODL - BUTTON RC - BUTTON RC2 - BUTTON TLB - MAKEFILE - RESOURCE H - STDAFX CPP - STDAFX H - BUTTON PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: BUTTON IDE - OWL example file BUTTONX CPP - OWL example file MAKEFILE - OWL example file README TXT - BWCC16 PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: BWCC DLL - 16 bit custom controls dynamic link library BWCC0007 DLL - German 16 bit BWCC dll BWCC0009 DLL - English 16 bit BWCC dll BWCC000C DLL - French 16 bit BWCC dll BWCC32 PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: BW320007 DLL - German 32 bit BWCC dll BW320009 DLL - English 32 bit BWCC dll BW32000C DLL - French 32 bit BWCC dll BWCC32 DLL - 32 bit custom controls dynamic link library C16DYDLL PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: BDS52 DLL - C16DYLIB PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: BIDSI LIB - C++ template classes' library file C16STAT PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: BIDSC LIB - Classlib 16 bit static library BIDSH LIB - Classlib 16 bit static library BIDSL LIB - Classlib 16 bit static library BIDSM LIB - Classlib 16 bit static library BIDSS LIB - Classlib 16 bit static library C32DYDLL PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: BDS52F DLL - BDS52T DLL - C32DYLIB PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: BIDSFI LIB - 32 bit class library file BIDSTI LIB - 32 bit class library file C32STAT PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: BIDSF LIB - 32 bit class library file BIDST LIB - 32 bit class library file CALC PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: CALC CPP - OWL example file CALC ICO - OWL example file CALC IDE - OWL example file CALC RC - OWL example file MAKEFILE - OWL example file README TXT - CALCDR PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: CALCDRIV CLW - CALCDRIV CPP - CALCDRIV H - CALCDRIV IDE - CALCDRIV RC - CALCTYPE CPP - CALCTYPE H - CDRVMAC R - MAKEFILE - RESOURCE H - STDAFX CPP - STDAFX H - CALCDRJ PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: CALCDRIV RC - CALCDRJR PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: CALCDRIV RC2 - CALCDRR PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: CALCDRIV ICO - CALCDRIV RC2 - CATALG PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: CATALDOC CPP - CATALDOC H - CATALOG CPP - CATALOG H - CATALOG IDE - CATALOG RC - CATALVW CPP - CATALVW H - CATAMAC R - COLUMNST CPP - COLUMNST H - MAINFRM CPP - MAINFRM H - MAKEFILE - RESOURCE H - STDAFX CPP - STDAFX H - TABLESET CPP - TABLESET H - CATALG2 PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: CAT2DOC CPP - CAT2DOC H - CAT2VIEW CPP - CAT2VIEW H - CATALOG2 CPP - CATALOG2 H - CATALOG2 IDE - CATALOG2 RC - CATSETS CPP - CATSETS H - COLPAGE CPP - COLPAGE H - MAINFRM CPP - MAINFRM H - MAKEFILE - README TXT - RESOURCE H - RESOURCE HM - SETTINGS CPP - SETTINGS H - STDAFX CPP - STDAFX H - TABPAGE CPP - TABPAGE H - CATALG2R PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: CAT2DOC ICO - CATALOG2 ICO - CATALOG2 RC2 - TOOLBAR BMP - TOOLBAR1 BMP - CATALGJ PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: CATALOG RC - CATALGJR PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: CATALOG RC2 - CATALGR PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: CATALOG ICO - CATALOG RC2 - TOOLBAR BMP - CHATSRV PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: CHATSRVR CPP - CHATSRVR H - CHATSRVR IDE - CHATSRVR RC - CLNTSOCK CPP - CLNTSOCK H - DIALOGS CPP - DIALOGS H - LSTNSOCK CPP - LSTNSOCK H - MAINFRM CPP - MAINFRM H - MAKEFILE - MSG CPP - MSG H - RESOURCE H - SRVRDOC CPP - SRVRDOC H - SRVRVW CPP - SRVRVW H - STDAFX CPP - STDAFX H - CHATSRVR PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: CHATSRVR ICO - CHATSRVR RC2 - TOOLBAR BMP - CHATTER PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: CHATDOC CPP - CHATDOC H - CHATSOCK CPP - CHATSOCK H - CHATTER CPP - CHATTER H - CHATTER IDE - CHATTER RC - CHATVW CPP - CHATVW H - MAINFRM CPP - MAINFRM H - MAKEFILE - MSG CPP - MSG H - RESOURCE H - SENDVW CPP - SENDVW H - SETUPDLG CPP - SETUPDLG H - STDAFX CPP - STDAFX H - CHATTERR PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: CHATTER ICO - CHATTER RC2 - TOOLBAR BMP - CHECKLST PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: CHECKLST IDE - Owl example file CHECKLST RC - CHECKLSX CPP - MAKEFILE - CHELP PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: CHELP C - Windows example file CHELP DEF - Windows example file CHELP HPJ - Windows example file CHELP IDE - Windows example file CHELP RC - Windows example file CHELP RTF - Windows example file CHELPM H - Windows example file CHELPR H - Windows example file MAKEFILE - Borland source file README TXT - Windows Example file CHESS PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: BBISHOP BMP - BKBRUSH BMP - BKING BMP - BKNGT BMP - BMASK BMP - BOARD CPP - BPAWN BMP - BQUEEN BMP - BROOK BMP - CHESS ICO - CHESS IDE - COLORS CPP - COLORS H - DISPLAY CPP - DRAG CPP - EDIT CPP - EDIT H - EVALU CPP - EXTERNS H - INFO CPP - INFO H - KMASK BMP - KTMASK BMP - MAKEFILE - MOVGEN CPP - OPENING MVS - PMASK BMP - PVALUE CPP - PVALUE H - QMASK BMP - RMASK BMP - SAVEREST CPP - SEARCH CPP - SMALL CPP - TALK CPP - TIMELIB CPP - WBISHOP BMP - WCDEFS H - WCHESS CPP - WCHESS DEF - WCHESS H - WCHESS RC - WKING BMP - WKNGT BMP - WPAWN BMP - WQUEEN BMP - WROOK BMP - CHKBOOK PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: BOOKVW CPP - BOOKVW H - CHECKDOC CPP - CHECKDOC H - CHECKVW CPP - CHECKVW H - CHKBKFRM CPP - CHKBKFRM H - CHKBMAC R - CHKBOOK CPP - CHKBOOK H - CHKBOOK IDE - CHKBOOK RC - CHKBOOK REG - DOLLCENT CPP - DOLLCENT H - FXRECDOC CPP - FXRECDOC H - MAINFRM CPP - MAINFRM H - MAKEFILE - README TXT - RESOURCE H - ROWVIEW CPP - ROWVIEW H - STDAFX CPP - STDAFX H - CHKBOOKR PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: CHECKVW ICO - CHKBOOK ICO - DOC ICO - TOOLBAR BMP - CIRC1 PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: CIRC1 CPP - CIRC1 DEF - CIRC1 H - CIRC1 ICO - CIRC1 IDE - CIRC1 ODL - CIRC1 RC - CIRC1 RC2 - CIRC1 TLB - CIRC1CTL BMP - CIRC1CTL CPP - CIRC1CTL H - CIRC1PPG CPP - CIRC1PPG H - MAKEFILE - README TXT - RESOURCE H - STDAFX CPP - STDAFX H - CIRC2 PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: CIRC2 CPP - CIRC2 DEF - CIRC2 H - CIRC2 ICO - CIRC2 IDE - CIRC2 ODL - CIRC2 RC - CIRC2 RC2 - CIRC2 TLB - CIRC2CTL BMP - CIRC2CTL CPP - CIRC2CTL H - CIRC2PPG CPP - CIRC2PPG H - MAKEFILE - README TXT - RESOURCE H - STDAFX CPP - STDAFX H - CIRC3 PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: CIRC3 CPP - CIRC3 DEF - CIRC3 H - CIRC3 ICO - CIRC3 IDE - CIRC3 ODL - CIRC3 RC - CIRC3 RC2 - CIRC3 TLB - CIRC3CTL BMP - CIRC3CTL CPP - CIRC3CTL H - CIRC3PPG CPP - CIRC3PPG H - MAKEFILE - README TXT - RESOURCE H - STDAFX CPP - STDAFX H - CLASEXAM PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: BUILDALL BAT - builds all classlib examples CLASSHLP PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: CLASSLIB CNT - Classlib help file CLASSLIB HLP - Classlib help file CLSLIBPG TOC - Borland Help file CLSLIBRG TOC - Borland Help file CLASSINC PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: ALLOCTR H - Classlib header file ARRAYS H - Classlib header file ASSOC H - Classlib header file BAGS H - Classlib header file BINIMP H - Classlib header file CMDLINE H - Classlib header file DATE H - Classlib header file DEFS H - Classlib header file DEQUES H - Classlib header file DICT H - Classlib header file DLISTIMP H - Classlib header file FILE H - Classlib header file FILENAME H - Classlib header file FIXEDPNT H - Classlib header file HASHIMP H - Classlib header file HEAPSEL H - Classlib header file LISTIMP H - Classlib header file MEMMGR H - Classlib header file OBJSTRM H - Classlib header file PCH H - Classlib header file POINTER H - Classlib header file QUEUES H - Classlib header file RESOURCE H - Classlib header file SETS H - Classlib header file SHDDEL H - Classlib header file STACKS H - Classlib header file STDTEMPL H - Classlib header file STREAMBL H - Classlib header file THREAD H - Classlib header file TIME H - Classlib header file TIMER H - Classlib header file VECTIMP H - Classlib header file VERSION H - Classlib header file VOIDP H - Classlib header file CLASSSRC PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: BINIMP CPP - Classlib Source File BUILD BAT - CASTABLE CPP - Classlib Source File CLASMAIN CPP - Classlib Source File CMDLINE CPP - Classlib source file COLOR CPP - Classlib source file DATE CPP - Classlib Source File DATEIO CPP - Classlib Source File DATEP CPP - Classlib Source File DIAGINIT CPP - Classlib source file EXBASE CPP - Classlib Source File FILE CPP - Classlib Source File FILENAME CPP - Classlib source file GEOMETRP CPP - Classlib source file GEOMETRS CPP - Classlib source file GEOMETRY CPP - Classlib Source File HEAPSEL CPP - Classlib Source File LOCALE CPP - Classlib source file LOCALECO CPP - Classlib source file LOCALEID CPP - Classlib source file MAKEFILE - Classlib Source File MEMORY CPP - Classlib source file MSGTHRED CPP - Classlib Source file OBJSTRM CPP - Classlib Source File PROFILE CPP - OWL source file REGHEAP CPP - Classlib source file REGISTRY CPP - Classlib source file REGLINK CPP - Classlib Source file SYSTEM CPP - OWL Source file THREAD CPP - Classlib Source File TIME CPP - Classlib Source File TIMEIO CPP - Classlib Source File TIMEP CPP - Classlib Source File TIMER CPP - Classlib Source File UIMETRIC CPP - Classlib source file USTRING CPP - Classlib Source file VERSION CPP - Classlib Source File VERSION RC - Classlib Source File WSYSCLS CPP - Classlib source file WSYSCLSP CPP - Classlib source file WSYSCLSS CPP - Classlib source file CLEANINI PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: CLEANINI EXE - Uninstaller aid program CLIB PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: C0C OBJ - Compact model runtime library file C0FC OBJ - Compact model runtime library file CC LIB - Compact model runtime library file MATHC LIB - Compact model runtime library file NOEHC LIB - Compact model runtime library file CLIPART PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: COMMDLG RC - COMMON RC - COMMON RES - INDICATE RC - PROMPTS RC - RESOURCE H - CLIPARTJ PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: COMMDLG RC - CLIPTEXT PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: ABOUT C - series example file CLIPTEXT C - CLIPTEXT ICO - CLIPTEXT IDE - CLIPTEXT RC - DISPATCH C - series example file GLOBALS H - Series example file INIT C - Series example file MAKEFILE - MISC C - Series example file README TXT - RESOURCE H - Series example file VERSION H - Series example file WIN16EXT H - Series example file WINMAIN C - Series example file CLOBSH PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: ABSTARRY H - Classlib Obsolete header file ARRAY H - Classlib Obsolete header file ASSOC H - Classlib Obsolete header file BAG H - Classlib Obsolete header file BTREE H - Classlib Obsolete header file CLSDEFS H - Classlib Obsolete header file CLSTYPES H - Classlib Obsolete header file COLLECT H - Classlib Obsolete header file CONTAIN H - Classlib Obsolete header file DBLLIST H - Classlib Obsolete header file DEQUE H - Classlib Obsolete header file DICT H - Classlib Obsolete header file HASHTBL H - Classlib Obsolete header file LDATE H - Classlib Obsolete header file LIST H - Classlib Obsolete header file LTIME H - Classlib Obsolete header file OBJECT H - Classlib Obsolete header file PRIORTYQ H - Classlib Obsolete header file QUEUE H - Classlib Obsolete header file SET H - Classlib Obsolete header file SORTABLE H - Classlib Obsolete header file SORTARRY H - Classlib Obsolete header file STACK H - Classlib Obsolete header file STRNG H - Classlib Obsolete header file CLOBSS PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: ABSTARRY CPO - Classlib Obsolete source file ARRAY CPO - Classlib Obsolete source file ASSOC CPO - Classlib Obsolete source file BABSTARY CPO - Classlib Obsolete source file BDICT CPO - Classlib Obsolete source file BSORTARY CPO - Classlib Obsolete source file BTREE CPO - Classlib Obsolete source file BTREEINN CPO - Classlib Obsolete source file BTREELFN CPO - Classlib Obsolete source file COLLECT CPO - Classlib Obsolete source file CONTAIN CPO - Classlib Obsolete source file DBLLIST CPO - Classlib Obsolete source file DEQUE CPO - Classlib Obsolete source file DICT CPO - Classlib Obsolete source file HASHTBL CPO - Classlib Obsolete source file LDATE CPO - Classlib Obsolete source file LIST CPO - Classlib Obsolete source file LTIME CPO - Classlib Obsolete source file OBJECT CPO - Classlib Obsolete source file SORTARRY CPO - Classlib Obsolete source file STACK CPO - Classlib Obsolete source file STRNG CPO - Classlib Obsolete source file CMD16 PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: BCC EXE - 16 bit compiler CPP EXE - 16 bit preprocessor CMD32 PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: B32TOOLS PIF - 32 bit dos box tools BCC32 EXE - 32 bit compiler CPP32 EXE - 32 bit preprocessor TDSTRP32 EXE - Debug information stripper TLINK32 EXE - 32 bit linker CMDENABL PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: CMDENAB1 CPP - OWL example file CMDENAB2 CPP - OWL example file CMDENAB3 CPP - OWL example file CMDENAB4 CPP - OWL example file CMDENABL H - OWL example file CMDENABL IDE - OWL example file CMDENABL RC - OWL example file MAKEFILE - OWL example file README TXT - CMDLG PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: CMDLG C - Windows example file CMDLG H - Windows example file CMDLG IDE - Windows example file CMDLG RC - Windows example file CMDLGR H - Windows example file MAKEFILE - Windows example file README TXT - Windows Example file CMDLINE PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: BUILTINS MAK - Default rules\macros for make.exe MAKE EXE - Make program MAKER EXE - Make program OBJXREF EXE - Object file cross-reference utility TDMEM EXE - Memory mapping/usage display utility TDSTRIP EXE - Debug information stripper TDUMP EXE - 16 bit tdump TOUCH EXE - File date-and-time-stamp update utility TRIGRAPH EXE - Trigraph conversion utility CMNCTRL PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: ANIMCTRL CPP - ANIMCTRL H - CMNCMAC R - CMNCTRLS IDE - CMNCTRLS RC - CTRLDEMO CPP - CTRLDEMO H - CTRLDVW H - DILLO AVI - FILECOPY AVI - LISTCPG CPP - LISTCPG H - MAKEFILE - MLISTCTL CPP - MLISTCTL H - MTREECTL CPP - MTREECTL H - NOTIFWDW CPP - NOTIFWDW H - PROGCTRL CPP - PROGCTRL H - PROPSHT CPP - PROPSHT H - RESOURCE H - SEARCH AVI - SLIDCTRL CPP - SLIDCTRL H - SPINCTRL CPP - SPINCTRL H - STDAFX CPP - STDAFX H - TOOLBAR1 CPP - TOOLBAR1 H - TOOLBAR2 CPP - TOOLBAR2 H - TOOLPAGE CPP - TOOLPAGE H - TREECPG CPP - TREECPG H - CMNCTRLR PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: BITMAP1 BMP - BITMAP2 BMP - BMP00001 BMP - BMP00002 BMP - BMP00003 BMP - BMTREEBI BMP - BMTREEDO BMP - BMTREEFI BMP - BMTREENO BMP - CPALETTE BMP - CTRLDEMO ICO - CTRLDEMO RC2 - ICO00001 ICO - ICON1 ICO - ICON2 ICO - ICON3 ICO - ICON4 ICO - ICONTREE ICO - STANDARD BMP - TOOLBAR BMP - CODE PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: TESTDLL H - CODESIGN PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: CABARC EXE - DIGSIG DLL - SIGNCODE EXE - COLECTJ PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: COLLECT RC - COLECTJR PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: COLLECT RC2 - COLLECT PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: COLLECT CPP - COLLECT H - COLLECT IDE - COLLECT RC - COLLEDOC CPP - COLLEDOC H - COLLEVW CPP - COLLEVW H - COLLMAC R - DWARRYVW CPP - DWARRYVW H - INTLSTVW CPP - INTLSTVW H - MAINFRM CPP - MAINFRM H - MAKEFILE - MAPDWVW CPP - MAPDWVW H - MAPSSVW CPP - MAPSSVW H - PTARRYVW CPP - PTARRYVW H - RESOURCE H - STDAFX CPP - STDAFX H - STRLSTVW CPP - STRLSTVW H - TYPARYVW CPP - TYPARYVW H - TYPLSTVW CPP - TYPLSTVW H - TYPTRMAP CPP - TYPTRMAP H - COLLECTR PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: COLLECT ICO - COLLECT RC2 - TOOLBAR BMP - COLMNHDR PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: COLMNHDR H - OWL example file COLMNHDR IDE - OWL example file COLMNHDR RC - OWL example file COLMNHDX CPP - OWL example file MAKEFILE - OWL example file README TXT - OWL example file COLORDLG PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: CCTLTEST CPP - OWL example file CCTLTEST H - OWL example file CCTLTEST RC - OWL example file CDLGDLL DEF - OWL example file COLORDLG CPP - OWL example file COLORDLG H - OWL example file COLORDLG IDE - OWL example file COLORDLG RC - OWL example file COLORDLG RH - OWL example file MAKEFILE - OWL example file README TXT - USECDLL2 CPP - OWL example file USECDLL2 H - OWL example file COMBOBOX PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: COMBOBOX IDE - OWL example file COMBOBOX RC - OWL example file COMBOBOX RH - OWL example file COMBOBXX CPP - OWL example file MAKEFILE - OWL example file README TXT - COMDLG32 PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: COMDLG32 C - Windows95 example file COMDLG32 H - Windows95 example file COMDLG32 ICO - Windows95 example file COMDLG32 IDE - Windows95 example file COMDLG32 RC - Windows95 example file MAKEFILE - Windows95 example file README TXT - Windows95 example file RESOURCE H - Windows95 example file COMMDLG PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: COMMDLG IDE - OWL example file COMMDLGX CPP - OWL example file COMMDLGX RC - OWL example file COMMDLGX RH - OWL example file MAKEFILE - OWL example file README TXT - COMMONDG PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: ABOUT C - series example file COMMONDG C - COMMONDG ICO - COMMONDG IDE - COMMONDG RC - DISPATCH C - series example file FILEDLG C - FINDDLG C - GLOBALS H - Series example file INIT C - Series example file MAKEFILE - MISC C - Series example file OPTDLG C - PRINTDLG C - README TXT - RESOURCE H - Series example file VERSION H - Series example file WIN16EXT H - Series example file WINMAIN C - Series example file COMSRVR PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: COMINTF H - COMSRVR CPP - COMSRVR IDE - MAKEFILE - README TXT - USECOM CPP - USECOM RC - USECOM RH - CONAGENT PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: CONAGENT PIF - CONTAS1 PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: CHILDFRM CPP - CHILDFRM H - CNTRITEM CPP - CNTRITEM H - CONTAIN CLW - CONTAIN CPP - CONTAIN H - CONTAIN IDE - CONTAIN RC - CONTAIN REG - CONTRDOC CPP - CONTRDOC H - CONTRVW CPP - CONTRVW H - MAINFRM CPP - MAINFRM H - MAKEFILE - README TXT - RESOURCE H - STDAFX CPP - STDAFX H - CONTAS1R PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: CONTAIN ICO - CONTAIN RC2 - CONTRDOC ICO - TOOLBAR BMP - CONTAS2 PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: CHILDFRM CPP - CHILDFRM H - CNTRITEM CPP - CNTRITEM H - CONTAIN CLW - CONTAIN CPP - CONTAIN H - CONTAIN IDE - CONTAIN RC - CONTAIN REG - CONTRDOC CPP - CONTRDOC H - CONTRVW CPP - CONTRVW H - MAINFRM CPP - MAINFRM H - MAKEFILE - README TXT - RESOURCE H - STDAFX CPP - STDAFX H - CONTAS2R PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: CONTAIN ICO - CONTAIN RC2 - CONTRDOC ICO - TOOLBAR BMP - CRIBBAGE PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: BOARD BMP - BOARD CPP - BOARD H - CARDDISP CPP - CARDDISP H - CARDS CPP - CARDS H - CRIBBAGE CPP - CRIBBAGE DEF - CRIBBAGE H - CRIBBAGE IDE - CRIBBAGE RC - CRIBBAGE RH - CUTCARDS BMP - DECK BMP - DIALOGS CPP - Owl example file DIALOGS H - Owl example file EMPTY BMP - MAKEFILE - MHCD2001 H - README TXT - CTL3295 PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: CTL3D32 DLL - MS redistributable file CTL32NT PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: CTL3D32 DLL - MS resitributable file CTRLBA PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: CTLBMAC R - CTRLBARS CPP - CTRLBARS H - CTRLBARS IDE - CTRLBARS RC - MAINFRM CPP - MAINFRM H - MAKEFILE - PALETTE CPP - PALETTE H - RESOURCE H - STDAFX CPP - STDAFX H - CTRLBAJ PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: CTRLBARS RC - CTRLBAR PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: CTRLBARS ICO - PALETTE BMP - STYLES BMP - TOOLBAR BMP - CTRLTS PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: BBUTTON CPP - CTRLMAC R - CTRLTEST CPP - CTRLTEST H - CTRLTEST IDE - CTRLTEST RC - CUSTLIST CPP - CUSTMENU CPP - DERTEST CPP - MAKEFILE - PAREDIT CPP - PAREDIT H - PAREDIT2 CPP - RESOURCE H - SPINTEST CPP - STDAFX CPP - STDAFX H - SUBTEST CPP - WCLSTEST CPP - CTRLTSJ PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: CTRLTEST RC - CTRLTSJR PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: CTRLTEST RC2 - CTRLTEST RC3 - CTRLTSR PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: CANCELD BMP - CANCELF BMP - CANCELU BMP - CTRLTEST ICO - CTRLTEST RC2 - CTRLTEST RC3 - IMAGE1D BMP - IMAGE1F BMP - IMAGE1U BMP - IMAGE2D BMP - IMAGE2F BMP - IMAGE2U BMP - NEXTD BMP - NEXTF BMP - NEXTU BMP - NEXTX BMP - OKD BMP - OKF BMP - OKU BMP - OTHERIDS H - PREVD BMP - PREVF BMP - PREVU BMP - PREVX BMP - CTXTHELP PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: CTXTHELP CPP - Owl example file CTXTHELP IDE - Owl example file CTXTHELP RC - Owl example file CTXTHELP RH - Owl example file HELPIDS HH - Owl example file MAKEFILE - Owl example file README TXT - Owl example file TESTHELP HPJ - Owl example file TESTHELP RTF - Owl example file CUBE PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: CUBE CPP - CUBE H - CUBE IDE - CUBE RC - CUBEDOC CPP - CUBEDOC H - CUBEVIEW CPP - CUBEVIEW H - MAINFRM CPP - MAINFRM H - MAKEFILE - RESOURCE H - STDAFX CPP - STDAFX H - CUBER PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: CUBE ICO - CUBE RC2 - TOOLBAR BMP - CURSOR PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: CURSOR CPP - OWL example file CURSOR H - OWL example file CURSOR ICO - OWL example file CURSOR IDE - OWL example file CURSOR RC - OWL example file MAKEFILE - OWL example file README TXT - DATA PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: SITES DB - SITES DOF - SITES DPR - SITES FAM - SITES MB - SITES PX - SITES RES - SITES TV - DATES PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: DATES IDE - Classlib example file DATEX CPP - Classlib example file MAKEFILE - Classlib example file DB PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: DB CPP - DB DEF - DB H - DB ICO - DB IDE - DB ODL - DB RC - DB RC2 - DB TLB - DBCTL BMP - DBCTL CPP - DBCTL H - DBPPG CPP - DBPPG H - MAKEFILE - README TXT - RESOURCE H - STDAFX CPP - STDAFX H - DBUGDEMO PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: DBUGDEMO BUG - Windows example file DBUGDEMO H - Windows example file DBUGDEMO ICO - Windows example file DBUGDEMO IDE - Windows example file DBUGDEMO RC - Windows example file README TXT - Windows example file S_PAINT C - Windows example file S_PAINT EXE - Windows example file DCKTOOL PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: DOCKDOC CPP - DOCKDOC H - DOCKMAC R - DOCKTOOL BAK - DOCKTOOL CPP - DOCKTOOL H - DOCKTOOL IDE - DOCKTOOL RC - DOCKVW CPP - DOCKVW H - EDITBAR CPP - EDITBAR H - MAINFRM CPP - MAINFRM H - MAKEFILE - PALETTE CPP - PALETTE H - README TXT - RESOURCE H - SEARCHBX CPP - SEARCHBX H - STDAFX CPP - STDAFX H - TOOLDLG CPP - TOOLDLG H - DCKTOOLR PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: CBROWSE BMP - CDEBUG BMP - CEDIT BMP - CMAIN BMP - CPALETTE BMP - CRESRC BMP - DOCKTOOL ICO - DOCKTOOL RC2 - MBROWSE BMP - MDEBUG BMP - MEDIT BMP - MMAIN BMP - MPALETTE BMP - MRESRC BMP - DECOMP16 EX_ (Disk1) - Borland install support file DEF_FILE PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: DEFAULT DEF - default def file for examples DELIVER PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: DELIVER CPP - IDE example file DELIVER IDE - IDE example file DELIVER TXT - IDE example file DELPHI PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: BC5_D2 DOC - D2_CPP DOC - D2_OVER DOC - D2_REV DOC - D2_SKUS DOC - D2_TOP10 DOC - D2_WIN95 DOC - README TXT - DEQUES PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: DEQLIST CPP - Classlib example file DEQUE CPP - Classlib example file DEQUES IDE - Classlib example file IDEQLIST CPP - Classlib example file IDEQUE CPP - Classlib example file MAKEFILE - Classlib example file DIAGXPRT PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: CBACK CPP - OWL example file DIAGXPRT CPP - OWL example file DIAGXPRT H - OWL example file DIAGXPRT IDE - OWL example file DIAGXPRT RC - OWL example file DIAGXPRT RH - OWL example file MAKEFILE - OWL example file README TXT - SERIALZE CPP - Owl example file SERIALZE H - Owl example file SETUP CPP - OWL example file SETUP H - OWL example file TOOLHELP CPP - OWL example file DIALOG PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: ABOUT C - series example file DIALOG C - DIALOG ICO - DIALOG IDE - DIALOG RC - DISPATCH C - series example file GLOBALS H - Series example file INIT C - Series example file MAKEFILE - MISC C - Series example file MODAL C - MODAL H - MODELESS C - MODELESS H - README TXT - RESOURCE H - Series example file VERSION H - Series example file WIN16EXT H - Series example file WINMAIN C - Series example file DIBITMAP PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: BALL BMP - DIBITMAP IDE - DIBITMAP RC - DIBITMAP RH - DIBITMAX CPP - MAKEFILE - README TXT - DIBLK PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: DIBAPI CPP - DIBAPI H - DIBDOC CPP - DIBDOC H - DIBLMAC R - DIBLOOK CPP - DIBLOOK H - DIBLOOK IDE - DIBLOOK RC - DIBLOOK RCM - DIBVIEW CPP - DIBVIEW H - MAINFRM CPP - MAINFRM H - MAKEFILE - MYFILE CPP - RESOURCE H - STDAFX CPP - STDAFX H - DIBLKJ PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: DIBLOOK RC - DIBLKR PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: DIBDOC ICO - DIBLOOK ICO - TOOLBAR BMP - DLGTMPL PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: DLGTEMP CPP - DLGTEMP H - DLGTEMP RC - DLGTEMPL IDE - DLGTMAC R - ITEMTEMP CPP - ITEMTEMP H - README TXT - RESOURCE H - SETUPDLG CPP - SETUPDLG H - STDAFX CPP - STDAFX H - DLGTMPLR PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: DLGTEMP ICO - DLGTEMP RC2 - DLLCTL3D PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: CTL3DV2 DLL - MS resitributable file DLLDEMO PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: BITMAP CPP - Windows example file BITMAP H - Windows example file BITMAP RC - Windows example file DLLDEMO CPP - Windows example file DLLDEMO ICO - Windows example file DLLDEMO IDE - Windows example file DLLDEMO RC - Windows example file DLLDEMO1 BMP - Windows example file DLLDEMO2 BMP - Windows example file DLLSHELL CPP - Windows example file MAKEFILE - Windows example file README TXT - Windows Example file DLLHELLO PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: CALLDLL CPP - OWL example file CALLDLL H - OWL example file CALLDLL RC - OWL example file DLLHELLO CPP - OWL example file DLLHELLO DEF - OWL example file DLLHELLO H - OWL example file DLLHELLO IDE - OWL example file MAKEFILE - OWL example file README TXT - RESOURCE CPP - OWL example file RESOURCE DEF - OWL example file RESOURCE RC - OWL example file DLLHUSK PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: DLLHMAC R - DLLHUSK CPP - DLLHUSK H - DLLHUSK IDE - DLLHUSK RC - MAINFRM CPP - MAINFRM H - MAKEFILE - RESOURCE H - STDAFX CPP - STDAFX H - TESTDLL R - TESTDLL1 CPP - TESTDLL1 DEF - TESTDLL1 H - TESTDLL1 RC - TESTDLL2 CPP - TESTDLL2 DEF - TESTDLL2 H - TESTDLL2 RC - TESTRES1 H - TESTRES2 H - DLLHUSKJ PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: DLLHUSK RC - TESTDLL1 RC - TESTDLL2 RC - DLLHUSKR PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: DLLHUSK ICO - HELLO ICO - LISTOUT ICO - TEXTTYPE ICO - TOOLBAR BMP - VBCIRCLE ICO - DLLMIX PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: BCDLL CPP - BCDLL DEF - BCDLL DLL - BCDLL H - BCTOBC EXE - CTOBC CPP - CTOBC RC - CTOBC RH - DELPHI2C DPR - DELPHI2C EXE - HANDSHAK BMP - HANDSHAK ICO - MAIN DFM - MAIN PAS - MAKEBC MAK - MAKEDLL MAK - MAKEVC MAK - README TXT - VB40032 DLL - VBTOC EXE - VBTOC FRM - VBTOC MAK - VCTOBC EXE - DLLSKEL PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: ABOUT C - Series example file APPSKEL C - Series example file APPSKEL ICO - Series example file APPSKEL RC - Series example file DISPATCH C - Series example file DLLGLOB H - Series example file DLLMAIN C - Series example file DLLSKEL H - Series example file DLLSKEL IDE - Series example file DLLSKEL RC - Series example file EXPORTS C - Series example file GLOBALS H - Series example file INIT C - Series example file MAKEFILE - Series example file MISC C - Series example file README TXT - Series example file WINMAIN C - Series example file DLLTRAC PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: DLLTMAC R - DLLTRACE CPP - DLLTRACE IDE - DLLTRACE RC - HELLO ICO - MAKEFILE - RESOURCE H - TRACE CPP - TRACE DEF - TRACE RC - TRACEAPI H - TRACEMAC R - TRACERES H - DLLTRACJ PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: DLLTRACE RC - TRACE RC - DOC PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: ADDON TXT - IDE addon file BIVBX WRI - VBX support doc file CONFIG TXT - INTLDEMO TXT - Outline of international support OLE_ERRS TXT - OLE error descriptions OWL5 TXT - Owl documentation OWLDOC WRI - Object Windows Library doc file OWLSTYLE DOC - Owl documentation file OWLVCL DOC - PE TXT - MS Redistributable File REDIST TXT - Information on redistributable files RESFMT TXT - MS Redistributable File TDUMP TXT - Turbo Dump readme file DOCKING PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: DOCKING H - Owl example file DOCKING IDE - OWL example file DOCKING RC - Owl example file DOCKING RH - Owl example file DOCKINGX CPP - Owl example file MAKEFILE - Owl example file README TXT - DOCVIEW PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: DOCVIEW IDE - OWL example file DOCVIEWX CPP - OWL example file DOCVIEWX RC - OWL example file DUMPVIEW CPP - OWL example file DUMPVIEW H - OWL Example file DUMPVIEW RC - OWL example file DVLOADER CPP - OWL example file DVLOADER RC - OWL example file EDITLIST CPP - OWL example file EDITLIST RC - OWL example file INFOVIEW CPP - OWL example file INFOVIEW RC - OWL example file LINEDOC CPP - OWL example file LINEDOC RC - OWL example file MAKEFILE - OWL example file ODLISTBX CPP - OWL example file ODLISTBX H - OWL example file ODLISTVW CPP - OWL example file ODLISTVW RC - OWL example file README TXT - XCPTVIEW CPP - OWL example file XCPTVIEW RC - OWL example file DPMI16 PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: DPMI16BI OVL - Borland C++ DPMI server RTM EXE - Borland DPMI run time manager DPMI32 PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: 32RTM EXE - Borland DPMI rut time manager DPMI32VM OVL - Borland C++ 32 bit DPMI server MAKESWAP EXE - Swapfile creator for 32bit DPMI tools WINDPMI 386 - DPMI extender for enhanced mode Windows DRAGDROP PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: DRAGDROP CPP - OWL example file DRAGDROP IDE - OWL example file DRAGDROP RC - OWL example file MAKEFILE - OWL example file README TXT - DRAGDRP PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: DRAGDROP C - Windows example file DRAGDROP ICO - Windows example file DRAGDROP IDE - Windows example file DRAGDROP RC - Windows example file MAKEFILE - Windows example file README TXT - Windows Example file DRAGLIST PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: DRAGLIST IDE - Owl example file DRAGLIST RC - DRAGLISX CPP - MAKEFILE - README TXT - DRAW PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: DRAW CPP - OWL example file DRAW IDE - OWL example file DRAW RC - OWL example file DRAW RH - OWL example file MAKEFILE - OWL example file README TXT - DRAWCL PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: CNTRITEM CPP - CNTRITEM H - DCLIMAC R - DRAWCLI CLW - DRAWCLI CPP - DRAWCLI H - DRAWCLI IDE - DRAWCLI RC - DRAWDOC CPP - DRAWDOC H - DRAWOBJ CPP - DRAWOBJ H - DRAWTOOL CPP - DRAWTOOL H - DRAWVW CPP - DRAWVW H - MAINFRM CPP - MAINFRM H - MAKEFILE - PROPSET CPP - PROPSET H - README TXT - RECTDLG CPP - RECTDLG H - RESOURCE H - SETUP LST - SETUP RUL - SPLITFRM CPP - SPLITFRM H - STATPAGE CPP - STATPAGE H - STDAFX CPP - STDAFX H - SUMMINFO CPP - SUMMINFO H - SUMMPAGE CPP - SUMMPAGE H - DRAWCLJ PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: DRAWCLI RC - DRAWCLJR PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: DRAWCLI RC2 - DRAWCLR PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: DRAWCLI ICO - DRAWCLI RC2 - DRAWDOC ICO - PENCIL CUR - TOOLBAR BMP - DRAWEDGE PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: DRAWEDGE CPP - OWL example file DRAWEDGE IDE - OWL example file DRAWEDGE RC - OWL example file DRAWEDGE RH - OWL example file MAKEFILE - OWL example file DRAWSTAT PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: DRAWSTAT CPP - OWL example file DRAWSTAT IDE - OWL example file DRAWSTAT RC - OWL example file DRAWSTAT RH - OWL example file MAKEFILE - OWL example file DROPEXT PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: DEFCLSF C - Windows example file DROPEXT C - Windows example file DROPEXT DEF - Windows example file DROPEXT H - Windows example file DROPEXT IDE - Windows example file DROPEXT REG - Windows example file MAKEFILE - Windows example file PRIV H - Windows example file README TXT - Windows example file DYNAB PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: ADDFIELD CPP - ADDFIELD H - COLUMNST CPP - COLUMNST H - COURSSET CPP - COURSSET H - DYNABIND IDE - DYNABIND RC - DYNAMAC R - ENROLDOC CPP - ENROLDOC H - ENROLL CPP - ENROLL H - MAINFRM CPP - MAINFRM H - MAKEFILE - RESOURCE H - SECTFORM CPP - SECTFORM H - SECTSET CPP - SECTSET H - STDAFX CPP - STDAFX H - DYNABJ PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: DYNABIND RC - DYNABJR PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: ENROLL RC2 - DYNABR PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: ENROLL ICO - ENROLL RC2 - IDR_MAIN BMP - TOOLBAR BMP - DYNAMENU PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: APP CPP - Owl example file DMDECFR CPP - Owl example file DYNMNU CPP - Owl example file DYNMNU H - Owl example file DYNMNU IDE - DYNMNU RC - Owl example file DYNMNU RH - Owl example file MAKEFILE - Owl example file README TXT - DYNAMN PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: COLOROPT CPP - COLOROPT H - DMDOC CPP - DMDOC H - DMVIEW CPP - DMVIEW H - DYNAMENU CPP - DYNAMENU H - DYNAMENU IDE - DYNAMENU RC - DYNAMMAC R - MAINFRM CPP - MAINFRM H - MAKEFILE - MDICHILD CPP - MDICHILD H - RESOURCE H - STDAFX CPP - STDAFX H - DYNAMNR PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: DMDOC ICO - DYNAMENU ICO - DYNAMENU RC2 - TOOLBAR BMP - EDIT PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: EDIT IDE - OWL example file EDIT RC - OWL example file EDIT RH - OWL example file EDITX CPP - OWL example file MAKEFILE - OWL example file README TXT - EDITSDI PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: ABOUT C - Windows example file DISPATCH C - Windows example file EDITSDI C - Windows example file EDITSDI ICO - Windows example file EDITSDI IDE - Windows example file EDITSDI RC - Windows example file FILE C - Windows example file FILEDLG C - Windows example file FINDDLG C - Windows Example file GLOBALS H - Windows Example file INIT C - Windows example file MAKEFILE - Windows example file MISC C - Windows example file PRINT C - Windows example file PRINTDLG C - Windows example file README TXT - Windows example file RESOURCE H - Windows example file SEARCH C - Windows example file TURBOC CFG - Windows example file VERSION H - Windows example file WIN16EXT H - Windows example file WINMAIN C - Windows example file EDITSEAR PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: EDITSEAR IDE - OWL example file EDITSEAR RC - OWL example file EDITSEAX CPP - OWL example file MAKEFILE - OWL example file README TXT - EMU PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: EMU LIB - Floating point emulator file FP87 LIB - Floating point emulator file ENROLS1 PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: ENROLDOC CPP - ENROLDOC H - ENROLL CPP - ENROLL H - ENROLL IDE - ENROLL RC - MAINFRM CPP - MAINFRM H - MAKEFILE - README TXT - RESOURCE H - SECTFORM CPP - SECTFORM H - SECTSET CPP - SECTSET H - STDAFX CPP - STDAFX H - ENROLS1R PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: ENROLL ICO - ENROLL RC2 - TOOLBAR BMP - ENROLS2 PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: COURSSET CPP - COURSSET H - ENROLDOC CPP - ENROLDOC H - ENROLL CPP - ENROLL H - ENROLL IDE - ENROLL RC - MAINFRM CPP - MAINFRM H - MAKEFILE - README TXT - RESOURCE H - SECTFORM CPP - SECTFORM H - SECTSET CPP - SECTSET H - STDAFX CPP - STDAFX H - ENROLS2R PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: ENROLL ICO - ENROLL RC2 - TOOLBAR BMP - ENROLS3 PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: COURSSET CPP - COURSSET H - ENROLDOC CPP - ENROLDOC H - ENROLL CPP - ENROLL H - ENROLL IDE - ENROLL RC - MAINFRM CPP - MAINFRM H - MAKEFILE - README TXT - RESOURCE H - SECTFORM CPP - SECTFORM H - SECTSET CPP - SECTSET H - STDAFX CPP - STDAFX H - ENROLS3R PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: ENROLL ICO - ENROLL RC2 - TOOLBAR BMP - ENROLS4 PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: ADDFORM CPP - ADDFORM H - COURSSET CPP - COURSSET H - CRSFORM CPP - CRSFORM H - ENROLDOC CPP - ENROLDOC H - ENROLL CPP - ENROLL H - ENROLL IDE - ENROLL RC - MAINFRM CPP - MAINFRM H - MAKEFILE - README TXT - RESOURCE H - SECTFORM CPP - SECTFORM H - SECTSET CPP - SECTSET H - STDAFX CPP - STDAFX H - ENROLS4R PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: ENROLL ICO - ENROLL RC2 - TOOLBAR BMP - EXAMPLES PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: BARCHART C - Example C file GETOPT C - C example file HELLO C - C example file MAKEALL IDE - Dos example file MYFUNCS CPP - C example file MYFUNCS H - C example header file MYMAIN CPP - C++ example header file README TXT - Dos example file VCIRC CPP - C++ example program VPOINT CPP - C++ example program VPOINT H - C++ example header file EXPERT PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: BUILDALL BAT - AppExpert example file EXPERT95 PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: EXPERT C - Windows95 example file EXPERT H - Windows95 example file EXPERT ICO - Windows95 example file EXPERT IDE - Windows95 example file EXPERT RC - Windows95 example file MAKEFILE - Windows95 example file README TXT - Windows95 example file RESOURCE H - Windows95 example file EXWRKSHP PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: FOOBTN CPP - FOOBTN DEF - FOOBTN H - FOOBTN IDE - FOOBTN RC - FOOBTN RH - README TXT - FFIND PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: FFIND C - Windows example file FFIND H - Windows example file FFIND ICO - Windows example file FFIND IDE - Windows example file FFIND RC - Windows example file MAKEFILE - Windows example file README TXT - Windows Example file FILEBROW PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: FILEBROW CPP - OWL example file FILEBROW IDE - OWL example file FILEBROW RC - OWL example file FILEBROW RH - OWL example file MAKEFILE - OWL example file README TXT - OWL Examples filebrow FILESYS PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: ABOUT C - Series example file DEMO C - Series example file DEMO H - Series example file DISPATCH C - Series example file FILESYS C - Series example file FILESYS ICO - Series example file FILESYS IDE - Series example file FILESYS RC - Series example file GLOBALS H - Series example file INIT C - Series example file MAKEFILE - Series example file MISC C - Series example file README TXT - Series example file RESOURCE H - Series example file WINMAIN C - Series example file FIRE PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: FIRE CPP - FIRE H - FIRE IDE - FIRE RC - FIREDLG CPP - FIREDLG H - FIREWND CPP - FIREWND H - MAKEFILE - RESOURCE H - STDAFX CPP - STDAFX H - FIRER PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: FIRE ICO - FIRE RC2 - GADGETS PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: GADGETS CPP - OWL example file GADGETS IDE - OWL example file GADGETS RC - OWL example file GADGETS RH - OWL example file MAKEFILE - OWL example file README TXT - OWL example file GAMEROOT PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: BUILDALL BAT - GAUGE PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: GAUGE IDE - OWL example file GAUGE RC - OWL example file GAUGEX CPP - OWL example file MAKEFILE - OWL example file README TXT - GDIDEMO PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: ARTY CPP - OWL example file ARTY H - OWL example file ARTYPRIV H - OWL example file BACKGRND BMP - OWL example file BITBLT CPP - OWL example file BITBLT H - OWL example file DEMOBASE H - OWL example file FONTX CPP - OWL example file FONTX H - OWL example file GDIDEMO CPP - OWL example file GDIDEMO IDE - OWL example file GDIDEMO RC - OWL example file LINE CPP - OWL example file LINE H - OWL example file MAKEFILE - OWL example file MONOSHIP BMP - OWL example file README TXT - OWL Examples gdidemo SHIP BMP - OWL example file GDIDIB PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: ABOUT C - Gdidib example file BRUSHDLG C - GDIDIB example file BRUSHDLG H - GDIDIB example file CLIENT C - GDIDIB example file COLORDLG C - GDIDIB example file COLORDLG H - GDIDIB example file DIBUTIL C - GDIDIB example file DIBUTIL H - GDIDIB example file DISPATCH C - GDIDIB example file FILEDLG C - GDIDIB example file FILEIO C - GDIDIB example file FILENEW C - GDIDIB example file FILENEW H - GDIDIB example file GDIDIB C - GDIDIB example file GDIDIB ICO - GDIDIB example file GDIDIB IDE - GDIDIB example file GDIDIB RC - GDIDIB example file GLOBALS H - GDIDIB example file INFODLG C - GDIDIB example file INFODLG H - GDIDIB example file INIT C - GDIDIB example file INIT H - GDIDIB example file MAKEFILE - GDIDIB example file MISC C - GDIDIB example file PALCTRL C - GDIDIB example file PALCTRL H - GDIDIB example file PALETTE C - GDIDIB example file PALETTE H - GDIDIB example file PENDLG C - GDIDIB example file PENDLG H - GDIDIB example file PRINT C - GDIDIB example file README TXT - GDIDIB example file RESOURCE H - GDIDIB example file STATBAR C - GDIDIB example file STATBAR H - GDIDIB example file TOOLBAR BMP - GDIDIB example file TOOLBAR C - GDIDIB example file TOOLBAR H - GDIDIB example file WINMAIN C - GDIDIB example file GDIINPUT PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: ABOUT C - gdiinput series example BRUSHDLG C - gdiinput series example BRUSHDLG H - gdiinput series example CLIENT C - gdiinput series example DISPATCH C - gdiinput series example GDIINPUT C - gdiinput series example GDIINPUT ICO - gdiinput series example GDIINPUT IDE - gdiinput series example GDIINPUT RC - gdiinput series example GLOBALS H - gdiinput series example INIT C - gdiinput series example MAKEFILE - gdiinput series example MISC C - gdiinput series example PENDLG C - gdiinput series example PENDLG H - gdiinput series example README TXT - gdiinput series example RESOURCE H - gdiinput series example STATBAR C - gdiinput series example STATBAR H - gdiinput series example TOOLBAR BMP - gdiinput series example TOOLBAR C - gdiinput series example TOOLBAR H - gdiinput series example WINMAIN C - gdiinput series example GDIMETA PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: ABOUT C - GDIMETA example file BRUSHDLG C - GDIMETA example file BRUSHDLG H - GDIMETA example file CLIENT C - GDIMETA example file COLORDLG C - GDIMETA example file COLORDLG H - GDIMETA example file DISPATCH C - GDIMETA example file FILE C - GDIMETA example file FILEDLG C - GDIMETA example file GDIMETA C - GDIMETA example file GDIMETA ICO - GDIMETA example file GDIMETA IDE - GDIMETA example file GDIMETA RC - GDIMETA example file GLOBALS H - GDIMETA example file INFODLG C - GDIMETA example file INFODLG H - GDIMETA example file INIT C - GDIMETA example file MAKEFILE - GDIMETA example file METAFILE C - GDIMETA example file METAFILE H - GDIMETA example file MISC C - GDIMETA example file PALCTRL C - GDIMETA example file PALCTRL H - GDIMETA example file PALETTE C - GDIMETA example file PALETTE H - GDIMETA example file PENDLG C - GDIMETA example file PENDLG H - GDIMETA example file README TXT - GDIMETA example file RESOURCE H - GDIMETA example file STATBAR C - GDIMETA example file STATBAR H - GDIMETA example file TOOLBAR BMP - GDIMETA example file TOOLBAR C - GDIMETA example file TOOLBAR H - GDIMETA example file WINMAIN C - GDIMETA example file GDIOUT PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: ABOUT C - series example file DISPATCH C - series example file GDIOUT C - GDIOUT ICO - GDIOUT IDE - GDIOUT RC - GLOBALS H - Series example file INIT C - Series example file MAKEFILE - MISC C - Series example file README TXT - RESOURCE H - Series example file VERSION H - Series example file WIN16EXT H - Series example file WINMAIN C - Series example file GDIPAL PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: ABOUT C - GDIPAL example file BRUSHDLG C - GDIPAL example file BRUSHDLG H - GDIPAL example file CLIENT C - GDIPAL example file COLORDLG C - GDIPAL example file COLORDLG H - GDIPAL example file DISPATCH C - GDIPAL example file GDIPAL C - GDIPAL example file GDIPAL ICO - GDIPAL example file GDIPAL IDE - GDIPAL example file GDIPAL RC - GDIPAL example file GLOBALS H - GDIPAL example file INFODLG C - GDIPAL example file INFODLG H - GDIPAL example file INIT C - GDIPAL example file MAKEFILE - GDIPAL example file MISC C - GDIPAL example file PALCTRL C - GDIPAL example file PALCTRL H - GDIPAL example file PALETTE C - GDIPAL example file PALETTE H - GDIPAL example file PENDLG C - GDIPAL example file PENDLG H - GDIPAL example file README TXT - GDIPAL example file RESOURCE H - GDIPAL example file STATBAR C - GDIPAL example file STATBAR H - GDIPAL example file TOOLBAR BMP - GDIPAL example file TOOLBAR C - GDIPAL example file TOOLBAR H - GDIPAL example file WINMAIN C - GDIPAL example file GDIPRINT PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: ABOUT C - GDIPAL example file BRUSHDLG C - GDIPAL example file BRUSHDLG H - GDIPAL example file CLIENT C - GDIPAL example file COLORDLG C - GDIPAL example file COLORDLG H - GDIPAL example file DIBUTIL C - GDIPAL example file DIBUTIL H - GDIPAL example file DISPATCH C - GDIPAL example file FILEDLG C - GDIPAL example file FILEIO C - GDIPAL example file FILENEW C - GDIPAL example file FILENEW H - GDIPAL example file GDIPRINT C - GDIPAL example file GDIPRINT ICO - GDIPAL example file GDIPRINT IDE - GDIPAL example file GDIPRINT RC - GDIPAL example file GLOBALS H - GDIPAL example file INFODLG C - GDIPAL example file INFODLG H - GDIPAL example file INIT C - GDIPAL example file INIT H - GDIPAL example file MAKEFILE - GDIPAL example file MISC C - GDIPAL example file PALCTRL C - GDIPAL example file PALCTRL H - GDIPAL example file PALETTE C - GDIPAL example file PALETTE H - GDIPAL example file PENDLG C - GDIPAL example file PENDLG H - GDIPAL example file PRINT C - GDIPAL example file PRINT H - GDIPAL example file README TXT - GDIPAL example file RESOURCE H - GDIPAL example file STATBAR C - GDIPAL example file STATBAR H - GDIPAL example file TOOLBAR BMP - GDIPAL example file TOOLBAR C - GDIPAL example file TOOLBAR H - GDIPAL example file WINMAIN C - GDIPAL example file GEN32 PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: ABOUT C - Windows example file DISPATCH C - Windows example file GENERIC C - Windows example file GENERIC ICO - Windows example file GENERIC IDE - Windows example file GENERIC RC - Windows example file GLOBALS H - Windows example file INIT C - Windows example file MAKEFILE - Windows example file MISC C - Windows example file README TXT - Windows example file RESOURCE H - Windows example file WINMAIN C - Windows example file GENERIC PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: ABOUT C - Series example file DISPATCH C - Series example file GENERIC C - Series example file GENERIC ICO - Series example file GENERIC IDE - Series example file GENERIC RC - Series example file GLOBALS H - Series example file INIT C - Series example file MAKEFILE - Series example file MISC C - Series example file README TXT - Series example file RESOURCE H - Series example file VERSION H - Series example file WIN16EXT H - Series example file WINMAIN C - Series example file GENEXM PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: MAKEALL IDE - Project file to build all examples MAKEALL TXT - Project file to build all examples GLYPHBTN PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: GLYPHBTN H - GLYPHBTN IDE - Owl example file GLYPHBTN RC - GLYPHBTX CPP - MAKEFILE - README TXT - GROUPBOX PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: GROUPBOX IDE - OWL example file GROUPBXX CPP - OWL example file MAKEFILE - OWL example file README TXT - GUIDGEN PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: GUIDGDLG CPP - GUIDGDLG H - GUIDGEN CPP - GUIDGEN H - GUIDGEN IDE - GUIDGEN RC - MAKEFILE - RESOURCE H - STDAFX CPP - STDAFX H - GUIDGENR PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: GUIDGEN ICO - GUIDGEN RC2 - HASHTBLS PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: HASH CPP - Classlib example file HASHTBLS IDE - Classlib example file IHASH CPP - Classlib example file MAKEFILE - Classlib example file HDUMP PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: HDUMP C - Windows example file HDUMP H - Windows example file HDUMP ICO - Windows example file HDUMP IDE - Windows example file HDUMP RC - Windows example file MAKEFILE - Windows example file README TXT - Windows Example file HELLO PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: HELLOAPP CPP - OWL example file HELLOAPP IDE - OWL example file HELLOAPP RC - Owl example file MAKEFILE - OWL example file README TXT - OWL Examples hello HELLOAPP PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: HELLMAC R - HELLOAPP CPP - HELLOAPP IDE - MAKEFILE - HELOJMFC PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: HELLO RC - HELOMFC PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: HELLO CPP - HELLO H - HELLO ICO - HELLO IDE - HELLO RC - HELOMAC R - MAKEFILE - RESOURCE H - STDAFX CPP - STDAFX H - HELP PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: HELP CPP - OWL example file HELP HPJ - OWL example file HELP IDE - OWL example file HELP RC - OWL example file HELP RH - OWL example file HELP RTF - OWL example file MAKEFILE - OWL example file README TXT - HELPEX PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: BULLET BMP - Windows example file CHKBOFF BMP - Windows example file CHKBON BMP - Windows example file CODEC BMP - Windows example file CONTINUE BMP - Windows example file DONE BMP - Windows example file HELP CUR - Windows example file HELPEX C - Windows example file HELPEX DLG - Windows example file HELPEX H - Windows example file HELPEX HPJ - Windows example file HELPEX IDE - Windows example file HELPEX RC - Windows example file HELPEX RTF - Windows example file HELPICON BMP - Windows example file HELPIDS H - Windows example file KEYS RTF - Windows example file MAKEFILE - Windows example file README TXT - Windows Example file TERMS RTF - Windows example file HELPICO PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: HELP ICO - Borland Help Icon HELPME PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: HELPME WRI - Borland C++ information file HIERSV PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: HIERMAC R - HIERSVR CLW - HIERSVR CPP - HIERSVR H - HIERSVR HLP - HIERSVR IDE - HIERSVR RC - HIERSVR REG - IPFRAME CPP - IPFRAME H - MAINFRM CPP - MAINFRM H - MAKEFILE - MAKEHELP BAT - MFCCLASS HIE - MFCCLASS TXT - RESOURCE H - STDAFX CPP - STDAFX H - SVRDOC CPP - SVRDOC H - SVRITEM CPP - SVRITEM H - SVRVIEW CPP - SVRVIEW H - ZOOMDLG CPP - ZOOMDLG H - HIERSVH PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: AFXCORE RTF - AFXCRMAC RTF - AFXPRINT RTF - AFXPTMAC RTF - APPEXIT BMP - BULLET BMP - CURARW2 BMP - CURARW4 BMP - CURHELP BMP - EDITCOPY BMP - EDITCUT BMP - EDITPAST BMP - EDITUNDO BMP - FILENEW BMP - FILEOPEN BMP - FILEPRNT BMP - FILESAVE BMP - HIERMAC HPJ - HIERSVR HPJ - HLPSBAR BMP - HLPTBAR BMP - MACCMD BMP - SCMAX BMP - SCMENU BMP - SCMIN BMP - HIERSVJ PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: HIERSVR RC - HIERSVJR PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: AFXCORE RTF - AFXPRINT RTF - HIERSVR PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: HIERSVR ICO - ITOOLBAR BMP - SVRDOC ICO - TOOLBAR BMP - HLIB PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: C0FH OBJ - Huge model RTL file C0H OBJ - Huge model RTL file CH LIB - Huge model RTL file MATHH LIB - Huge model RTL file NOEHH LIB - Huge model RTL file HLPBCPP PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: BCPP CNT - Library reference file BCPP HLP - Library reference file BCPPPG TOC - Library Reference file BCPPRG TOC - Library Reference file HLPBCVDT PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: BCVDTGUI TOC - VDBT help file BCVDTREF CNT - VDBT Help file BCVDTREF HLP - VDBT Help file BCVDTREF TOC - VDBT Help file HLPBWCC PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: BWCC CNT - Borland help file BWCC HLP - Custom Controls help file BWCC MST - BWCC TOC - Custom Controls Help File HLPGUIDE PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: 95GUIDE CNT - 95GUIDE HLP - Windows SDK help file 95GUIDE MST - 95GUIDE TOC - HLPKBASE PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: KBASE CNT - MS help file KBASE HLP - Ms help file KBASE MST - KBASE TOC - HLPMAPI PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: MAPI CNT - Ms help file MAPI HLP - Ms help file MAPI MST - MAPI TOC - HLPMFC41 PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: MFC41 CNT - Microsoft Foundation Classes 4.1 ref MFC41 HLP - Microsoft Foundation Classes 4.1 ref HLPOGL PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: OPENGL CNT - OpenGL help file OPENGL HLP - OPENGL help OPENGL MST - OPENGL TOC - HLPOPEN PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: OPENHELP CNT - Openhelp help file OPENHELP HLP - OpenHelp help file OPENHELP TOC - Openhelp Help file WHATSNEW TOC - Openhelp help file HLPOWLEX PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: OWLEX CNT - OWLEX HLP - HLPRPC PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: RPC CNT - RPC help file RPC HLP - RPC help file RPC MST - RPC TOC - HLPTOOLS PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: BCTOOLS CNT - Borland Help file BCTOOLS HLP - Borland Help file BCTOOLS MST - BCTOOLS TOC - Borland Help file HLPWIN32 PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: WIN32 CNT - Win32 help WIN32 HLP - WIN32 help WIN32 MST - WIN32 TOC - WIN32SDK CFG - Win32 help file WIN32SDK CNT - Win32 help file WIN32SDK HLP - WIN32SDK TOC - Win32 help file HLPWNSDK PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: MIDL CNT - MIDL HLP - MIDL MST - MIDL TOC - MISAPI CNT - MISAPI HLP - MISAPI MST - MISAPI TOC - MMEDIA CNT - MMEDIA HLP - MMEDIA MST - MMEDIA TOC - PDH CNT - PDH HLP - PDH MST - PDH TOC - PENAPI CNT - PENAPI HLP - PENAPI MST - PENAPI TOC - PROGTECH CNT - PROGTECH HLP - PROGTECH MST - PROGTECH TOC - SETUPAPI CNT - SETUPAPI HLP - SETUPAPI MST - SETUPAPI TOC - SOCK2 CNT - SOCK2 HLP - SOCK2 MST - SOCK2 TOC - TAPI CNT - TAPI HLP - TAPI MST - TAPI TOC - HLPWSYS PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: WINSYS CNT - Winsys hel file WINSYS HLP - Winsys hel file WINSYS MST - WINSYS TOC - Winsys hel file HLP_API PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: WIN31WH HLP - Windows 16 bit Help file WIN32S CNT - Microsoft redistributable file WIN32S HLP - Microsoft redistributable file HLP_BCD PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: BCDOS CNT - Borland help file BCDOS HLP - Borland help file BCDOS MST - BCDOS TOC - Borland Help file HLP_BCW PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: BCW CNT - Borland Help file with windows API BCW HLP - Borland help file with Windows API BCW MST - BCW TOC - Borland Help file OPENKBD DLL - Borland help file HLP_CTL3 PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: CTL3D HLP - Microsoft redistributable help file HLP_ERR PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: BCERRMSG CNT - Borland help file BCERRMSG HLP - Borland help file BCERRMSG MST - BCERRMSG TOC - Borland Help file HLP_GUI PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: WINSIGHT CNT - Winsight CNT file WINSIGHT HLP - Winsight help file WINSIGHT MST - WINSIGHT TOC - Borland Help file WINSPCTR CNT - Borland Help file with windows API WINSPCTR HLP - Winspectr help file WINSPCTR MST - WINSPCTR TOC - Borland Help file HLP_OWL PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: EXHLPR DLL - OWL50 CNT - Borland help file OWL50 HLP - OWL help file OWLPG TOC - Owl Help file OWLRG TOC - Owl Help file HLP_SCRP PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: SCRIPT CNT - IDE Script help file SCRIPT HLP - IDE Script help file SCRIPTC TOC - IDE script help file SCRIPTR TOC - IDE script help file HLP_STL PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: STL CNT - STL help file STL HLP - STL help file STLPG TOC - STL help file STLREF TOC - STL help file HLP_TD PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: TDWINI HLP - Debugger video help HOTKEY PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: HOTKEY H - OWL example file HOTKEY IDE - OWL example file HOTKEY RC - OWL example file HOTKEYX CPP - OWL example file MAKEFILE - OWL example file README TXT - OWL example file H_CTL3 PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: CTL3D H - Microsoft redistributable header file IATHREAD PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: ABOUT C - iathread series example CHILD ICO - iathread series example DISPATCH C - iathread series example GLOBALS H - iathread series example IATHREAD C - iathread series example IATHREAD ICO - iathread series example IATHREAD IDE - iathread series example IATHREAD RC - iathread series example INIT C - iathread series example MAKEFILE - iathread series example MDICHILD C - iathread series example MISC C - iathread series example PRIORITY C - iathread series example README TXT - iathread series example RESOURCE H - iathread series example WINMAIN C - iathread series example IDEBCW PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: BCWIMPRT DLL - IDE program file BCWKBD DLL - IDE program file BCWMSGDB DLL - IDE program file BCWRES DLL - IDE program file BCWXPRTS DLL - AppExpert addon DLL IDEBCWD PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: BCW EXE - IDE program file BCWDBG DLL - IDE program file BCWDBGV DLL - IDE program file BCWDBK32 DLL - IDE program file BCWDKI DLL - IDE program file GREP COM - IDETOMAK EXE - IDEBCWE PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: BCWEDIT DLL - IDE program file IDEBCWO PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: BCWOBJ DLL - IDE program file BCWOUTL DLL - IDE program file IDEBCWP PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: BCWPAGES DLL - IDE program file BCWPRJ DLL - IDE program file IDEBCWS PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: BCWS16 DLL - IDE support DLL BCWS32 DLL - IDE program file IDEBCWT PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: BCWTXCL DLL - IDE program file BCWTXSRV DLL - IDE program file IDEC PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: C TOK - IDE configuration file C32 TOK - CAPDOS32 EXE - IDE program file IDECM PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: CM DLL - IDE program file CMCORE DLL - IDE program file IDECO PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: CODEGEN DLL - IDE program file COMP32 DLL - IDE program file ILINK32 DLL - ILINK32 EXE - LINK32 DLL - IDEIDE PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: IDEAD DLL - IDE Program file IDEAE DLL - IDE program file IDEAM DLL - IDE program file IDEAS DLL - IDE program file IDEBIDF DLL - IDE program file IDEOWLF DLL - IDE program file IDEVM DLL - IDE program file IDEWIN DLL - IDE program file IDEPROD PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: MENUHOOK DLL - IDE Program file MISCSCR DLL - MSGVIEW DLL - IDE program file OWLDBRES DLL - IDE program file PANE DLL - IDE program file SEARCH DLL - IDE script example file TBROWSER DLL - IDE program file IDUNINST PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: IDUNINST EXE - Idapi Uninstaller IMGLIST PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: CELAPP CPP - CELAPP RC - CELAPP RH - CHESSPCS RC - CHESSPCS RH - DRAWCEL CPP - DRAWCEL IDE - DRAWCEL RC - DRAWCEL RH - MAKEFILE - INC PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: ALGORITH H - C++ RTL Header file ALLOC H - C++ RTL header file ASSERT H - C++ RTL header file BCD H - C++ RTL header file BIOS H - C++ RTL header file BITSET H - C++ RTL Header file BIVBX H - C++ VBX header file BWCC H - C++ BWCC header file CHECKS H - C++ RTL header file COMPLEX H - C++ RTL header file COMPNENT H - CONIO H - C++ RTL header file CONSTREA H - C++ RTL header file CSTRING H - C++ RTL header file CTYPE H - C++ RTL header file DBDAOID H - Rtl include file DEQUE H - C++ RTL Header file DIR H - C++ RTL header file DIRECT H - C++ RTL header file DIRENT H - C++ RTL header file DOS H - C++ RTL header file ERRNO H - C++ RTL header file EXCEPT H - C++ RTL header file FCNTL H - C++ RTL header file FLOAT H - C++ RTL header file FSTREAM H - C++ RTL header file FTSIFACE H - 16 bit Windows Header file FUNCTION H - C++ RTL Header file GENERIC H - C++ RTL header file GRAPHICS H - C++ RTL header file INTSHCUT H - 16 bit RTL Windows Header file IO H - C++ RTL header file IOMANIP H - C++ RTL header file IOSTREAM H - C++ RTL header file ISGUIDS H - 16 bit Windows Header file ITERATOR H - C++ RTL Header file LIMITS H - C++ RTL Header file LIST H - C++ RTL Header file LOCALE H - C++ RTL header file MALLOC H - C++ RTL header file MAP H - C++ RTL Header file MATH H - C++ RTL header file MBCTYPE H - MBSTRING H - MEM H - C++ RTL header file MEMORY H - C++ RTL header file MMSYSTEM INC - C++ RTL header file NEW H - C++ RTL header file NUMERIC H - C++ RTL Header file PENWIN H - C++ RTL header file PENWOEM H - C++ RTL header file PRINT H - C++ RTL header file PROCESS H - C++ RTL header file QUEUE H - C++ RTL Header file RANDOM H - C++ RTL Header file REF H - C++ RTL header file REGEXP H - C++ RTL header file SEARCH H - C++ RTL header file SET H - C++ RTL Header file SETJMP H - C++ RTL header file SHARE H - C++ RTL header file SIGNAL H - C++ RTL header file STACK H - C++ RTL Header file STDARG H - C++ RTL header file STDCOMP H - STDDEF H - C++ RTL header file STDDEFS H - STDEXCEP H - C++ RTL Header file STDGEN H - STDIO H - C++ RTL header file STDIOSTR H - C++ RTL header file STDLIB H - C++ RTL header file STDMUTEX H - STDWIND H - C++ RTL header file STRESS H - C++ RTL header file STRING CC - STRING H - C++ RTL Header file STRSTREA H - C++ RTL header file SVRAPI H - 16 bit RTL Windows Header file SYSTYPES H - C++ RTL header file TCHAR H - C++ RTL header file TIME H - C++ RTL header file TOOLHELP H - C++ RTL header file TOOLHELP INC - C++ RTL include file TREE H - C++ RTL Header file TYPEINFO H - C++ RTL header file UTILITY H - C++ RTL Header file UTIME H - C++ RTL header file VALUES H - C++ RTL header file VARARGS H - C++ RTL header file VECTOR H - C++ RTL Header file VER H - C++ RTL header file WINDOWS INC - C++ RTL include file WINMEM32 H - C++ RTL header file WINWLX H - 16 bit RTL Windows Header file _DEFS H - C++ RTL header file _NFILE H - C++ RTL header file _NULL H - C++ RTL header file INCSYS PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: LOCKING H - RTL header file STAT H - RTL header file TIMEB H - RTL header file TYPES H - RTL header file INITREE PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: ABOUT C - initree series example DISPATCH C - initree series example ENTRYN BMP - initree series example ENTRYS BMP - initree series example GLOBALS H - initree series example INI BMP - initree series example INI C - initree series example INIT C - initree series example INITREE C - initree series example INITREE ICO - initree series example INITREE IDE - initree series example INITREE RC - initree series example KEY BMP - initree series example MAKEFILE - initree series example MISC C - initree series example README TXT - initree series example RESOURCE H - initree series example WINMAIN C - initree series example INPROC PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: ENUMVAR CPP - ENUMVAR H - INPROC CLW - INPROC CPP - INPROC DEF - INPROC H - INPROC IDE - INPROC ODL - INPROC RC - INPROC REG - MAKEFILE - RESOURCE H - STDAFX CPP - STDAFX H - STRCOLL CPP - STRCOLL H - VARASSOC CPP - VARASSOC H - VARMAP CPP - VARMAP H - INPROCR PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: INPROC ICO - INPROC RC2 - INPUT PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: DISPATCH C - Series example file GLOBALS H - Series example file INIT C - Series example file INPUT C - Series example file INPUT ICO - Series example file INPUT IDE - Series example file INPUT RC - Series example file MAKEFILE - Series example file README TXT - Series example file RESOURCE H - Series example file VERSION H - Series example file WIN16EXT H - Series example file WINMAIN C - Series example file INSTALL TXT (Disk1) - install text file INSTANCE PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: INSTANCE CPP - OWL example file INSTANCE IDE - OWL example file MAKEFILE - OWL example file README TXT - INSTRUN EX_ (Disk1) - Installation program INSTXTRA PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: BAENG32 DLL - Install support file BCINSTAL HLP - BC Install help BSCOB32 DLL - Install support file BUMP EXE - DBTFUNCS SCX - DLL32 DLL - Install support file FUNCS SCX - FUNCS2 SCX - Borland install file IDAPINST DLL - IDAPINST HLP - Idapi install help file IDAPINST SCX - INSTBOR DLL - Installation DLL INSTCUI DLL - Installation DLL INSTDEL LST - Install file INSTRRF DLL - Installation DLL SQLLINK SCX - INTLDEMO PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: APIENG RC - OWL example file APIFRA RC - OWL example file APIGER RC - OWL example file CALLDEMO CPP - OWL example file CALLDEMO H - OWL example file CALLDEMO RC - Owl example file ENGLISH BAS - OWL example file ENGLISH HPJ - OWL example file ENGLISH RTF - OWL example file FILELIST CPP - OWL example file FILELIST H - OWL example file FRENCH BAS - OWL example file FRENCH HPJ - OWL example file FRENCH RTF - OWL example file GERMAN BAS - OWL example file GERMAN HPJ - OWL example file GERMAN RTF - OWL example file INTLDEMO CPP - OWL example file INTLDEMO CXX - OWL example file INTLDEMO H - OWL example file INTLDEMO HH - OWL example file INTLDEMO HXX - OWL example file INTLDEMO IDE - OWL example file INTLDEMO RC - OWL example file MAKEFILE - OWL example file README TXT - OWL Examples intldemo TEST TXT - OWL example file WORLD ICO - OWL example file IPDRIVE PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: DRIVE16 DEF - IPDRIDOC CPP - IPDRIDOC H - IPDRIVE CLW - IPDRIVE CPP - IPDRIVE H - IPDRIVE IDE - IPDRIVE RC - IPDRIVW CPP - IPDRIVW H - IPREMOTE CPP - IPREMOTE H - MAINFRM CPP - MAINFRM H - MAKEFILE - RESOURCE H - STDAFX CPP - STDAFX H - VBDRIVE FRM - IPDRIVER PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: IPDRIVE ICO - IPDRIVE RC2 - TOOLBAR BMP - ISAPIEXT PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: ISAPIEXT CPP - OWL example file ISAPIEXT H - OWL example file ISAPIEXT IDE - OWL example file ISAPISTR H - OWL example file MAKEFILE - OWL example file README TXT - OWL example file SIMPLEEX CPP - OWL example file LABELS PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: LABELS CPP - Classlib example file LABELS IDE - Classlib example file MAKEFILE - Classlib example file MASTER DAT - Classlib example file NEWSUB TXT - Classlib example file LAYOUT PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: LAYDIA CPP - OWL example file LAYDIA H - OWL example file LAYOUT CPP - OWL example file LAYOUT H - OWL example file LAYOUT IDE - OWL example file LAYOUT RC - OWL example file LAYOUT RH - OWL example file MAKEFILE - OWL example file README TXT - LED PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: LED CPP - LED ICO - LED IDE - Owl example file LED RC - LED0 BMP - LED1 BMP - LED2 BMP - LED3 BMP - LED4 BMP - LED5 BMP - LED6 BMP - LED7 BMP - LED8 BMP - LED9 BMP - LEDCOL BMP - LEDWIND CPP - LEDWIND H - LEDWIND TXT - MAKEFILE - LIB16 PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: OLE2W16 LIB - 16 OLE2 import library LIBCTL16 PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: CTL3DV2 LIB - Microsoft redistributable LIBCTL32 PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: CTL3D32 LIB - Microsoft redistributable LICENSED PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: LICENCTL BMP - LICENCTL CPP - LICENCTL H - LICENPPG CPP - LICENPPG H - LICENSED CPP - LICENSED DEF - LICENSED H - LICENSED ICO - LICENSED IDE - LICENSED LIC - LICENSED ODL - LICENSED RC - LICENSED RC2 - LICENSED TLB - MAKEFILE - RESOURCE H - STDAFX CPP - STDAFX H - LISTBOX PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: LISTBOX IDE - OWL example file LISTBOX RC - OWL example file LISTBOX RH - OWL example file LISTBOXX CPP - OWL example file MAKEFILE - OWL example file README TXT - LISTCTRL PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: ABOUT C - Windows example file CHIP ICO - Windows example file CHKBOXS BMP - Windows example file DISK ICO - Windows example file DISPATCH C - Windows example file DOLLAR ICO - Windows example file FILM ICO - Windows example file GLOBALS H - Windows example file INIT C - Windows example file LISTCTRL C - Windows example file LISTCTRL ICO - Windows example file LISTCTRL IDE - Windows example file LISTCTRL RC - Windows example file LISTVIEW C - Windows example file LISTVIEW H - Windows example file MAKEFILE - Windows example file MISC C - Windows example file README TXT - Windows example file RESOURCE H - Windows example file STATE RST - Windows example file STCKINFO C - Windows example file WINDOWS ICO - Windows example file WINMAIN C - Windows example file LISTS PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: DLIST CPP - Classlib example file IDLIST CPP - Classlib example file ILIST CPP - Classlib example file ISDLIST CPP - Classlib example file ISLIST CPP - Classlib example file LISTS IDE - Classlib example file LISTX CPP - Classlib example file MAKEFILE - Classlib example file SDLIST CPP - Classlib example file SLIST CPP - Classlib example file LISTWIND PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: BLAKJACK ICO - CHESS ICO - CRITTER ICO - CRITTER2 ICO - ELLIPSE ICO - FELLIPSE ICO - FRECT ICO - LISTWIND IDE - LISTWIND RC - Owl example file LISTWIND RH - Owl example file LISTWINX CPP - MAKEFILE - OWLPAINT ICO - README TXT - LLIB PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: C0FL OBJ - Large model RTL file C0L OBJ - Large model RTL file CL LIB - Large model RTL file MATHL LIB - Large model RTL file NOEHL LIB - Large model RTL file LOCALIZE PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: LOCALIZE CPP - OCF example file LOCALIZE IDE - OCF Example file LOCALIZE RC - OCF example file LOCALIZE RH - OCF example file MAKEFILE - OCF example file LOCALMFC PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: LOCALCTL BMP - LOCALCTL CPP - LOCALCTL H - LOCALIDE ODL - LOCALIFR ODL - LOCALIZE CPP - LOCALIZE DEF - LOCALIZE H - LOCALIZE ICO - LOCALIZE IDE - LOCALIZE ODL - LOCALIZE RC - LOCALIZE RC2 - LOCALIZE TLB - LOCALPPG CPP - LOCALPPG H - LOCRESDE CPP - LOCRESDE DEF - LOCRESDE MAK - LOCRESDE RC - LOCRESFR CPP - LOCRESFR DEF - LOCRESFR MAK - LOCRESFR RC - MAKEFILE - RESOURCE H - STDAFX CPP - STDAFX H - LOOKUP PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: LOOKUP CPP - Classlib example file LOOKUP IDE - Classlib example file MAKEFILE - Classlib example file MAKEHM PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: MAKEFILE - MAKEHM CPP - MCISOUND PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: MAKEFILE - OWL example file MCISOUND CPP - OWL example file MCISOUND H - OWL example file MCISOUND IDE - OWL example file MCISOUND RC - OWL example file README TXT - MCIWND PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: MAKEFILE - Owl Example file MCIWND CPP - MCIWND H - OWL header file MCIWND IDE - MCIWNDX CPP - Owl Example file MCIWNDX DEF - Owl Example file MCIWNDX H - Owl Example file MCIWNDX RC - Owl Example file README TXT - Owl Example file MDI PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: MAKEFILE - OWL example file MDI CPP - OWL example file MDI IDE - OWL example file MDI RC - OWL example file README TXT - MDIDLG PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: APP CPP - Owl example file CLIENT CPP - Owl example file HELPIDS HH - Owl example file MAKEFILE - Owl example file MDIDLG CPP - Owl example file MDIDLG H - Owl example file MDIDLG IDE - Owl example file TEST CPP - Owl example file TEST H - Owl example file TEST RC - Owl example file TEST RH - Owl example file TESTHELP HPJ - Owl example file TESTHELP RTF - Owl example file MDIFILE PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: MAKEFILE - OWL example file MDIFILE CPP - OWL example file MDIFILE H - OWL example file MDIFILE IDE - OWL example file MDIFILE RC - OWL example file README TXT - OWL Examples mdifile MDIJMFC PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: MDI RC - MDIMFC PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: BOUNCE CPP - BOUNCE H - HELLO CPP - HELLO H - HELLO ICO - MAINFRM CPP - MAINFRM H - MAKEFILE - MDI CPP - MDI H - MDI ICO - MDI IDE - MDI RC - MDIMAC R - RESOURCE H - STDAFX CPP - STDAFX H - MDIOLE PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: MAKEFILE - OWL example file MDIOLE CPP - OWL example file MDIOLE H - OWL example file MDIOLE IDE - OWL example file MDIOLE RC - OWL example file README TXT - SAMPCONT CPP - OWL example file SAMPCONT H - OWL example file SAMPCONT RC - OWL example file MDISAMP PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: DLWRAP H - MDIFILE CPP - MDIFILE EXE - MDIFILE H - MDIFILE IDE - MDIFILE INI - MDIFILE RC - MDIFILE RES - TESTDLL DLL - TESTDLL H - TESTDLL LIB - MDISTRM PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: MAKEFILE - OWL example file MDISTRM CPP - OWL example file MDISTRM H - OWL example file MDISTRM IDE - OWL example file MDISTRM RC - OWL example file README TXT - MENU95 PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: CHECKOFF BMP - Series example file CHECKON BMP - Series example file DISPATCH C - Series example file DOT BMP - Series example file GLOBALS H - Series example file INIT C - Series example file MAKEFILE - Series example file MENU C - Series example file MENU ICO - Series example file MENU IDE - Series example file MENU RC - Series example file OWNRDRAW C - Series example file POPUP C - Series example file README TXT - Series example file RESOURCE H - Series example file WINMAIN C - Series example file METAFILE PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: ENHANCED EMF - file for OWL metafile example MAKEFILE - OWL example file METAFILE IDE - METAFILE RC - OWL example file METAFILX CPP - OWL example file PLACBLE WMF - file for OWL metafile example README TXT - OWL example file REGULAR WMF - file for OWL metafile example METEOR PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: MAKEFILE - Owl example file METEOR CPP - OWL Example file METEOR DEF - OWL Example file METEOR IDE - OWL Example file METEOR RC - OWL Example file METEOR RH - OWL Example file METEOR TXT - OWL Example file README TXT - OWL Example file SPRITE CPP - OWL Example file SPRITE H - OWL Example file MFCBIN PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: BFC40 DLL - MFC lib BFC40D DLL - BFCD40D DLL - BFCN40D DLL - BFCO40D DLL - MFCCALC PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: CALCDLG CPP - CALCDLG H - CALCMAC R - MAKEFILE - MFCCALC CLW - MFCCALC CPP - MFCCALC H - MFCCALC IDE - MFCCALC ODL - MFCCALC RC - MFCCALC REG - RESOURCE H - STDAFX CPP - STDAFX H - MFCCALCR PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: MFCCALC ICO - MFCCALC RC2 - MFCEXINC PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: CONTROLS HPP - OWL BCB Example include file RICHEDIT HPP - OWL BCB Example include file SYSDEFS H - OWL BCB Example include file VCLOFF H - OWL BCB Example include file VCLON H - OWL BCB Example include file WINDOWS HPP - OWL BCB Example include file MFCINC PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: AFX H - AFX INL - AFXADV H - AFXAETE R - AFXCMN H - AFXCMN INL - AFXCOLL H - AFXCOLL INL - AFXCTL H - AFXCTL INL - AFXCTL RC - AFXCVIEW H - AFXCVIEW INL - AFXDAO H - AFXDAO INL - AFXDB H - AFXDB INL - AFXDB RC - AFXDB_ H - AFXDD_ H - AFXDISP H - AFXDLGS H - AFXDLGS INL - AFXDLLX H - AFXDLL_ H - AFXEXT H - AFXEXT INL - AFXHELP HM - AFXISAPI H - AFXISAPI INL - AFXISAPI RC - AFXMSG_ H - AFXMT H - AFXMT INL - AFXODLGS H - AFXOLE H - AFXOLE INL - AFXOLECL RC - AFXOLESV RC - AFXPLEX_ H - AFXPRINT RC - AFXPRIV H - AFXRES H - AFXRES RC - AFXRICH H - AFXRICH INL - AFXSOCK H - AFXSOCK INL - AFXSTAT_ H - AFXTEMPL H - AFXTLS_ H - AFXVER_ H - AFXV_CFG H - AFXV_CPU H - AFXV_DLL H - AFXV_MAC H - AFXV_W32 H - AFXWIN H - AFXWIN1 INL - AFXWIN2 INL - EH H - MFCSAMPS MAK - MFC Examples Makefile Header ODBCINST H - SQL H - SQLEXT H - SQLTYPES H - WINRES H - MFCLCHS PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: AFXCTL RC - AFXDB RC - AFXOLECL RC - AFXOLESV RC - AFXPRINT RC - AFXRES RC - MFCLDEU PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: AFXCTL RC - AFXDB RC - AFXOLECL RC - AFXOLESV RC - AFXPRINT RC - AFXRES RC - MFCLESP PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: AFXCTL RC - AFXDB RC - AFXOLECL RC - AFXOLESV RC - AFXPRINT RC - AFXRES RC - MFCLFRA PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: AFXCTL RC - AFXDB RC - AFXOLECL RC - AFXOLESV RC - AFXPRINT RC - AFXRES RC - MFCLIBS PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: BFC40 LIB - MFC lib BFC40D LIB - BFCD40D LIB - BFCN40D LIB - BFCO40D LIB - BFCS40 LIB - MFC lib BFCS40D LIB - NAFXCW LIB - MFC lib NAFXCWD LIB - ODBC32 LIB - ODBCCP32 LIB - MFCLITA PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: AFXCTL RC - AFXDB RC - AFXOLECL RC - AFXOLESV RC - AFXPRINT RC - AFXRES RC - MFCLJPN PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: AFXCTL RC - AFXDB RC - AFXOLECL RC - AFXOLESV RC - AFXPRINT RC - AFXRES RC - MFCLKOR PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: AFXCTL RC - AFXDB RC - AFXOLECL RC - AFXOLESV RC - AFXPRINT RC - AFXRES RC - MFCRES PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: 3DCHECK BMP - 95CHECK BMP - COPY4WAY CUR - HELP CUR - HELP RSC - MAGNIFY CUR - MAGNIFY RSC - MINIFWND BMP - MOVE4WAY CUR - NODROP CUR - NTCHECK BMP - SARROWS CUR - SPLIT RSC - SPLITH CUR - SPLITV CUR - TRCK4WAY CUR - TRCKNESW CUR - TRCKNS CUR - TRCKNWSE CUR - TRCKWE CUR - TRUETYPE BMP - MINIHELP PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: ABOUT C - series example file DISPATCH C - series example file GLOBALS H - Series example file INIT C - Series example file MAKEFILE - Series example file MINIHELP BMP - Series example file MINIHELP C - Series example file MINIHELP ERR - Series example file MINIHELP HPJ - Series example file MINIHELP ICO - Series example file MINIHELP IDE - Series example file MINIHELP RC - Series example file MINIHELP RTF - Series example file MISC C - Series example file README TXT - RESOURCE H - Series example file VERSION H - Series example file WIN16EXT H - Series example file WINMAIN C - Series example file MIXTREE PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: ABOUT C - Series example file CUSTOM BMP - Series example file DESTLINE BMP - Series example file DISPATCH C - Series example file FADER BMP - Series example file GLOBALS H - Series example file INIT C - Series example file ITEMINFO C - Series example file ITEMINFO H - Series example file LIST BMP - Series example file MAKEFILE - Series example file METER BMP - Series example file MISC C - Series example file MIXINFO C - Series example file MIXINFO H - Series example file MIXLINE C - Series example file MIXLINE H - Series example file MIXTREE C - Series example file MIXTREE ICO - Series example file MIXTREE IDE - Series example file MIXTREE RC - Series example file NUMBER BMP - Series example file README TXT - Series example file RESOURCE H - Series example file SLIDER BMP - Series example file SRCLINE BMP - Series example file SWITCH BMP - Series example file TIME BMP - Series example file WINMAIN C - Series example file MLIB PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: C0FM OBJ - Medium model RTL file C0M OBJ - Medium model RTL file CM LIB - Medium model RTL file MATHM LIB - Medium model RTL file NOEHM LIB - Medium model RTL file MODALWIN PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: MAKEFILE - OWL example file MODALWIN CPP - OWL example file MODALWIN H - OWL example file MODALWIN IDE - OWL example file MODALWIN RC - OWL example file README TXT - OWL example file MODELES PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: ADDERDLG CPP - ADDERDLG H - MAKEFILE - MODELDLG CPP - MODELDLG H - MODELESS CPP - MODELESS H - MODELESS IDE - MODELESS RC - MODEMAC R - README TXT - RESOURCE H - STDAFX CPP - STDAFX H - MODELESR PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: MODELESS ICO - MODELESS RC2 - MRU PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: MAKEFILE - OWL example file MRU CPP - OWL example file MRU IDE - OWL example file MRU RC - OWL example file README TXT - OWL example file MSCOMSTF DLL (Disk1) - Microsoft Redistributable for Win32s MSCUISTF DLL (Disk1) - Microsoft Redistributable for Win32s MSDETECT INC (Disk1) - Microsoft Redistributable for Win32s MSDETSTF DLL (Disk1) - Microsoft Redistributable for Win32s MSGLINC PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: GL H - RTL header file GLAUX H - RTL header file GLU H - RTL header file MSHELP PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: OLE CNT - Ole help file OLE HLP - OLE help file OLE MST - OLE TOC - MSINC PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: ACCCTRL H - ACLAPI H - ALPHAOPS H - ATALKWSH H - Borland include file AVICAP H - Microsoft header file BASETYPS H - Microsoft header file CDERR H - Microsoft header file CGUID H - Microsoft header file COBJPS H - Microsoft header file COGUID H - Microsoft header file COLORDLG H - Microsoft header file COMMCTRL H - Borland include file COMMDLG H - Microsoft header file COMPOBJ H - Microsoft header file CPL H - Microsoft header file CPLEXT H - Microsoft header file CUSTCNTL H - Microsoft header file D3D H - D3DCAPS H - D3DRM H - D3DRMDEF H - D3DRMOBJ H - D3DRMWIN H - D3DTYPES H - DBT H - Microsoft header file DDE H - Microsoft header file DDEML H - Microsoft header file DDRAW H - DIGITALV H - Microsoft header file DISPATCH H - Microsoft header file DISPDIB H - Microsoft header file DLCAPI H - Borland include file DLGS H - Microsoft header file DPLAY H - DRIVINIT H - Microsoft header file DSOUND H - DVOBJ H - Microsoft header file ERROR H - Microsoft header file EXCHEXT H - Microsoft header file EXCHFORM H - EXCPT H - Borland include file HTTPEXT H - HTTPFILT H - IDF H - Microsoft header file IMAGEHLP H - IME H - IMESSAGE H - Microsoft header file IMM H - Microsoft header file INITGUID H - Microsoft header file INITOID H - Microsoft header file LM H - Microsoft header file LMACCESS H - Microsoft header file LMALERT H - Microsoft header file LMAPIBUF H - Microsoft header file LMAT H - Microsoft header file LMAUDIT H - Microsoft header file LMBROWSR H - Microsoft header file LMCHDEV H - Microsoft header file LMCONFIG H - Microsoft header file LMCONS H - Borland include file LMERR H - Microsoft header file LMERRLOG H - Microsoft header file LMMSG H - Microsoft header file LMREMUTL H - Microsoft header file LMREPL H - Microsoft header file LMSERVER H - Microsoft header file LMSHARE H - Microsoft header file LMSNAME H - Microsoft header file LMSTATS H - Microsoft header file LMSVC H - Microsoft header file LMUSE H - Microsoft header file LMUSEFLG H - Microsoft header file LMWKSTA H - Microsoft header file LOADPERF H - LSAPI H - LZEXPAND H - Microsoft header file MAPI H - Microsoft header file MAPICODE H - Microsoft header file MAPIDBG H - Microsoft header file MAPIDEFS H - Microsoft header file MAPIFORM H - Microsoft header file MAPIGUID H - Microsoft header file MAPIHOOK H - Microsoft header file MAPINLS H - Microsoft header file MAPIOID H - Microsoft header file MAPISPI H - Microsoft header file MAPITAGS H - Microsoft header file MAPIUTIL H - Microsoft header file MAPIVAL H - Microsoft header file MAPIWIN H - Microsoft header file MAPIWZ H - Microsoft header file MAPIX H - Microsoft header file MCIAVI H - Microsoft header file MCX H - Microsoft header file MGMTAPI H - Borland include file MIDLES H - Microsoft header file MMREG H - Microsoft header file MMSYSTEM H - Microsoft header file MMSYSTEM INC - Microsoft header file MONIKER H - Microsoft header file MSACM H - Microsoft header file MSACMDLG H - Microsoft header file MSFS H - Microsoft header file MSPAB H - Microsoft header file MSPST H - Microsoft header file MSVIDDRV H - Microsoft header file MSVIDEO H - Microsoft header file MSWSOCK H - NB30 H - Borland include file NDDEAPI H - Borland include file NDDESEC H - Borland include file NSPAPI H - Microsoft header file NTSDEXTS H - OAIDL H - Microsoft header file OBJBASE H - Microsoft header file OBJIDL H - Microsoft header file OCIDL H - OLE H - Microsoft header file OLE1CLS H - Microsoft header file OLE2 H - Microsoft header file OLE2DBG H - Microsoft header file OLE2VER H - Microsoft header file OLEAUTO H - Microsoft header file OLECTL H - Microsoft header file OLECTLID H - Microsoft header file OLEDLG H - Microsoft header file OLEGUID H - Microsoft header file OLEIDL H - Microsoft header file OLENLS H - Microsoft header file PBT H - Microsoft header file PCRT32 H - Microsoft header file PDH H - PDHMSG H - PDKVER H - Microsoft header file PENWIN H - Microsoft header file PENWOEM H - Microsoft header file PLAN32 H - Microsoft header file POPPACK H - Microsoft header file PRINT H - Microsoft header file PRSHT H - Microsoft header file PSHPACK1 H - Microsoft header file PSHPACK2 H - Microsoft header file PSHPACK4 H - Microsoft header file PSHPACK8 H - Microsoft header file RAS H - Borland include file RASDLG H - RASERROR H - Borland include file RASSAPI H - RASSHOST H - RECGUIDS H - Microsoft header file RECONCIL H - Microsoft header file REGSTR H - Microsoft header file RICHEDIT H - Microsoft header file RICHOLE H - Microsoft header file RPC H - Borland include file RPCDCE H - Borland include file RPCDCE2 H - Microsoft header file RPCDCEP H - Borland include file RPCNDR H - Borland include file RPCNSI H - Borland include file RPCNSIP H - Borland include file RPCNTERR H - Borland include file RPCPROXY H - Microsoft header file SCODE H - Microsoft header file SEHMAP H - SETUPAPI H - SHELLAPI H - Microsoft header file SHLGUID H - Microsoft header file SHLOBJ H - Microsoft header file SMPAB H - Microsoft header file SMPMS H - Microsoft header file SMPXP H - Microsoft header file SNMP H - Borland include file SPORDER H - STORAGE H - Microsoft header file STRESS H - Microsoft header file SVCGUID H - Microsoft header file TAPI H - Microsoft header file TLHELP32 H - Microsoft header file TNEF H - Microsoft header file TOOLHELP H - Microsoft header file TOOLHELP INC - Microsoft header file TSPI H - Microsoft header file UNKNWN H - Microsoft header file VARIANT H - Microsoft header file VCR H - Microsoft header file VDMDBG H - Borland include file VER H - Microsoft header file VFW H - Microsoft header file W32SUT H - Microsoft header file WDBGEXTS H - Microsoft header file WFEXT H - Microsoft header file WINBASE H - Borland include file WINCON H - Borland include file WINCRYPT H - WINDEF H - Borland include file WINDOWS H - Microsoft header file WINDOWS INC - Microsoft header file WINDOWSX H - Microsoft header file WINERROR H - Borland include file WING H - Microsoft header file WINGDI H - Borland include file WINIOCTL H - Borland include file WINMEM32 H - Microsoft header file WINNETWK H - Microsoft header file WINNLS H - Microsoft header file WINNLS32 H - WINNT H - Microsoft header file WINPERF H - Microsoft header file WINREG H - Microsoft header file WINRESRC H - WINSOCK H - Microsoft header file WINSOCK2 H - WINSPOOL H - Microsoft header file WINSVC H - Microsoft header file WINTRUST H - WINUSER H - Microsoft header file WINVER H - Microsoft header file WOWNT16 H - Microsoft header file WOWNT32 H - Microsoft header file WS2ATM H - WS2SPI H - WS2TCPIP H - WSHISOTP H - Microsoft header file WSIPX H - Borland include file WSNETBS H - Microsoft header file WSNWLINK H - Borland include file WSVNS H - WSVV H - WTYPES H - Microsoft header file XCMC H - Microsoft header file XCMCEXT H - Microsoft header file XCMCMSX2 H - Microsoft header file XCMCMSXT H - Microsoft header file MSINSSTF DLL (Disk1) - Microsoft Redistributable for Win32s MSSHLSTF DLL (Disk1) - Microsoft Redistributable for Win32s MSUILSTF DLL (Disk1) - Microsoft Redistributable for Win32s MTGDI PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: MAINFRM CPP - MAINFRM H - MAKEFILE - MTGDI CPP - MTGDI H - MTGDI IDE - MTGDI RC - MTGDIDOC CPP - MTGDIDOC H - MTGDIVW CPP - MTGDIVW H - RESOURCE H - STDAFX CPP - STDAFX H - THREADS CPP - THREADS H - MTGDIR PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: MTGDI ICO - MTGDI RC2 - MTHREAD PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: ARTY CPP - OWL example file ARTY H - OWL example file ARTYPRIV H - OWL example file DEMOBASE H - OWL example file LINE CPP - OWL example file LINE H - OWL example file MAKEFILE - OWL example file MTHREAD CPP - OWL example file MTHREAD IDE - OWL example file MTHREAD RC - OWL example file README TXT - MTMDI PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: BOUNCE CPP - BOUNCE H - HELLO CPP - HELLO H - HELLO ICO - MAINFRM CPP - MAINFRM H - MAKEFILE - MDI CPP - MDI H - MDI ICO - MTBOUNCE CPP - MTBOUNCE H - MTMDI IDE - MTMDI RC - README TXT - RESOURCE H - STDAFX CPP - STDAFX H - MTMDIJ PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: MTMDI RC - MTRECAL PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: CALCTHRD CPP - CALCTHRD H - MAINFRM CPP - MAINFRM H - MAKEFILE - MTRECALC CPP - MTRECALC H - MTRECALC IDE - MTRECALC RC - RECALCVW CPP - RECALCVW H - RECALDOC CPP - RECALDOC H - RESOURCE H - SLOWCALC CPP - SLOWCALC H - SPEEDDLG CPP - SPEEDDLG H - STDAFX CPP - STDAFX H - MTRECALR PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: MTRECALC ICO - MTRECALC RC2 - MY ICO - MY RC2 - RECALDOC ICO - TOOLBAR BMP - MULTIP PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: MAKEFILE - MPADMAC R - MULTIPAD CPP - MULTIPAD H - MULTIPAD IDE - MULTIPAD RC - RESOURCE H - STDAFX CPP - STDAFX H - UNICODE UTF - MULTIPAD PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: ABOUT C - multipad series example CHILD ICO - multipad series example DISPATCH C - multipad series example FILE C - multipad series example FILEDLG C - multipad series example FINDDLG C - multipad series example file GLOBALS H - multipad series example INIT C - multipad series example MAKEFILE - multipad series example MDICHILD C - multipad series example MDICHILD H - multipad series example MISC C - multipad series example MULTIPAD C - multipad series example MULTIPAD ICO - multipad series example MULTIPAD IDE - multipad series example MULTIPAD RC - multipad series example PRINT C - multipad series example PRINTDLG C - multipad series example README TXT - multipad series example RESOURCE H - multipad series example SEARCH C - multipad series example STATBAR C - multipad series example STATBAR H - multipad series example TOOLBAR BMP - multipad series example TOOLBAR C - multipad series example TOOLBAR H - multipad series example WINMAIN C - multipad series example MULTIPJ PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: MULTIPAD RC - MULTIPR PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: MULTIPAD ICO - PADDOC ICO - TOOLBAR BMP - MUTEXES PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: MAKEFILE - MUTEXDLG CPP - MUTEXDLG H - MUTEXES CPP - MUTEXES H - MUTEXES IDE - MUTEXES RC - README TXT - RESOURCE H - STDAFX CPP - STDAFX H - THREADS CPP - THREADS H - MUTEXESR PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: MUTEXES ICO - MUTEXES RC2 - MUTLITRG PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: MULTITRG CPP - IDE example file MULTITRG ICO - IDE example file MULTITRG IDE - IDE example file MULTITRG RC - IDE example file MULTITRG TXT - IDE example file NOTEBOOK PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: HSCROLL CPP - HSCROLL H - MAKEFILE - NB CPP - NB H - NB RC - NOTEBOOK CPP - NOTEBOOK DOC - NOTEBOOK H - NOTEBOOK IDE - README TXT - UTILS CPP - UTILS H - VSCROLL CPP - VSCROLL H - NOTIFY PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: MAKEFILE - OWL example file NOTIFY CPP - OWL example file NOTIFY H - OWL example file NOTIFY IDE - OWL example file NOTIFY RC - OWL example file README TXT - NPP PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: COMBOBAR CPP - COMBOBAR H - FINDDLG CPP - FINDDLG H - GOTODLG CPP - GOTODLG H - HISTORY CPP - HISTORY H - MAINFRM CPP - MAINFRM H - MAKEFILE - NP CPP - NP H - NP RC - NPDOC CPP - NPDOC H - NPP IDE - NPP RC - NPVIEW CPP - NPVIEW H - RESOURCE H - STDAFX CPP - STDAFX H - NPPR PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: NP ICO - NP RC2 - NPDOC ICO - TOOLBAR BMP - O16DYDLL PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: OWL52 DLL - O16DYLIB PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: OWLWI LIB - OWL 16 lib dll file OWLWIU LIB - OWL 16 bit import library O32DYDLL PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: OWL52F DLL - OWL52T DLL - O32DYLIB PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: OWLWFI LIB - OWL 32 bit import lib file OWLWTI LIB - Owl 32 bit import library file OAPIROOT PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: BUILDALL BAT - OWL example file OAPPROOT PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: BUILDALL BAT - builds all owlapps examples OCF16LIB PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: OCFWI LIB - OCF library OCFWIU LIB - OCF library OCFWL LIB - OCF Library OCFWLU LIB - OCF library OCF32LIB PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: OCFWF LIB - Borland library OCFWFI LIB - Borland library OCFWT LIB - Borland Library OCFWTI LIB - Borland Library OCF32SYS PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: BOCOF DLL - Borland dll OCFD PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: OCFDWT LIB - Diagnostic Library OCFDWTI LIB - Diagnostic Library OCFEXAM PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: BUILDALL BAT - builds all ocf examples OCFHLP PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: OCF CNT - Borland help file OCF HLP - Borland Help File OCFLR TOC - Borland Help file OCFPG TOC - Borland Help file OCFINC PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: APPDESC H - OCF header file AUTODEFS H - OCF header file AUTOMACR H - OCF header file DEFS H - OCF header file EXCEPT H - OCAPP H - OCF header file OCAPP RH - OCF header file OCBOCOLE H - OCCTRL H - OCF header file OCDATA H - OCF header file OCDEFS H - OCF header file OCDOC H - OCF header file OCF RC - OCF header file OCFPCH H - OCF header file OCLINK H - OCF header file OCOBJECT H - OCF header file OCPART H - OCF header file OCREG H - OCF header file OCREMVIE H - OCF header file OCSTORAG H - OCF header file OCVIEW H - OCF header file OLEUTIL H - OCF header file PCH H - OCF header file VERSION H - OCFSRC PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: APPDESC CPP - OCF source file AUTOCLI CPP - OCF source file AUTODISP CPP - OCF source file AUTOITER CPP - AUTOSRV CPP - OCF source file AUTOSTCK CPP - AUTOSYM CPP - AUTOVAL CPP - OCF source file BUILD BAT - EXCEPT CPP - MAKEFILE - OCF makefile OCAPP CPP - OCF source file OCCTRL CPP - OCF source file OCDATA CPP - OCF source file OCDOC CPP - OCF source file OCGUID CPP - OCF source file OCLINK CPP - OCF source file OCPART CPP - OCF source file OCREG CPP - OCF source file OCREMVIE CPP - OCF source file OCSTORAG CPP - OCF source file OCVIEW CPP - OCF source file OLEUTIL CPP - OCF source file TYPELIB CPP - OCF source file VERSION CPP - OCLIEN PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: FRAME CPP - FRAME H - MAINDOC CPP - MAINDOC H - MAINVIEW CPP - MAINVIEW H - MAKEFILE - MAKEHELP BAT - OCLIENT CLW - OCLIENT CPP - OCLIENT H - OCLIENT HLP - OCLIENT IDE - OCLIENT RC - OCLIENT REG - OCLIMAC R - RECTITEM CPP - RECTITEM H - RESOURCE H - SPLITFRA CPP - SPLITFRA H - STDAFX CPP - STDAFX H - OCLIENH PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: AFXCORE RTF - AFXCRMAC RTF - AFXPRINT RTF - AFXPTMAC RTF - APPEXIT BMP - BULLET BMP - CURARW2 BMP - CURARW4 BMP - CURHELP BMP - EDITCOPY BMP - EDITCUT BMP - EDITPAST BMP - EDITUNDO BMP - FILENEW BMP - FILEOPEN BMP - FILEPRNT BMP - FILESAVE BMP - HLPSBAR BMP - HLPTBAR BMP - MACCMD BMP - OCLIENT HPJ - OCLIMAC HPJ - SCMAX BMP - SCMENU BMP - SCMIN BMP - OCLIENJ PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: OCLIENT RC - OCLIENJH PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: AFXCORE RTF - AFXPRINT RTF - OCLIENR PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: OCLIENT ICO - TOOLBAR BMP - OCTBIN PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: AUTOGEN EXE - ObjectCrossReference Tool DLLRUN EXE - Borland Executable GUIDGEN EXE - ObjectCrossReference Tool MACROGEN EXE - ObjectCrossReference Tool OCTBIN16 PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: REGISTER EXE - ObjectCrossReference Tool OCTBIN32 PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: REGIST32 EXE - 32-bit OLE DLL registration OCT_AUTO PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: AUTOGEN CPP - octools source file AUTOGEN RC - octools source file AUTOGEN RH - octools source file MAKEFILE - octools source file OCT_DLL PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: DLLRUN CPP - Borland Source file MAKEFILE - Borland Source file OCT_GUI PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: GUIDGEN CPP - octools source file GUIDGEN RC - octools source file MAKEFILE - octools source file OCT_MAC PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: MACROGEN CPP - OCF example file MAKEFILE - OCF example file OCT_REG PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: MAKEFILE - octools source file REGISTER CPP - octools source file REGISTER RC - octools source file REGISTER RH - octools source file OCXCONT PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: OCXCNTAP CPP - OCXCNTAP H - OCXCONT CPP - OCXCONT H - OCXCONT IDE - OCXCONT RC - OCXCONT RH - README TXT - OCXDLG PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: APPLSDI ICO - Owl example file CFX32 CXX - CFX32 HXX - MAKEFILE - Owl example file OCXDLG CPP - Owl example file OCXDLG H - Owl example file OCXDLG IDE - Owl example file OCXDLGAP CPP - Owl example file OCXDLGAP DEF - Owl example file OCXDLGAP H - Owl example file OCXDLGAP RC - Owl example file OCXDLGAP RH - Owl example file README TXT - Owl example file VCF132 CXX - VCF132 HXX - VCFI32 CXX - VCFI32 HXX - ODBCINF PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: ABOUTDLG CPP - ABOUTDLG H - CATSETS CPP - CATSETS H - DRVINFO CPP - DRVINFO H - MAKEFILE - MYSHEET CPP - MYSHEET H - ODBCINFO CPP - ODBCINFO H - ODBCINFO IDE - ODBCINFO RC - README TXT - RESOURCE H - STDAFX CPP - STDAFX H - ODBCINFR PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: BITMAP1 BMP - BMP00002 BMP - IDR_MAIN ICO - ODBCINFO ICO - ODBCINFO RC2 - OLDBARS PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: GLOBALS CPP - GLOBALS H - MAINFRM CPP - MAINFRM H - MAKEFILE - OLDBADOC CPP - OLDBADOC H - OLDBARS CPP - OLDBARS H - OLDBARS IDE - OLDBARS RC - OLDBAVW CPP - OLDBAVW H - OLDBMAC R - RESOURCE H - STATBAR CPP - STATBAR H - STDAFX CPP - STDAFX H - TOOLBAR CPP - TOOLBAR H - OLDBARSR PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: OLDBADOC ICO - OLDBARS ICO - OLDBARS RC2 - TOOLBAR BMP - OLE2 DL_ (Disk1) - Microsoft Redistributable for Win32s OLE2 RE_ (Disk1) - Microsoft Redistributable for Win32s OLE2CONV DL_ (Disk1) - Microsoft Redistributable for Win32s OLE2DISP DL_ (Disk1) - Microsoft Redistributable for Win32s OLE2NLS DL_ (Disk1) - Microsoft Redistributable for Win32s OLE2PROX DL_ (Disk1) - Microsoft Redistributable for Win32s OLE2THK DL_ (Disk1) - Microsoft Redistributable for Win32s OOCFROOT PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: BUILDALL BAT - builds all ocf owl examples OPENHELP PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: BOPNHLP CFG - OpenHelp help file OPENHELP CFG - Openhelp help file OPENHELP EXE - OpenHelp file OSL_INC PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: DEFS H - OSL header file EXCEPT H - OSL header file GEOMETRY H - OSL header file INLINES H - OSL header file LOCALE H - OSL header file LOCALE RH - OSL header file USTRING H - OSL header file OUTDEB32 PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: MAKEFILE - OWL example file OUTDEB32 CPP - OWL example file OUTDEB32 IDE - OWL example file README TXT - OUTPUT PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: GLOBALS H - Series example file INIT C - Series example file MAKEFILE - Series example file OUTPUT C - Series example file OUTPUT ICO - Series example file OUTPUT IDE - Series example file OUTPUT RC - Series example file README TXT - Series example file RESOURCE H - Series example file VERSION H - Series example file WIN16EXT H - Series example file WINMAIN C - Series example file OWINROOT PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: BUILDALL BAT - OWL example file OWL16STA PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: OWLWL LIB - OWL 16 bit static lib files OWLWLU LIB - Borland OWL Library OWL32STA PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: OWLWF LIB - OWL 32 bit static lib files OWLWT LIB - Owl 32 bit static library OWLCMD PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: MAKEFILE - OWL example file OWLCMD CPP - OWL example file OWLCMD IDE - OWL example file README TXT - OWLDWF PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: DIBBLT32 OBJ - Owl source file OWLDWFI PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: DIBBLT32 OBJ - Owl source file OWLDWI PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: DIBBLT16 OBJ - Owl source file OWLDWIU PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: DIBBLT16 OBJ - Owl source file OWLDWL PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: DIBBLT16 OBJ - Owl source file OWLDWLU PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: DIBBLT16 OBJ - Owl source file OWLEXINC PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: BUILDALL BAT - OWL example file OWLINC PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: ANIMCTRL H - OWL header file APPDICT H - OWL header file APPLICAT H - OWL header file BITMAPGA H - OWL header file BITSET H - OWL header file BUTTON H - OWL header file BUTTONGA H - OWL header file CELARRAY H - OWL header file CHECKBOX H - OWL header file CHECKLST H - CHOOSECO H - OWL header file CHOOSEFO H - OWL header file CLIPBOAR H - OWL header file CLIPVIEW H - OWL header file COLMNHDR H - OWL Header file COLMNHDR RC - COLMNHDR RH - COLOR H - OWL header file COMBOBOX H - OWL header file COMMCTRL H - OWL Header file COMMDIAL H - OWL header file COMPAT H - OWL header file CONTAIN H - OWL Header file CONTROL H - OWL header file CONTROLB H - OWL header file CONTROLG H - OWL header file DC H - OWL header file DECFRAME H - OWL header file DECMDIFR H - OWL header file DEFS H - OWL Header file DIALOG H - OWL header file DIBITMAP H - DISPATCH H - OWL header file DOCKING H - OWL Header file DOCMANAG H - OWL header file DOCTPL H - OWL header file DOCVIEW H - OWL header file DOCVIEW RC - OWL header file DOCVIEW RH - OWL header file DRAGLIST H - EDIT H - OWL header file EDIT RH - OWL header file EDITFILE H - OWL header file EDITFILE RC - OWL header file EDITFILE RH - OWL header file EDITSEAR H - OWL header file EDITSEAR RC - OWL header file EDITSEAR RH - OWL header file EDITVIEW H - OWL header file EDITVIEW RC - OWL header file EDITVIEW RH - OWL header file EVENTHAN H - OWL header file EXCEPT H - OWL header file EXCEPT RC - OWL header file EXCEPT RH - OWL header file FILEDOC H - OWL header file FINDREPL H - OWL header file FLOATFRA H - OWL header file FRAMEWIN H - OWL header file GADGET H - OWL header file GADGETWI H - OWL header file GAUGE H - OWL header file GDIBASE H - OWL header file GDIOBJEC H - OWL header file GLYPHBTN H - GROUPBOX H - OWL header file HLPMANAG H - OWL include file HOTKEY H - OWL Header file IMAGELST H - OWL Source file INPUTDIA H - OWL header file INPUTDIA RC - OWL header file INPUTDIA RH - OWL header file LAYOUTCO H - OWL header file LAYOUTWI H - OWL header file LISTBOX H - OWL header file LISTVIEW H - OWL header file LISTVIEW RC - OWL header file LISTVIEW RH - OWL header file LISTWIND H - OWL Header file MAILER H - OWL header file MCI H - Owl header file MDI H - OWL header file MDI RH - OWL header file MDICHILD H - OWL header file MENU H - OWL header file MENUGADG H - OWL Header file MESSAGEB H - OWL header file METAFILE H - OWL header file MODEGAD H - OWL Header file MODULE H - OWL header file NOTETAB H - Owl header file OCFEVENT H - OWL header file OLEDIALG H - OLEDOC H - OWL header file OLEFACTO H - OWL header file OLEFRAME H - OWL header file OLEMDIFR H - OWL header file OLEVIEW H - OWL header file OLEVIEW RC - OWL header file OLEVIEW RH - OWL header file OLEWINDO H - OWL header file OPENSAVE H - OWL header file OWLALL H - OWL header file OWLAPP RC - OWL header file OWLCORE H - OWL header file OWLDEFS H - OWL header file OWLPCH H - OWL header file PANESPLI H - OWL Header file PANESPLI RC - OWL Header file PANESPLI RH - OWL Header file PCH H - OWL Header file PICKLIST H - OWL Header file PICKLIST RC - OWL Header file PICKLIST RH - OWL Header file PICTWIND H - POINT H - OWL header file PREVIEW H - OWL header file PREVWIN H - OWL include file PREVWIN RC - OWL include file PREVWIN RH - OWL include file PRINTDIA H - OWL header file PRINTER H - OWL header file PRINTER RC - OWL header file PRINTER RH - OWL header file PROFILE H - OWL include file PROPSHT H - OWL Header file PROPSHT RC - Owl include file PROPSHT RH - Owl include file RADIOBUT H - OWL header file RCNTFILE H - OWL Header file RESOURCE H - Owl include file RICHEDIT H - OWL Header file RICHEDPR H - OWL include file ROLLDIAL H - Owl header file SCROLLBA H - OWL header file SCROLLER H - OWL header file SERIALZE H - OWL Header file SHELLITM H - SIGNATUR H - OWL header file SLIDER H - OWL header file SLIDER RC - OWL header file SLIDER RH - OWL header file SPLASHWI H - OWL header file SPLITTER H - OWL Header file STATIC H - OWL header file STATUSBA H - OWL header file STATUSBA RC - OWL header file STATUSBA RH - OWL header file STGDOC H - OWL header file TABCTRL H - OWL Header file TEXTGADG H - OWL header file TIMEGADG H - OWL Header file TINYCAPT H - OWL header file TOOLBOX H - OWL header file TOOLTIP H - OWL Header file TREEWIND H - OWL Header file TREEWN16 H - UIHANDLE H - OWL header file UIHELPER H - OWL Header file UPDOWN H - OWL Header file VALIDATE H - OWL header file VALIDATE RC - OWL header file VALIDATE RH - OWL header file VBXCTL H - OWL header file VERSION H - OWL header file WINDOW H - OWL header file WINDOW RH - OWL header file WINDOWEV H - OWL header file WING H - Owl header file WINSOCK H - WINSOCK RC - Owl resource file WINSOCK RH - Owl include file WSKADDR H - WSKERR H - WSKHOSTM H - WSKSERVM H - WSKSOCK H - WSKSOCKD H - WSKSOCKM H - OWLINI PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: OWL INI - OWL configuration file OWLPORTE PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: OWLCVT EXE - OWL configuration file OWLPORTH PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: APPDICT H - OWL header file APPLICAT H - OWL header file BBUTTON H - OWL header file BCHKBOX H - OWL header file BDIVIDER H - OWL header file BGRPBOX H - OWL header file BRADIO H - OWL header file BSTATBMP H - OWL header file BSTATIC H - OWL header file BUTTON H - OWL header file BWINDOW H - OWL header file CHECKBOX H - OWL header file COMBOBOX H - OWL header file CONTROL H - OWL header file DIALOG H - OWL header file EDIT H - OWL header file EDITACC RC - OWL header file EDITMENU RC - OWL header file EDITWND H - OWL header file FILEACC RC - OWL header file FILEDIAL DLG - OWL header file FILEDIAL H - OWL header file FILEMENU RC - OWL header file FILEWND H - OWL header file GROUPBOX H - OWL header file INPUTDIA DLG - OWL header file INPUTDIA H - OWL header file LISTBOX H - OWL header file MDI H - OWL header file MODULE H - OWL header file OBJSTRM H - OWL header file OWL H - OWL header file OWLDEFS H - OWL header file OWLHDR H - OWL header file OWLRC H - OWL header file RADIOBUT H - OWL header file SAFEPOOL H - OWL header file SCROLLBA H - OWL header file SCROLLER H - OWL header file STATIC H - OWL header file STDWNDS DLG - OWL header file TCOLLECT H - OWL header file WINDOBJ H - OWL header file WINDOW H - OWL header file OWLSRC PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: ANIMCTRL CPP - OWL source file APPDICT CPP - OWL source file APPLICAT CPP - OWL source file BITMAP CPP - OWL source file BITMAPGA CPP - OWL source file BITSET CPP - OWL source file BRUSH CPP - OWL source file BUILDOWL BAT - OWL source file BUTTON CPP - OWL source file BUTTONGA CPP - OWL source file CELARRAY CPP - OWL source file CHECKBOX CPP - OWL source file CHECKLST CPP - CHOOSECO CPP - OWL source file CHOOSEFO CPP - OWL source file CLIPBOAR CPP - OWL source file CLIPVIEW CPP - OWL source file COLMNHDR CPP - OWL Source file COMBOBOX CPP - OWL source file COMMCTRL CPP - OWL Source file COMMDIAL CPP - OWL source file COMPAT CPP - OWL source file CONTAIN CPP - OWL Source file CONTROL CPP - OWL source file CONTROLB CPP - OWL source file CONTROLG CPP - OWL source file CREATEDC CPP - OWL source file CURSOR CPP - OWL source file DATETIME CPP - OWL Source file DC CPP - OWL source file DECFRAME CPP - OWL source file DECMDIFR CPP - OWL source file DIALOG CPP - OWL source file DIB CPP - OWL source file DIBBLT16 ASM - DIBBLT32 ASM - DIBDC CPP - DIBITMAP CPP - DISPATCH CPP - OWL source file DOCKING CPP - OWL Source file DOCMANAG CPP - OWL source file DOCTPL CPP - OWL source file DOCUMENT CPP - OWL Source file DRAGLIST CPP - EDIT CPP - OWL source file EDITFILE CPP - OWL source file EDITSEAR CPP - OWL source file EDITVIEW CPP - OWL source file EVENTHAN CPP - OWL source file EXCEPT CPP - OWL source file FILEDOC CPP - OWL source file FILTVAL CPP - OWL source file FINDREPL CPP - OWL source file FLOATFRA CPP - OWL source file FONT CPP - OWL source file FRAMEWIN CPP - OWL source file GADGET CPP - OWL source file GADGETLI CPP - OWL Source file GADGETWI CPP - OWL source file GAUGE CPP - OWL source file GDIBASE CPP - OWL source file GDIOBJEC CPP - OWL source file GLOBAL CPP - OWL source file GLYPHBTN CPP - GROUPBOX CPP - OWL source file HLPMANAG CPP - OWL source file HOTKEY CPP - OWL Source file HSLIDER CPP - OWL source file ICON CPP - OWL source file IMAGELST CPP - OWL Source file INITDLL CPP - INPUTDIA CPP - OWL source file LAYOUTWI CPP - OWL source file LIBMAIN CPP - OWL source file LISTBOX CPP - OWL source file LISTVIEW CPP - OWL source file LISTWIND CPP - OWL Source file LOOKVAL CPP - OWL source file MAILER CPP - OWL source file MAKEFILE - OWL source file MCI CPP - Owl source file MCIWAV CPP - OWL source file MDICHILD CPP - OWL source file MDICLIEN CPP - OWL source file MDIFRAME CPP - OWL source file MEMORYDC CPP - OWL source file MENU CPP - OWL source file MENUDESC CPP - OWL source file MENUGADG CPP - OWL Source file MESSAGEB CPP - OWL source file METAFILE CPP - OWL source file METAFLDC CPP - OWL source file MODEGAD CPP - OWL Source file MODULE CPP - OWL source file MODULEOB CPP - OWL source file MODVERSI CPP - OWL source file NOTETAB CPP - Owl source file OLEDIALG CPP - OLEDOC CPP - OWL source file OLEFRAME CPP - OWL source file OLEMDIFR CPP - OWL source file OLEVIEW CPP - OWL source file OLEWINDO CPP - OWL source file OPENSAVE CPP - OWL source file OWL CPP - OWL source file OWL RC - OWL source file OWL16 ORD - OWL source file OWL32 ORD - OWLMAIN CPP - OWL source file PAINTDC CPP - OWL source file PALETTE CPP - OWL source file PANESPLI CPP - OWL Source file PEN CPP - OWL source file PICKLIST CPP - OWL Source file PICTVAL CPP - OWL source file PICTWIND CPP - PREVIEW CPP - OWL source file PREVWIN CPP - OWL source file PRINTDC CPP - OWL source file PRINTDIA CPP - OWL source file PRINTER CPP - OWL source file PRINTOUT CPP - OWL source file PROPSHT CPP - OWL Source file RADIOBUT CPP - OWL source file RANGEVAL CPP - OWL source file RCNTFILE CPP - OWL Source file REGION CPP - OWL source file RESOURCE CPP - Owl source file RICHEDIT CPP - OWL Source file RICHEDPR CPP - OWL source file ROLLDIAL CPP - OWL source file SCROLLBA CPP - OWL source file SCROLLER CPP - OWL source file SERIALZE CPP - OWL Source file SHELLITM CPP - SLIDER CPP - OWL source file SPLASHWI CPP - OWL source file STATIC CPP - OWL source file STATUSBA CPP - OWL source file STGDOC CPP - OWL source file SWINDOW CPP - OWL source file TABCTRL CPP - OWL Source file TEXTGADG CPP - OWL source file TIMEGADG CPP - OWL Source file TINYCAPT CPP - OWL source file TMPLINS1 CPP - Owl Source file TMPLINS2 CPP - Owl Source file TMPLINS3 CPP - Owl Source file TMPLINS4 CPP - Owl Source file TMPLINST CPP - Classlib Source File TOOLBOX CPP - OWL source file TOOLTIP CPP - OWL Source file TREEWIND CPP - OWL Source file TREEWN16 CPP - UIBORDER CPP - OWL Source file UIFACE CPP - OWL Source file UIHANDLE CPP - OWL source file UIPART CPP - UPDOWN CPP - OWL Source file VALIDATE CPP - OWL source file VBXCTL CPP - OWL source file VERSION CPP - OWL source file VERSION RC - OWL Source file VIEW CPP - OWL Source file VSLIDER CPP - OWL source file WINDOW CPP - OWL source file WINDOWDC CPP - OWL source file WING CPP - Owl source file WINMAIN CPP - OWL source file WINSOCK CPP - WSKADDR CPP - WSKERR CPP - WSKHOSTM CPP - WSKSERVM CPP - WSKSOCK CPP - WSKSOCKD CPP - WSKSOCKM CPP - OWLSRWF PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: DIBBLT32 OBJ - Owl obj file OWLSRWFI PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: DIBBLT32 OBJ - Owl obj file OWLSRWI PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: DIBBLT16 OBJ - Owl obj file OWLSRWIU PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: DIBBLT16 OBJ - Owl obj file OWLSRWL PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: DIBBLT16 OBJ - Owl obj file OWLSRWLU PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: DIBBLT16 OBJ - Owl obj file OWLTTYPE PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: FONT RC - OWL example file MAKEFILE - OWL example file TRUETYPE CPP - OWL example file TRUETYPE H - OWL example file TRUETYPE ICO - OWL example file TRUETYPE IDE - OWL example file TRUETYPE RC - OWL example file OWNERDRA PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: MAKEFILE - OWL example file OWNERDRA CPP - OWL example file OWNERDRA H - OWL example file OWNERDRA IDE - OWL example file OWNERDRA RC - OWL example file README TXT - PAINT PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: DIBATTR CPP - OWL example file DIBATTR H - OWL example file ELLIPSE CUR - OWL example file ELLIPSE ICO - OWL example file FELLIPSE CUR - OWL example file FELLIPSE ICO - OWL example file FILL CUR - OWL example file FILL ICO - OWL example file FRECT CUR - OWL example file FRECT ICO - OWL example file MAKEFILE - OWL example file OWLPAINT ICO - OWL example file PAINT CPP - OWL example file PAINT IDE - OWL example file PAINT RC - OWL example file PAINT RH - OWL example file PEN CUR - OWL example file PEN ICO - OWL example file README TXT - RECT CUR - OWL example file RECT ICO - OWL example file PAL PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: MAKEFILE - PAL CPP - PAL DEF - PAL H - PAL ICO - PAL IDE - PAL ODL - PAL RC - PAL RC2 - PAL TLB - PALCTL BMP - PALCTL CPP - PALCTL H - PALPPG CPP - PALPPG H - RESOURCE H - STDAFX CPP - STDAFX H - PALETTE PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: MAKEFILE - OWL example file NEWTION BMP - OWL example file PALETTE H - OWL example file PALETTE IDE - OWL example file PALETTE RC - OWL example file PALETTEX CPP - OWL example file README TXT - PEEPER PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: MAKEFILE - OWL example file PEEPER CPP - OWL example file PEEPER H - OWL example file PEEPER IDE - OWL example file PEEPER RC - OWL example file PEEPER RH - OWL example file README TXT - PICKLIST PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: MAKEFILE - OWL example file PICKLIST IDE - OWL example file PICKLIST RC - OWL example file PICKLIST RH - OWL example file PICKLISX CPP - OWL example file README TXT - OWL example file PICTWIND PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: MAKEFILE - Owl example file PICTWIND IDE - OWL example file PICTWIND RC - Owl example file PICTWIND RH - Owl example file PICTWINX CPP - Owl example file README TXT - Owl example file SAMPLE BMP - Owl example file PIPELINE PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: CRAMAPI DLL - Pipeline redistributable file MAILFORM CTL - Pipeline redistributable file PIPELINE DLL - Pipeline redistributable file PIPERMD DLL - Pipeline Redistributable file REGISTER EXE - Pipeline redistributable file REGPRINT CTL - Pipeline redistributable file REGRMDR EXE - Pipeline redistributable file REMIND EXE - Pipeline redistributable file REMIND SCH - Pipeline redistributable file SDKINTRO GIF - Pipeline redistributable file SLIDSHOW FSS - Pipeline redistributable file SSLIB DLL - Pipeline redistributable file THANKS GIF - Pipeline redistributable file WALLPPR BMP - Pipeline Redistributable file PIPELINE INI (Disk1) - Pipeline redistributable file POPUP PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: MAKEFILE - OWL example file POPUP CPP - OWL example file POPUP IDE - OWL example file POPUP RC - OWL example file README TXT - PRINTING PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: MAKEFILE - OWL example file PRINTING CPP - OWL example file PRINTING IDE - OWL example file PRINTING RC - OWL example file README TXT - OWL example file PRNTPREV PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: MAKEFILE - OWL example file PRNTPREV CPP - OWL example file PRNTPREV IDE - OWL example file PRNTPREV RC - OWL example file PRNTPREV RH - OWL example file README TXT - SPACESHI BMP - OWL example file PROGMAN PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: MAKEFILE - OWL example file PROGMAN IDE - OWL example file PROGMANX CPP - OWL example file PROGMANX H - OWL example file PROGMANX RC - OWL example file PROPD PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: COLORPGE CPP - COLORPGE H - MAINFRM CPP - MAINFRM H - MAKEFILE - MINIFRM CPP - MINIFRM H - PREVIEW CPP - PREVIEW H - PROPDLG CPP - PROPDLG H - PROPDLG IDE - PROPDLG RC - PROPMAC R - PROPSHT CPP - PROPSHT H - PROPSHT2 CPP - PROPSHT2 H - RESOURCE H - SHAPEDOC CPP - SHAPEDOC H - SHAPEOBJ CPP - SHAPEOBJ H - SHAPESVW CPP - SHAPESVW H - STDAFX CPP - STDAFX H - STYLEPGE CPP - STYLEPGE H - PROPDJ PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: PROPDLG RC - PROPDJR PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: PROPDLG RC2 - PROPDR PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: PROPDLG ICO - PROPDLG RC2 - SHAPEDOC ICO - TOOLBAR BMP - PROPSHET PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: ABOUT C - propshet series example BACKCOLO ICO - propshet series examples DISPATCH C - propshet series examples GLOBALS H - propshet series example INIT C - propshet series example MAKEFILE - propshet series example MISC C - propshet series examples PROPSHET C - propshet series example PROPSHET ICO - propshet series examples PROPSHET IDE - propshet series example PROPSHET RC - propshet series example README TXT - propshet series example RECTCOLO ICO - propshet series example RESOURCE H - propshet series example WINMAIN C - propshet series example PROPSHT PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: COLOR ICO - OWL example file MAKEFILE - OWL example file PROPSHT H - OWL example file PROPSHT IDE - OWL example file PROPSHT RC - OWL example file PROPSHTX CPP - OWL example file README TXT - OWL example file SIZE ICO - OWL example file PSTREAM PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: ELLIPSE CUR - Classlib example file LINE CUR - Classlib example file MAKEFILE - Classlib example file PSTREAM IDE - Classlib example file RECT CUR - Classlib example file STREAM0 CPP - Classlib example file STREAM0 DEF - Classlib example file STREAM1 CPP - Classlib example file STREAM1 DEF - Classlib example file STREAM2 CPP - Classlib example file STREAM2 DEF - Classlib example file STREAMS H - Classlib example file STREAMS RC - Classlib example file PUSH PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: MAKEFILE - PUSH CPP - PUSH DEF - PUSH H - PUSH ICO - PUSH IDE - PUSH ODL - PUSH RC - PUSH RC2 - PUSH TLB - PUSHCD BMP - PUSHCONT BMP - PUSHCTL BMP - PUSHCTL CPP - PUSHCTL H - PUSHCU BMP - PUSHPPG CPP - PUSHPPG H - RESOURCE H - STDAFX CPP - STDAFX H - PVIEW95 PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: ABOUT C - pview95 series example DISPATCH C - pview95 series example GLOBALS H - pview95 series example INIT C - pview95 series example LISTVIEW C - pview95 series example LISTVIEW H - pview95 series example MAKEFILE - pview95 series example MISC C - pview95 series example PROCTHRD C - pview95 series example PROCTHRD H - pview95 series example PVIEW95 C - pview95 series example PVIEW95 ICO - pview95 series example PVIEW95 IDE - pview95 series example PVIEW95 RC - pview95 series example README TXT - pview95 series example RESIZE CUR - pview95 series example RESOURCE H - pview95 series example TOOLBAR BMP - pview95 series example TOOLBAR C - pview95 series example TOOLBAR H - pview95 series example WINMAIN C - pview95 series example QUEUES PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: IQUELIST CPP - Classlib example file IQUEUE CPP - Classlib example file MAKEFILE - Classlib example file QUELIST CPP - Classlib example file QUEUE CPP - Classlib example file QUEUES IDE - Classlib example file QUEUETST PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: MAKEFILE - Classlib example file QUEUETST CPP - Classlib example file QUEUETST IDE - Classlib example file RC32_HLP PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: RC32 CNT - RC32 HLP - RC32 TOC - README TXT (Disk1) - file contains last minute information REGSVR PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: MAKEFILE - REGSVR CPP - REGSVR IDE - REGSVR RC - REGSVR RC2 - RESOURCE H - VERSION H - REGTEST PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: MAKEFILE - OCF Example file REGTEST CPP - OCF Example file REGTEST IDE - OCF Example file REGTEST RC - OCF example file REGTEST RH - OCF example file REVERSE PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: MAKEFILE - Classlib example file REVERSE CPP - Classlib example file REVERSE IDE - Classlib example file RICHEDIT PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: MAKEFILE - OWL example file README TXT - RICHEDAP CPP - OWL example file RICHEDAP H - OWL example file RICHEDAP RC - OWL example file RICHEDIT IDE - OWL example file ROLLDIAL PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: MAKEFILE - Owl example file README TXT - Owl example file ROLLDIAL IDE - Owl example file ROLLDLGX CPP - Owl example file ROLLDLGX RC - Owl example file ROLLDLGX RH - Owl example file ROWLST PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: LISTVWEX CPP - LISTVWEX H - MAINFRM CPP - MAINFRM H - README TXT - RESOURCE H - RLISTDOC CPP - RLISTDOC H - RLISTVW CPP - RLISTVW H - ROWLIST CPP - ROWLIST H - ROWLIST IDE - ROWLIST RC - STDAFX CPP - STDAFX H - ROWLSTR PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: LARGEICO BMP - RLISTDOC ICO - ROWLIST ICO - ROWLIST RC2 - SMALLICO BMP - STATEICO BMP - TOOLBAR BMP - RTFEDIT PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: ABOUT C - Windows example file DISPATCH C - Windows example file GLOBALS H - Windows example file INIT C - Windows example file MAKEFILE - Windows example file MISC C - Windows example file README TXT - Windows example file RESOURCE H - Windows example file RTFEDIT C - Windows example file RTFEDIT ICO - Windows example file RTFEDIT IDE - Windows example file RTFEDIT RC - Windows example file WINMAIN C - Windows example file RTLDLL16 PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: BC520RTL DLL - 16 RTL dll RTLDLL32 PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: CW3220 DLL - 32 RTL dll CW3220MT DLL - 32 RTL dll CW3230 DLL - CW3230MT DLL - RTLIMP16 PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: CRTLDLL LIB - Dynamic RTL RTLIMP32 PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: CW32I LIB - 32 bit RTL support modules CW32MTI LIB - 32 bit RTL support modules RTLWIN16 PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: CDERR H - 16 bit RTL Windows Header file COBJPS H - Microsoft header file COGUID H - Microsoft header file COLORDLG H - 16 bit RTL Windows Header file COMMDLG H - 16 bit RTL Windows Header file COMPOBJ H - Microsoft header file CPL H - 16 bit RTL Windows Header file CUSTCNTL H - 16 bit RTL Windows Header file DDE H - 16 bit RTL Windows Header file DDEML H - 16 bit RTL Windows Header file DISPATCH H - 16 bit RTL Windows Header file DLGS H - 16 bit RTL Windows Header file DRIVINIT H - 16 bit RTL Windows Header file DVOBJ H - Microsoft header file INITGUID H - Microsoft header file LZEXPAND H - 16 bit RTL Windows Header file MONIKER H - Microsoft header file OLE H - 16 bit RTL Windows Header file OLE1CLS H - Microsoft header file OLE2 H - 16 bit RTL Windows Header file OLE2DBG H - Microsoft header file OLE2VER H - Microsoft header file OLECTL H - OLEGUID H - 16 bit RTL Windows Header file OLENLS H - 16 bit RTL Windows Header file PENWIN H - 16 bit RTL Windows Header file PENWOEM H - Microsoft header file PRINT H - 16 bit RTL Windows Header file SCODE H - Microsoft header file SHELLAPI H - 16 bit RTL Windows Header file STORAGE H - Microsoft header file STRESS H - 16 bit RTL Windows Header file TOOLHELP H - 16 bit RTL Windows Header file VARIANT H - 16 bit RTL Windows Header file VER H - 16 bit RTL Windows Header file WFEXT H - 16 bit RTL Windows Header file WINDOWS H - 16 bit RTL Windows Header file WINDOWSX H - 16 bit RTL Windows Header file WINMEM32 H - Microsoft header file RTLWIN32 PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: ACCCTRL H - ACLAPI H - ALPHAOPS H - ATALKWSH H - 32 bit RTL Windows file BASETYPS H - 32 bit RTL Windows header file CDERR H - 32 bit RTL Windows header file CGUID H - 32 bit RTL Windows header file COLORDLG H - Microsoft header file COMMDLG H - 32 bit RTL Windows header file COMPOBJ H - 32 bit RTL Windows header file CPL H - 32 bit RTL Windows header file CPLEXT H - 32 bit RTL Windows file CUSTCNTL H - 32 bit RTL Windows header file DBDAOID H - Rtl include file DBT H - 32 bit RTL Windows file DDE H - 32 bit RTL Windows header file DDEML H - 32 bit RTL Windows header file DISPATCH H - 32 bit RTL Windows header file DLCAPI H - 32 bit RTL Windows file DLGS H - 32 bit RTL Windows header file DRIVINIT H - 32 bit RTL Windows header file DVOBJ H - 32 bit RTL Windows header file ERROR H - 32 bit RTL Windows file EXCHEXT H - 32 bit RTL Windows file FTSIFACE H - 32 bit RTL Windows Header file HTTPEXT H - HTTPFILT H - IDF H - 32 bit RTL Windows file IMESSAGE H - 32 bit RTL Windows file IMM H - 32 bit RTL Windows header file INITOID H - 32 bit RTL Windows file INTSHCUT H - 32 bit RTL Windows Header file ISGUIDS H - 32 bit RTL Windows Header file LM H - 32 bit RTL Windows file LMACCESS H - 32 bit RTL Windows file LMALERT H - 32 bit RTL Windows file LMAPIBUF H - 32 bit RTL Windows file LMAT H - 32 bit RTL Windows file LMAUDIT H - 32 bit RTL Windows file LMBROWSR H - 32 bit RTL Windows file LMCHDEV H - 32 bit RTL Windows file LMCONFIG H - 32 bit RTL Windows file LMCONS H - 32 bit RTL Windows file LMERR H - 32 bit RTL Windows file LMERRLOG H - 32 bit RTL Windows file LMMSG H - 32 bit RTL Windows file LMREMUTL H - 32 bit RTL Windows file LMREPL H - 32 bit RTL Windows file LMSERVER H - 32 bit RTL Windows file LMSHARE H - 32 bit RTL Windows file LMSNAME H - 32 bit RTL Windows file LMSTATS H - 32 bit RTL Windows file LMSVC H - 32 bit RTL Windows file LMUSE H - 32 bit RTL Windows file LMUSEFLG H - 32 bit RTL Windows file LMWKSTA H - 32 bit RTL Windows file LSAPI H - LZEXPAND H - 32 bit RTL Windows header file MAPI H - 32 bit RTL Windows file MAPIFORM H - 32 bit RTL Windows file MAPIGUID H - 32 bit RTL Windows header file MAPIHOOK H - 32 bit RTL Windows file MAPIOID H - 32 bit RTL Windows file MAPISPI H - 32 bit RTL Windows file MAPITAGS H - 32 bit RTL Windows file MAPIVAL H - 32 bit RTL Windows file MAPIWZ H - 32 bit RTL Windows file MAPIX H - 32 bit RTL Windows file MCIAVI H - 32 bit RTL Windows header file MCX H - 32 bit RTL Windows header file MGMTAPI H - 32 bit RTL Windows file MIDLES H - 32 bit RTL Windows header file MMREG H - 32 bit RTL Windows header file MONIKER H - 32 bit RTL Windows header file MSACMDLG H - 32 bit RTL Windows header file MSFS H - 32 bit RTL Windows file MSPAB H - 32 bit RTL Windows file MSPST H - 32 bit RTL Windows file MSVIDDRV H - 32 bit RTL Windows file NB30 H - 32 bit RTL Windows header file NDDEAPI H - 32 bit RTL Windows file NDDESEC H - 32 bit RTL Windows file NSPAPI H - 32 bit RTL Windows file NTSDEXTS H - OBJERROR H - 32 bit RTL Windows header file OBJIDL H - 32 bit RTL Windows header file OLE H - 32 bit RTL Windows header file OLE2 H - 32 bit RTL Windows header file OLE2VER H - 32 bit RTL Windows header file OLECTL H - 32 bit RTL Windows file OLEDLG H - 32 bit RTL Windows header file OLEIDL H - 32 bit RTL Windows header file PBT H - 32 bit RTL Windows file PCRT32 H - 32 bit RTL Windows file PDH H - PDHMSG H - PDKVER H - 32 bit RTL Windows file PLAN32 H - 32 bit RTL Windows file RAS H - 32 bit RTL Windows header file RASDLG H - RASERROR H - 32 bit RTL Windows header file RASSAPI H - RASSHOST H - RECGUIDS H - 32 bit RTL Windows file RECONCIL H - 32 bit RTL Windows file REGSTR H - 32 bit RTL Windows file RICHOLE H - 32 bit RTL Windows header file RPC H - 32 bit RTL Windows header file RPCDCE H - 32 bit RTL Windows header file RPCDCE2 H - 32 bit RTL Windows file RPCDCEP H - 32 bit RTL Windows header file RPCNDR H - 32 bit RTL Windows header file RPCNSI H - 32 bit RTL Windows header file RPCNSIP H - 32 bit RTL Windows header file RPCNTERR H - 32 bit RTL Windows header file RPCPROXY H - 32 bit RTL Windows header file SCODE H - 32 bit RTL Windows header file SCRNSAVE H - 32 bit RTL Windows header file SHELLAPI H - 32 bit RTL Windows header file SHLOBJ H - 32 bit RTL Windows file SMPAB H - 32 bit RTL Windows file SMPMS H - 32 bit RTL Windows file SMPXP H - 32 bit RTL Windows file SNMP H - 32 bit RTL Windows header file SPORDER H - STORAGE H - 32 bit RTL Windows header file SVCGUID H - 32 bit RTL Windows file TAPI H - 32 bit RTL Windows file TLHELP32 H - 32 bit RTL Windows file TNEF H - 32 bit RTL Windows file TSPI H - 32 bit RTL Windows file UNKNWN H - 32 bit RTL Windows header file VARIANT H - 32 bit RTL Windows header file VCR H - 32 bit RTL Windows file VDMDBG H - 32 bit RTL Windows file VER H - Microsoft header file WDBGEXTS H - 32 bit RTL Windows header file WFEXT H - Microsoft header file WINBASE H - 32 bit RTL Windows header file WINCON H - 32 bit RTL Windows header file WINDOWS H - 32 bit RTL Windows header file WINDOWSX H - 32 bit RTL Windows header file WINGDI H - 32 bit RTL Windows header file WINIOCTL H - 32 bit RTL Windows file WINNETWK H - 32 bit RTL Windows header file WINNLS H - 32 bit RTL Windows header file WINNT H - 32 bit RTL Windows header file WINPERF H - 32 bit RTL Windows file WINREG H - 32 bit RTL Windows header file WINSPOOL H - 32 bit RTL Windows header file WINSVC H - 32 bit RTL Windows file WINUSER H - 32 bit RTL Windows header file WINVER H - 32 bit RTL Windows header file WINWLX H - 32 bit RTL Windows Header file WS2ATM H - WS2TCPIP H - WSVV H - XCMC H - 32 bit RTL Windows file XCMCEXT H - 32 bit RTL Windows file XCMCMSX2 H - 32 bit RTL Windows file XCMCMSXT H - 32 bit RTL Windows file RW16 PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: LOADBWCC EXE - Resource Workshop file RW32 PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: RW32CORE DLL - Resource Workshop DLL RW32UI DLL - Resource Workshop DLL RWADDON DLL - RWCTLS DLL - Rw dialog control file RWDESIGN DLL - Rw dialog editor file RWIMGED DLL - Resource Workshop DLL RWINSPCT DLL - Rw dialog property inspector RWRES DLL - Resource Workshop DLL RW_HLP PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: WORKSHOP CNT - Borland help file WORKSHOP HLP - RW help file WORKSHOP MST - WORKSHOP TOC - RW help file SAMPLE PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: DLCTL CPP - DLCTL EXE - DLCTL IDE - DLCTL INI - DLWRAP H - TESTDLL DLL - TESTDLL H - TESTDLL LIB - SAVER PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: DRAWWND CPP - DRAWWND H - MAKEFILE - README TXT - RESOURCE H - SAVER CPP - SAVER H - SAVER IDE - SAVER RC - SAVERDLG CPP - SAVERDLG H - SAVERWND CPP - SAVERWND H - STDAFX CPP - STDAFX H - SAVERR PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: CURSOR1 CUR - SAVER ICO - SAVER RC2 - SCRIB1 PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: CHILDFRM CPP - CHILDFRM H - MAINFRM CPP - MAINFRM H - MAKEFILE - README TXT - RESOURCE H - SCRIBBLE CLW - SCRIBBLE CPP - SCRIBBLE H - SCRIBBLE IDE - SCRIBBLE RC - SCRIBBLE REG - SCRIBDOC CPP - SCRIBDOC H - SCRIBVW CPP - SCRIBVW H - STDAFX CPP - STDAFX H - SCRIB1R PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: SCRIBBLE ICO - SCRIBBLE RC2 - SCRIBDOC ICO - TOOLBAR BMP - SCRIB2 PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: CHILDFRM CPP - CHILDFRM H - MAINFRM CPP - MAINFRM H - MAKEFILE - README TXT - RESOURCE FD - RESOURCE H - SCRIBBLE CLW - SCRIBBLE CPP - SCRIBBLE H - SCRIBBLE IDE - SCRIBBLE RC - SCRIBBLE REG - SCRIBDOC CPP - SCRIBDOC H - SCRIBVW CPP - SCRIBVW H - STDAFX CPP - STDAFX H - SCRIB2R PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: SCRIBBLE ICO - SCRIBBLE RC2 - SCRIBDOC ICO - TOOLBAR BMP - SCRIB3 PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: CHILDFRM CPP - CHILDFRM H - MAINFRM CPP - MAINFRM H - MAKEFILE - PENDLG CPP - PENDLG H - README TXT - RESOURCE FD - RESOURCE H - SCRIBBLE CLW - SCRIBBLE CPP - SCRIBBLE H - SCRIBBLE IDE - SCRIBBLE RC - SCRIBBLE REG - SCRIBDOC CPP - SCRIBDOC H - SCRIBVW CPP - SCRIBVW H - STDAFX CPP - STDAFX H - SCRIB3R PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: SCRIBBLE ICO - SCRIBBLE RC2 - SCRIBDOC ICO - TOOLBAR BMP - SCRIB4 PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: CHILDFRM CPP - CHILDFRM H - MAINFRM CPP - MAINFRM H - MAKEFILE - PENDLG CPP - PENDLG H - README TXT - RESOURCE FD - RESOURCE H - SCRIBBLE CLW - SCRIBBLE CPP - SCRIBBLE H - SCRIBBLE IDE - SCRIBBLE RC - SCRIBBLE REG - SCRIBDOC CPP - SCRIBDOC H - SCRIBVW CPP - SCRIBVW H - STDAFX CPP - STDAFX H - SCRIB4R PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: SCRIBBLE ICO - SCRIBBLE RC2 - SCRIBDOC ICO - TOOLBAR BMP - SCRIB5 PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: CHILDFRM CPP - CHILDFRM H - MAINFRM CPP - MAINFRM H - MAKEFILE - PENDLG CPP - PENDLG H - README TXT - RESOURCE FD - RESOURCE H - SCRIBBLE CLW - SCRIBBLE CPP - SCRIBBLE H - SCRIBBLE IDE - SCRIBBLE RC - SCRIBBLE REG - SCRIBDOC CPP - SCRIBDOC H - SCRIBVW CPP - SCRIBVW H - STDAFX CPP - STDAFX H - SCRIB5R PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: SCRIBBLE ICO - SCRIBBLE RC2 - SCRIBDOC ICO - TOOLBAR BMP - SCRIB6 PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: CHILDFRM CPP - CHILDFRM H - MAINFRM CPP - MAINFRM H - MAKEFILE - MAKEHELP BAT - PENDLG CPP - PENDLG H - README TXT - RESOURCE FD - RESOURCE H - SCRIBBLE CLW - SCRIBBLE CPP - SCRIBBLE H - SCRIBBLE IDE - SCRIBBLE RC - SCRIBBLE REG - SCRIBDOC CPP - SCRIBDOC H - SCRIBVW CPP - SCRIBVW H - STDAFX CPP - STDAFX H - SCRIB6H PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: AFXCORE RTF - AFXPRINT RTF - APPEXIT BMP - BULLET BMP - CURARW2 BMP - CURARW4 BMP - CURHELP BMP - EDITCOPY BMP - EDITCUT BMP - EDITPAST BMP - EDITUNDO BMP - FILENEW BMP - FILEOPEN BMP - FILEPRNT BMP - FILESAVE BMP - HLPSBAR BMP - HLPTBAR BMP - PEN RTF - RECFIRST BMP - RECLAST BMP - RECNEXT BMP - RECPREV BMP - SCMAX BMP - SCMENU BMP - SCMIN BMP - SCRIBBLE CNT - SCRIBBLE HPJ - SCRIB6R PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: SCRIBBLE ICO - SCRIBBLE RC2 - SCRIBDOC ICO - TOOLBAR BMP - SCRIB7 PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: CHILDFRM CPP - CHILDFRM H - IPFRAME CPP - IPFRAME H - MAINFRM CPP - MAINFRM H - MAKEFILE - MAKEHELP BAT - PENDLG CPP - PENDLG H - README TXT - RESOURCE FD - RESOURCE H - SCRIBBLE CLW - SCRIBBLE CPP - SCRIBBLE H - SCRIBBLE IDE - SCRIBBLE RC - SCRIBBLE REG - SCRIBDOC CPP - SCRIBDOC H - SCRIBITM CPP - SCRIBITM H - SCRIBVW CPP - SCRIBVW H - STDAFX CPP - STDAFX H - SCRIB7H PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: AFXCORE RTF - AFXOLESV RTF - AFXPRINT RTF - APPEXIT BMP - BULLET BMP - CURARW2 BMP - CURARW4 BMP - CURHELP BMP - EDITCOPY BMP - EDITCUT BMP - EDITPAST BMP - EDITUNDO BMP - FILENEW BMP - FILEOPEN BMP - FILEPRNT BMP - FILESAVE BMP - HLPSBAR BMP - HLPTBAR BMP - PEN RTF - RECFIRST BMP - RECLAST BMP - RECNEXT BMP - RECPREV BMP - SCMAX BMP - SCMENU BMP - SCMIN BMP - SCRIBBLE CNT - SCRIBBLE HPJ - SCRIB7R PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: ITOOLBAR BMP - SCRIBBLE ICO - SCRIBBLE RC2 - SCRIBDOC ICO - TOOLBAR BMP - SCRIPT PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: BLOCK SPP - IDE Script file BRIEF KBD - IDE Scrip file BRIEFEX SPP - IDE Script file C TPL - CLASSIC KBD - IDE Scrip file CREDITS SPP - CTXFLOPN SPP - DEBUG SPP - IDE Script file DEFAULT KBD - Default keyboard file DIRVIEW SPP - EDIT SPP - IDE Script file ED_BRIEF SPP - IDE Script file ED_CLSSC SPP - IDE Script file ED_DFLT SPP - IDE Script file ED_EPSLN SPP - IDE Script file EPSILON KBD - IDE Scrip file EXSCR SPP - IDE script file FILTERS SPP - IDE Script file FILTSTUB SPP - IDE Script file IDE SPP - IDE Script file MATE SPP - IDE script file MENUHOOK SPP - IDE Script file MISCSCR SPP - OPENFILE SPP - IDE script file STARTUP SPP - IDE Script file TEMPLATE SPP - TIPS SPP - SCRNSAVE PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: MAKEFILE - OWL example file OWLSCRN CPP - OWL example file OWLSCRN DEF - OWL example file OWLSCRN H - OWL example file OWLSCRN IDE - OWL example file OWLSCRN RC - OWL example file README TXT - TSCRNSAV CPP - OWL example file TSCRNSAV H - OWL example file SCROLLBA PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: MAKEFILE - OWL example file README TXT - SCROLLBA IDE - OWL example file SCROLLBX CPP - OWL example file SCROLLER PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: MAKEFILE - OWL example file README TXT - SCROLLER IDE - OWL example file SCROLLEX CPP - OWL example file SCRPTEXM PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: ALIGNEQ SPP - IDE script example file APIEXP DAT - IDE script example file APIEXP SPP - IDE script example file AUTO SPP - AUTOSAVE CFG - IDE script example file AUTOSAVE SPP - IDE script example file CODECPP DAT - IDE script example file CODEGEN DAT - IDE script example file CODELIB CFG - IDE script example file CODELIB SPP - IDE script example file CODEOWL DAT - IDE script example file CODESPP DAT - IDE script example file CODEW32 DAT - IDE script example file COMMENT SPP - IDE script example file CONFIG SPP - IDE script example file CRTL SPP - IDE script example file DIRTOOL SPP - IDE Script example file EDITSIZE SPP - IDE script example file EDONLY SPP - IDE script example file FASTOPEN CFG - IDE script example file FASTOPEN SPP - IDE script example file FILE SPP - IDE script example file FILEINSR SPP - IDE script example file FINDTABS SPP - IDE script example file FOREACH SPP - IDE script example file INTNATL SPP - IDE script example file KEYASSGN SPP - IDE script example file LIST SPP - IDE Script file LOADLAST SPP - IDE script example file LOADPROJ SPP - IDE script example file LONGLINE SPP - IDE script example file MISC SPP - IDE script example file MLIST SPP - IDE Script file MODLIST SPP - IDE Script file MSG SPP - IDE script example file NETHELP DAT - IDE script example file NETHELP SPP - IDE script example file OPENHDR SPP - IDE script example file POPUP SPP - PRJNOTES DAT - IDE script example file PRJNOTES SPP - IDE script example file README TXT - IDE script example file REVISIT CFG - IDE script example file REVISIT SPP - IDE script example file SHIFTBLK SPP - IDE script example file SORT SPP - IDE script example file SOUND CFG - IDE script example file SOUND SPP - IDE script example file SPPDIR SPP - IDE script example file SPPMAN CFG - IDE script example file SPPMAN DAT - IDE script example file SPPMAN SPP - IDE script example file SRCHALL SPP - IDE script example file TEST SPP - IDE script example file VIEWLOCS SPP - IDE script example file SCRPTSCH PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: README TXT - IDE script example file SEARCH H - IDE script example file SEARCH RC - IDE script example file SRCHREP IDE - IDE script example file SRCHRPL CPP - IDE script example file SCRPTSRC PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: MISCSCR CPP - Script example file MISCSCR IDE - Script example file SDIFILE PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: MAKEFILE - OWL example file README TXT - SDIFILE CPP - OWL example file SDIFILE IDE - OWL example file SDIFILE RC - OWL example file SDIOLE PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: MAKEFILE - OCF Example file README TXT - SAMPCONT CPP - OCF Example file SAMPCONT H - OCF Example file SAMPCONT RC - OCF Example file SDIOLE CPP - OCF Example file SDIOLE H - OCF Example file SDIOLE IDE - OCF Example file SDIOLE RC - OCF Example file SDKHELP PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: HCW CNT - MS SDK Tool help HCW HLP - MS SDK Tool help HW32 CNT - MS SDK Tool help HW32 HLP - MS SDK Tool help MC HLP - MS redistributable file OLE2VIEW HLP - MS SDK Tool help OLETOOLS HLP - MS SDK help file RC CNT - RC HLP - MS SDK Tool help RLMAN HLP - MS SDK Tool help SHED HLP - MS dialog help UIGUIDE CNT - MS sdk tool help UIGUIDE HLP - MS SDK Tool SDKLIBGL PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: GLAUX LIB - RTL library file GLU32 LIB - Microsoft Graphics Library SDKRPC PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: OAIDL H - MS SDK Tool OAIDL IDL - MS SDK Tool OBJIDL H - MS SDK Tool OBJIDL IDL - MS SDK Tool OLEIDL H - MS SDK Tool OLEIDL IDL - MS SDK Tool UNKNWN H - MS SDK Tool UNKNWN IDL - MS SDK Tool WTYPES H - MS SDK Tool WTYPES IDL - MS SDK Tool SDKTOOLS PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: BIND EXE - MS SDK Tool DEFO2V32 DLL - MS sdk tool DOBJVIEW EXE - MS SDK Tool IROTVIEW EXE - MS SDK Tool MC EXE - Microsoft redistributable file MIDL EXE - Microsoft redistributable file MKTYPLIB EXE - OLE type library utility MRBC EXE - Microsoft redistributable file OLE2VW32 EXE - MS SDK Tool PORT INI - Microsoft redistributable file PORTTOOL EXE - Microsoft redistributable file RC EXE - Microsoft Resource Compiler RCDLL DLL - Microsoft Redistributable REBASE EXE - MS SDK Tool SR32TEST REG - MS SDK Tool THUNK EXE - MS SDK Tool SDKWIN16 PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: DIB DRV - Device independent bitmap driver MARKMIDI EXE - Microsoft redistributable file MARS DLL - pen Windows character recognition DLL MARS MOB - pen Windows character recognition file MSMOUSE DRV - pen Windows mouse driver VGAP DRV - pen Windows VGA driver YESMOUSE DRV - pen Windows mouse driver SDKWIN95 PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: CL32TEST EXE - MS SDK Tool DBWIN DLL - MS SDK Tool DBWIN EXE - MS SDK Tool DDESPY EXE - MS SDK Tool HEAPWALK EXE - MS SDK Tool HW32 EXE - MS SDK Tool SR32TEST EXE - MS SDK Tool STRESS DLL - stress testing dll STRESS EXE - MS SDK Tool STRESSHK DLL - MS SDK file STRESSLG DLL - MS SDK file TB13 EXE - MS SDK Tool TB14 EXE - MS SDK Tool SDKWINNT PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: CL32TEST EXE - MS SDK Tool DDESPY EXE - MS SDK Tool PSTAT EXE - Microsoft redistributable file PVIEW EXE - Microsoft redistributable file RLMAN EXE - MS SDK Tool SHED EXE - Dialog management utility SR32TEST EXE - MS SDK Tool WINOBJ EXE - MS SDK Tool SERVICES PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: BORLANDC H - Classlib Services header file CHECKS H - Classlib Services header file CSTRING H - Classlib Services header file DEFS H - Classlib Services header file DIR H - Classlib Services header file EXCEPT H - Classlib Services header file MEMORY H - Classlib Services header file MSC H - Classlib Services header file OLE2INC H - Classlib Services header file POSCLASS H - Classlib services header file PRECLASS H - Classlib services header file REF H - Classlib Services header file REGEXP H - Classlib Services header file WIN95_16 H - Classlib services header file WSYSINC H - Classlib Services header file SERVPRIV PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: CHECKS H - Classlib Private Services header file CSTRING H - Classlib Private Services header file DEFS H - Classlib Private Services header file SETS PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: ISET CPP - Classlib example file MAKEFILE - Classlib example file SETS IDE - Classlib example file SETX CPP - Classlib example file SETUP EXE (Disk1) - Borland Install SETUP LST (Disk1) - Microsoft Redistributable for Win32s SETUPAPI INC (Disk1) - Microsoft Redistributable for Win32s SHARBIN2 PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: HC BAT - Batch File to call Win 3.1 help compiler HC31 ERR - Win 3.1 help compiler error list HC31 EXE - Win 3.1 help compiler IMPLIB EXE - 32 bit Import Library Tool RLINK EXE - Resource linker TLINK EXE - 16 bit linker SHAREBIN PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: BRC EXE - RC compatible shell program BRC32 EXE - Shell for brcc32.exe BRCC EXE - command line resource compiler BRCC32 EXE - Borland 32 bit Resouce Compiler GREP COM - IMPDEF EXE - 32 bit Import Library Tool LOCALE BLL - International localization library TLIB EXE - 32 bit Turbo librarian WORKOPT DOS - Resource Workshop program file WORKOPT W32 - Resource Workshop program file SHAREDLL PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: RLINK32 DLL - 32 bit Turbo Linker SHELL PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: ABOUTDLG CPP - Owl example file ABOUTDLG H - Owl example file MAKEFILE - Owl examples file MDICHILD CPP - Owl example file MDICHILD H - Owl example file MDICLIEN CPP - Owl example file MDICLIEN H - Owl example file NEW BMP - Owl example file SHELL IDE - Owl example file SHELLAPP CPP - Owl example file SHELLAPP DEF - Owl example file SHELLAPP H - Owl example file SHELLAPP ICO - Owl example file SHELLAPP RC - Owl example file SHELLAPP RH - Owl example file SHELLWIN CPP - Owl example file SHELLWIN H - Owl example file SIMBOR PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: APP CPP - Owl example file BORDLG CPP - Owl example file DLGBRUSH BMP - Owl example file MAKEFILE - Owl example file README TXT - SCRLBRSH BMP - Owl example file SIMBOR CPP - Owl example file SIMBOR H - Owl example file SIMBOR IDE - OWL example file SIMBOR RC - Owl example file SIMBOR RH - Owl example file SIMPLE PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: GLOBALS H - Series example file INIT C - Series example file MAKEFILE - Series example file README TXT - Series example file RESOURCE H - Series example file SIMPLE C - Series example file SIMPLE ICO - Series example file SIMPLE IDE - Series example file SIMPLE RC - Series example file VERSION H - Series example file WIN16EXT H - Series example file WINMAIN C - Series example file SLIB PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: C0FS OBJ - Small model RTL file C0S OBJ - Small model RTL file CS LIB - Small model RTL file MATHS LIB - Small model RTL file NOEHS LIB - Small model RTL file SLIDER PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: MAKEFILE - OWL example file README TXT - SLIDER IDE - OWL example file SLIDER RC - OWL example file SLIDERX CPP - OWL example file SMILEY PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: MAKEFILE - README TXT - RESOURCE H - SMILE IDE - SMILECTL CPP - SMILECTL H - SMILEY CPP - SMILEY H - SMILEY RC - SMILEYDG CPP - SMILEYDG H - STDAFX CPP - STDAFX H - SMILEYC PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: MAKEFILE - README TXT - RESOURCE H - SMILE CPP - SMILE DEF - SMILE H - SMILE ICO - SMILE ODL - SMILE RC - SMILE TLB - SMILECTL BMP - SMILECTL CPP - SMILECTL H - SMILECTL IDE - Smiley Control Project File SMILEPPG CPP - SMILEPPG H - STDAFX CPP - STDAFX H - SMILEYR PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: SMILEY ICO - SMILEY RC2 - SOUNDER PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: MAKEFILE - Windows example file README TXT - Windows Example file SOUNDER C - Windows example file SOUNDER H - Windows example file SOUNDER ICO - Windows example file SOUNDER IDE - Windows example file SOUNDER RC - Windows example file SOUNDER TXT - Windows example file SOUNDER WAV - Windows example file SPEAKN PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: MAKEFILE - RESOURCE H - SPEAKN CPP - SPEAKN H - SPEAKN IDE - SPEAKN RC - STDAFX CPP - STDAFX H - SPEAKNJ PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: LESSONS RC - SPEAKN RC - SPEAKNR PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: CORRECT WAV - DOG DIB - DOG WAV - FACE01 ICO - FACE02 ICO - FACE03 ICO - FACE04 ICO - FROG DIB - FROG WAV - GIVEUP WAV - GOODBYE WAV - INCORREC WAV - INTRO DIB - LESSONS RC2 - PIG DIB - PIG WAV - QUESTION WAV - REPLAYD BMP - REPLAYF BMP - REPLAYU BMP - SOUNDS RC2 - SPEAKN ICO - TRAIN DIB - TRAIN WAV - WELCOME WAV - SPINDIAL PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: MAKEFILE - RESOURCE H - SPINCTL BMP - SPINCTL CPP - SPINCTL H - SPINDIAL CPP - SPINDIAL DEF - SPINDIAL H - SPINDIAL ICO - SPINDIAL IDE - SPINDIAL ODL - SPINDIAL RC - SPINDIAL RC2 - SPINDIAL TLB - SPINPPG CPP - SPINPPG H - STDAFX CPP - STDAFX H - SPLASH PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: MAKEFILE - OWL example file README TXT - SPLASH IDE - OWL example file SPLASHX CPP - OWL example file SPLSLOGO BMP - OWL example file SPLITTER PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: MAKEFILE - OWL example file README TXT - OWL example file SPLITTER CPP - OWL example file SPLITTER IDE - OWL example file SPLITTER RC - OWL example file SPLITTER RH - OWL example file SRCPOOL PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: SRCPOOL CPP - IDE example file SRCPOOL ICO - IDE example file SRCPOOL IDE - IDE example file SRCPOOL RC - IDE example file SRCPOOL TXT - IDE example file SRSROOT PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: README WRI - Series example file STACKS PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: ISTACK CPP - Classlib example file ISTKLIST CPP - Classlib example file MAKEFILE - Classlib example file STACK CPP - Classlib example file STACKS IDE - Classlib example file STKLIST CPP - Classlib example file START16 PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: BUILDC0 BAT - 16 bit startup code C0 ASM - 16 bit startup code C0D ASM - 16 bit startup code C0W ASM - 16 bit startup code RULES ASI - 16 bit startup code STATIC PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: MAKEFILE - OWL example file README TXT - STATIC IDE - OWL example file STATICX CPP - OWL example file STDLIB PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: ACCUM CPP - C++ RTL Header file ADJ_DIFF CPP - C++ RTL Header file ADVANCE CPP - C++ RTL Header file ALG1 CPP - ALG2 CPP - ALG3 CPP - ALG4 CPP - ALG5 CPP - ALG6 CPP - ALG7 CPP - AUTO_PTR CPP - C++ RTL Header file BINDERS CPP - C++ RTL Header file BITSET CPP - C++ RTL Header file B_SEARCH CPP - C++ RTL Header file CALC CPP - COMPLEX CPP - C++ RTL Header file COMPLX CPP - CONCORD CPP - COPYEX CPP - C++ RTL Header file COUNT CPP - C++ RTL Header file DEQUE CPP - C++ RTL Header file DISTANCE CPP - C++ RTL Header file EQLRANGE CPP - C++ RTL Header file EQUAL CPP - C++ RTL Header file EXCEPTIO CPP - C++ RTL Header file EXCEPTN CPP - FILL CPP - C++ RTL Header file FIND CPP - C++ RTL Header file FIND_F_O CPP - C++ RTL Header file FOR_EACH CPP - C++ RTL Header file FUNCT_OB CPP - C++ RTL Header file GENERATE CPP - C++ RTL Header file GRAPH CPP - HEAP_OPS CPP - C++ RTL Header file ICECREAM CPP - INCLUDES CPP - C++ RTL Header file INR_PROD CPP - C++ RTL Header file INS_ITR CPP - C++ RTL Header file LEX_COMP CPP - C++ RTL Header file LIMITS CPP - C++ RTL Header file LIST CPP - C++ RTL Header file MAKEFILE - C++ RTL Header file MAKEINCL INC - STL example makefile MAP CPP - C++ RTL Header file MAX CPP - C++ RTL Header file MAX_ELEM CPP - C++ RTL Header file MERGE CPP - C++ RTL Header file MISMATCH CPP - C++ RTL Header file MULTIMAP CPP - C++ RTL Header file MULTISET CPP - C++ RTL Header file MUTEX CPP - C++ RTL Header file NEGATOR CPP - C++ RTL Header file NTHELEM CPP - C++ RTL Header file PARTSORT CPP - C++ RTL Header file PARTSUM CPP - C++ RTL Header file PERMUTE CPP - C++ RTL Header file PNT2FNCT CPP - C++ RTL Header file PRTITION CPP - C++ RTL Header file P_QUEUE CPP - C++ RTL Header file QUEUE CPP - C++ RTL Header file RADIX CPP - README - REMOVE CPP - C++ RTL Header file REPLACE CPP - C++ RTL Header file REVERSE CPP - C++ RTL Header file REV_ITR CPP - C++ RTL Header file RNDSHUFL CPP - C++ RTL Header file ROTATE CPP - C++ RTL Header file SEARCH CPP - C++ RTL Header file SETEX CPP - C++ RTL Header file SET_DIFF CPP - C++ RTL Header file SET_INTR CPP - C++ RTL Header file SET_S_DI CPP - C++ RTL Header file SET_UNIN CPP - C++ RTL Header file SIEVE CPP - SPELL CPP - STACK CPP - C++ RTL Header file STRING CPP - C++ RTL Header file SWAP CPP - C++ RTL Header file TELE CPP - TRNSFORM CPP - C++ RTL Header file TUTORIAL MAK - UL_BOUND CPP - C++ RTL Header file UNIQUE CPP - C++ RTL Header file VECTOR CPP - C++ RTL Header file WIDWORK CPP - STDOLE TL_ (Disk1) - Microsoft Redistributable for Win32s STDREG PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: COLUMDLG CPP - COLUMDLG H - COURSSET CPP - COURSSET H - DIALOG CPP - DIALOG H - DSECTSET CPP - DSECTSET H - ENROLSET CPP - ENROLSET H - INITDATA H - INSTRSET CPP - INSTRSET H - MAKEFILE - RESOURCE H - SECTSET CPP - SECTSET H - STDAFX CPP - STDAFX H - STDREG CPP - STDREG H - STDREG IDE - STDREG RC - STDREG REG - STDREG32 MDB - STDRMAC R - STDSET CPP - STDSET H - TYPEINFO CPP - TYPEINFO H - STDREGR PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: STDREG ICO - STDREG RC2 - STEP13 PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: STEP13 CPP - OWL example file STEP13 RC - OWL example file STEP13DV CPP - OWL example file STEP13DV RC - OWL example file STEP14 PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: STEP14 CPP - OWL example file STEP14 RC - OWL example file STEP14DV CPP - OWL example file STEP14DV RC - OWL example file STEP15 PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: STEP15 CPP - OWL example file STEP15 RC - OWL example file STEP15DV CPP - OWL example file STEP15DV RC - OWL example file STEP16 PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: CNTRL16 CPP - Owl tutorial example file STEP16 CPP - Owl Example file STEP16 CXX - Owl Example file STEP16 H - OWL example file STEP16 HXX - OWL example file STEP16 RC - OWL example file STEP16 RH - OWL example file STEP16DV CPP - OWL example file STEP16DV H - OWL example file STEP16DV RC - OWL example file STEP17 PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: CNTRL17 CPP - OWL example file STEP17 CPP - OWL example file STEP17 CXX - OWL example file STEP17 H - OWL example file STEP17 HXX - OWL example file STEP17 RC - OWL example file STEP17DV CPP - OWL example file STEP17DV H - OWL example file STEP17DV RC - OWL example file STEP18 PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: CNTRL18 CPP - OWL Example file STEP18 CPP - OWL Example file STEP18 CXX - OWL Example file STEP18 H - OWL Example file STEP18 HXX - OWL Example file STEP18 RC - OWL Example file STEP18DV CPP - OWL Example file STEP18DV H - OWL Example file STEP18DV RC - OWL Example file STNRGMAX PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: MAKEFILE - Classlib example file STRNGMAX CPP - Classlib example file STRNGMAX IDE - Classlib example file STORAGE DL_ (Disk1) - Win32s redistributed file STREAMS PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: MAKEFILE - Classlib example file STREAM0 CPP - Classlib example file STREAM1 CPP - Classlib example file STREAM2 CPP - Classlib example file STREAM3 CPP - Classlib example file STREAMS IDE - Classlib example file STRMPNT CPP - Classlib example file STRMPNT H - Classlib example file STYLESHT PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: STYLESHT CPP - IDE example file STYLESHT ICO - IDE example file STYLESHT IDE - IDE example file STYLESHT RC - IDE example file STYLESHT TXT - IDE example file SUPERPD PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: ABOUTBOX CPP - ABOUTBOX H - IPFRAME CPP - IPFRAME H - LINKITEM CPP - LINKITEM H - MAINFRM CPP - MAINFRM H - MAKEFILE - PADDOC CPP - PADDOC H - PADFRAME CPP - PADFRAME H - PADITEM CPP - PADITEM H - PADVIEW CPP - PADVIEW H - PAGESET CPP - PAGESET H - RESOURCE H - SPADMAC R - STDAFX CPP - STDAFX H - SUPERPAD CLW - SUPERPAD CPP - SUPERPAD H - SUPERPAD IDE - SUPERPAD RC - SUPERPAD REG - TABSTOP CPP - TABSTOP H - SUPERPDJ PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: SUPERPAD RC - SUPERPDR PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: ITOOLBAR BMP - PADDOC ICO - SUPERPAD ICO - TOOLBAR BMP - SWAT PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: BOARD BMP - OWL example file BOARD2 BMP - OWL example file CRITTER ICO - OWL example file CRITTER2 ICO - OWL example file DEAD BMP - OWL example file DEAD2 BMP - OWL example file GAMEOVE2 BMP - OWL example file GAMEOVER BMP - OWL example file LIVE BMP - OWL example file LIVE2 BMP - OWL example file MAKE - MAKEFILE - OWL example file MALET CUR - OWL example file MALET2 CUR - OWL example file MALETDO2 CUR - OWL example file MALETDOW CUR - OWL example file README TXT - SWAT CPP - OWL example file SWAT H - OWL example file SWAT IDE - OWL example file SWAT RC - OWL example file SWAT2 RC - OWL example file SYSINFO PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: MAKEFILE - OWL example file SYSINFO CPP - OWL example file SYSINFO H - OWL example file SYSINFO IDE - OWL example file SYSINFO RC - OWL example file SYSMETRI PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: MAKEFILE - OWL example file SYSMETRI CPP - OWL example file SYSMETRI IDE - OWL example file TABCNTRL PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: ABOUT C - Windows example file CIRCLES BMP - Windows example file DEMO C - Windows example file DEMO H - Windows example file DISPATCH C - Windows example file GLOBALS H - Windows example file IMAGES BMP - Windows example file INIT C - Windows example file LEAVES BMP - Windows example file MAKEFILE - Windows example file MISC C - Windows example file README TXT - Windows example file RESOURCE H - Windows example file SHAPES BMP - Windows example file STRMER BMP - Windows example file TABCTRL C - Windows example file TABCTRL ICO - Windows example file TABCTRL IDE - Windows example file TABCTRL RC - Windows example file WINMAIN C - Windows example file TABCTRL PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: MAKEFILE - OWL example file README TXT - OWL example file TABCTRL H - Owl Example file TABCTRL IDE - OWL example file TABCTRL RC - OWL example file TABCTRLX CPP - OWL example file TASKROOT PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: BUILDALL BAT - TASKVCLD PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: ADOPT CPP - ADOPT H - MAIN CPP - owl example set file MAIN H - owl example set file MAKEFILE - owl example set file README TXT - VCLDLG CPP - owl example set file VCLDLG DFM - owl example set file VCLDLG H - owl example set file VCLDLG IDE - VCLDLG RC - owl example set file TBEXPERT PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: APP CPP - Owl example file DYNBTNGA CPP - Owl example file GADGFACT CPP - Owl example file GADGTMGR CPP - Owl example file GMPLACE CPP - Owl example file MAKEFILE - Owl example file STATMGR CPP - Owl example file TBEXPERT CPP - Owl example file TBEXPERT H - Owl example file TBEXPERT IDE - Owl example file TBEXPERT RC - Owl example file TBEXPERT RH - Owl example file TD32BIT PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: JITIME EXE - Just In Time debugger TD32 EXE - 32 bit Turbo Debugger TD32 ICO - 32 bit Turbo Debugger icon TD32HELP TDH - 32 bit Turbo Debugger help TD32INST EXE - 32 bit debugger installation program TD32INST ICO - 32 bit debugger installation icon TDDEBUG PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: TDDEBUG 386 - Device Driver for 80386\80486 processors TDDLL PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: DUAL8514 DLL - SVGA/8514 sound card support for TDW and TPROFW STB DLL - SVGA/8514 sound card support for TDW and TPROFW SVGA DLL - video DLL for Tubro Debugger SVGA32 DLL - 32bit Dll for TD32 for Win95 Mono TDKBD32 DLL - TDW dll file TDVID16 DLL - TDW dll file TDWGUI DLL - Turbo Debugger for Windows; GUI DLL TDWINI EXE - Debugger video installation utility TDWINTH DLL - DLL for Turbo Debugger for Windows TDDOC PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: TD_ASM TXT - Turbo Debugger Help file TD_HDWBP TXT - Turbo Debugger Help file TD_RDME TXT - Turbo Debugger Help file TD_UTILS TXT - Turbo Debugger Help file TDDOS16 PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: TD EXE - Turbo Debugger for DOS TD PIF - Turbo Debugger for DOS TDDOS ICO - Turbo Debugger for DOS icon TDHELP TDH - Turbo Debugger for DOS help TDINST EXE - Turbo Debugger for DOS custom configuration TDOSINST ICO - Turbo Debugger for DOS custom configuration icon TDREMOTE PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: TDREMOTE EXE - Remote debugger for DOS TDRF EXE - Remote file transfer utility with tdremote TDW16 PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: TDCON32 EXE - TDW file TDW EXE - Turbo Debugger for Windows TDW ICO - Turbo Debugger for Windows Icon TDWHELP TDH - Turbo Debugger for Windows help file TDWINST EXE - TDW custom configuration program TDWINST ICO - TDW custom configuration program icon TEMPLDEF PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: AFXCOLL1 H - AFXCOLL1 INL - AFXCOLL2 H - AFXCOLL2 INL - ARRAY CTT - LIST CTT - MAKEFILE - MAP CTT - MAP_S CTT - MKCOLL BAT - README TXT - TEMPLDEF CPP - TESTDIR PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: FILEDATA CPP - Classlib example file FILEDATA H - Classlib example file MAKEFILE - Classlib example file TESTDIR CPP - Classlib example file TESTDIR IDE - Classlib example file TESTDLL PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: EMBFORM PAS - TESTDLL DLL - TESTDLL DOF - TESTDLL DPR - TESTDLL LIB - TESTDLL RES - UNIT2 DFM - UNIT2 PAS - THREAD PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: ABOUT C - threads series example DISPATCH C - threads series example GLOBALS H - threads series example INIT C - threads series example MAKEFILE - threads series example MISC C - threads series example README TXT - threads series example RESOURCE H - threads series example THREADS C - threads series example THREADS ICO - threads series example THREADS IDE - threads series example THREADS RC - threads series example WINMAIN C - threads series example THREADS PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: MAKEFILE - Classlib example file THREAD CPP - Classlib example file THREADS IDE - Classlib example file TIME PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: CLOCKPIC BMP - MAKEFILE - OLDTIME H - RESOURCE H - STDAFX CPP - STDAFX H - TEMPTIME H - TIME CPP - TIME DEF - TIME H - TIME ICO - TIME IDE - TIME ODL - TIME RC - TIME RC2 - TIME TLB - TIMECTL BMP - TIMECTL CPP - TIMECTL H - TIMEPPG CPP - TIMEPPG H - TLIB PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: C0FT OBJ - Tiny model RTL file C0T OBJ - Tiny model RTL file CT LIB - Tiny model RTL file TODO PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: MAKEFILE - Classlib example file TODO DEF - Classlib example file TODO IDE - Classlib example file TODODEFS H - Classlib example file TODODLGS CPP - Classlib example file TODODLGS H - Classlib example file TODOLIST CPP - Classlib example file TODOLIST H - Classlib example file TODOWIN CPP - Classlib example file TODOWIN H - Classlib example file TODOWIN RC - Classlib example file TOOLBOX PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: MAKEFILE - Owl example TOOLBOX IDE - project file for OWL toolbox example TOOLBOX RC - Owl example TOOLBOX RH - Owl example TOOLBOXX CPP - Owl example TOOLBRES PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: MAKEFILE - Owl Example file README TXT - Owl Example file TOOLBRES CPP - Owl Example file TOOLBRES IDE - Owl Example file TOOLBRES RC - Owl Example file TOOLROOT PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: BUILDALL BAT - TOOLTIP PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: MAKEFILE - OWL example file README TXT - TOOLTIP H - OWL example file TOOLTIP IDE - OWL example file TOOLTIP RC - OWL example file TOOLTIPX CPP - OWL example file TPROF PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: TFHELP TFH - profiler help TPROF EXE - DOS turbo profiler TPROF ICO - Turbo Profiler Icon TPROFCOM PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: TFINST EXE - profiler install TFREMOTE EXE - remote profiler TPROFEXM PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: CALLTEST C - Borland Source File MAKEFILE - Borland makefile PLOST C - Borland Source File PRIME0 C - Borland Source File PRIME1 C - Borland Source File PRIME2 C - Borland Source File PRIME3 C - Borland Source File PRIME4 C - Borland Source File PRIME5 C - Borland Source File PTOLL C - Borland Source File TPRFSMPL IDE - Borland Example File TPROFWIN PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: TFWHELP TFH - windows profiler help TPROFW EXE - Windows turbo profiler TRACER PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: MAKEFILE - RESOURCE H - STDAFX CPP - STDAFX H - TRACER CPP - TRACER ICO - TRACER IDE - TRACER RC - TRACMAC R - TRACERJ PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: TRACER RC - TRANSFER PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: MAKEFILE - OWL example file README TXT - TRANSFER CPP - OWL example file TRANSFER H - OWL example file TRANSFER IDE - OWL example file TRANSFER RC - OWL example file TRAYNOT PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: APP32 C - Windows95 example file APP32 H - Windows95 example file APP32 ICO - Windows95 example file APP32 IDE - Windows95 example file APP32 RC - Windows95 example file APP32 RV - Windows95 example file MAKEFILE - Windows95 example file README TXT - Windows95 example file RESOURCE H - Windows95 example file STATE11 ICO - Windows95 example file STATE12 ICO - Windows95 example file STATE21 ICO - Windows95 example file STATE22 ICO - Windows95 example file STATE31 ICO - Windows95 example file STATE32 ICO - Windows95 example file TRCKR PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: DIALOGS CPP - DIALOGS H - MAINFRM CPP - MAINFRM H - MAKEFILE - RESOURCE H - STDAFX CPP - STDAFX H - TRACKAPP CPP - TRACKAPP H - TRACKDOC CPP - TRACKDOC H - TRACKER IDE - TRACKER RC - TRACKVW CPP - TRACKVW H - TRAKMAC R - TRCKRJ PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: TRACKER RC - TRCKRJR PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: TRACKER RC2 - TRCKRR PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: TOOLBAR BMP - TRACKDOC ICO - TRACKER ICO - TRACKER RC2 - TREEWIND PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: MAKEFILE - README TXT - TREEWIND IDE - TREEWIND RC - TREEWIND RH - TREEWINX CPP - TRUETYPE PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: MAKEFILE - Windows example file README TXT - Windows Example file TRUETYPE C - Windows example file TRUETYPE DLG - Windows example file TRUETYPE H - Windows example file TRUETYPE ICO - Windows example file TRUETYPE IDE - Windows example file TRUETYPE RC - Windows example file TTT2GAM PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: MAKEFILE - OWL example file README TXT - OWL example file TTT CPP - OWL example file TTT H - OWL example file TTT IDE - OWL example file TTT RC - OWL example file TTTGAME PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: MAKEFILE - OWL example file README TXT - OWL example file TTT CPP - OWL example file TTT H - OWL example file TTT ICO - OWL example file TTT IDE - Owl example game file TTT RC - OWL example file TTTOCF PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: MAKEFILE - OWL example file README TXT - TTT CPP - OWL example file TTT H - OWL example file TTT IDE - OWL example file TTT RC - OWL example file TUTORIAL PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: CPPOCF IDE - Borland example file CPPOCF0 CPP - Borland example file CPPOCF0 H - Borland example file CPPOCF0 RC - Borland example file CPPOCF0 RH - Borland example file CPPOCF1 CPP - Borland example file CPPOCF1 H - Borland example file CPPOCF1 RC - Borland example file CPPOCF1 RH - Borland example file CPPOCF2 CPP - Borland example file CPPOCF2 H - Borland example file CPPOCF2 RC - Borland example file CPPOCF2 RH - Borland example file CPPOCF3 CPP - OCF example file CPPOCF3 H - OCF example file CPPOCF3 RC - OCF example file CPPOCF3 RH - OCF example file MAKEFILE - Borland example file OCFEVX H - Borland example file OCFHLPR CPP - Borland Example File OCFHLPR H - Borland Example File OCFHLPR RH - Borland Example File TUTOROLE PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: MAKEFILE - OWL example file OWLOLE IDE - OWL example file OWLOLE1 CPP - OWL example file OWLOLE1 RC - OWL example file OWLOLE2 CPP - OWL example file OWLOLE2 RC - OWL example file OWLOLE3 CPP - OWL example file OWLOLE3 RC - OWL example file README TXT - TUTOROOT PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: BUILDALL BAT - CNTRLLER CPP - CNTRLLER DEF - MAKEFILE - OWL example file README TXT - STEP01 CPP - OWL example file STEP02 CPP - OWL example file STEP03 CPP - OWL example file STEP04 CPP - OWL example file STEP05 CPP - OWL example file STEP05 RC - OWL example file STEP06 CPP - OWL example file STEP06 RC - OWL example file STEP07 CPP - OWL example file STEP07 RC - OWL example file STEP08 CPP - OWL example file STEP08 RC - OWL example file STEP09 CPP - OWL example file STEP09 RC - OWL example file STEP10 CPP - OWL example file STEP10 RC - OWL example file STEP11 CPP - OWL example file STEP11 RC - OWL example file STEP11DV CPP - OWL example file STEP11DV RC - OWL example file STEP12 CPP - OWL example file STEP12 RC - OWL example file STEP12DV CPP - OWL example file STEP12DV RC - OWL example file STEPS IDE - OWL example file TVPXOBJ PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: EDITS OBJ - Compat file for 16 bit RTL FRAMELIN OBJ - Compat file for 16 bit RTL OWLMATHD OBJ - Borland library file OWLMATHL OBJ - Borland library file SETJMP OBJ - Compat file for 16 bit RTL SWAPST OBJ - Compat file for 16 bit RTL SWNDOBJD OBJ - Borland library file SWNDOBJL OBJ - Borland library file SYSINT OBJ - Compat file for 16 bit RTL TGRMV OBJ - Compat file for 16 bit RTL TTPRVLNS OBJ - Compat file for 16 bit RTL TVCURSOR OBJ - Compat file for 16 bit RTL TVEXPOSD OBJ - Compat file for 16 bit RTL TVWRITE OBJ - Compat file for 16 bit RTL VERSIOND OBJ - Borland library file VERSIONL OBJ - Borland library file TYPELIB DL_ (Disk1) - Microsoft Redistributed Win32s file UIBORDER PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: MAKEFILE - OWL example file README TXT - OWL example file UIBORDER IDE - OWL example file UIBORDEX CPP - OWL example file UIFACE PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: MAKEFILE - OWL example file README TXT - OWL example file UIFACE BMP - OWL example file UIFACE IDE - Owl example file UIFACE RC - OWL example file UIFACE RH - OWL example file UIFACEX CPP - OWL example file UNPAQ EXE (Disk1) - Borland Executable UPDOWN PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: MAKEFILE - OWL example file README TXT - OWL example file UPDOWN IDE - OWL example file UPDOWN RC - OWL example file UPDOWNX CPP - OWL example file VALIDATE PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: MAKEFILE - OWL example file README TXT - VALIDATE IDE - OWL example file VALIDATE RC - OWL example file VALIDATX CPP - OWL example file VBDIALOG PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: MAKEFILE - Windows example file README TXT - Windows Example file VBDIALOG C - Windows example file VBDIALOG H - Windows example file VBDIALOG IDE - Windows example file VBDIALOG RC - Windows example file VBXCTL PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: MAKEFILE - OWL example file README TXT - VBXCTL H - OWL example file VBXCTL IDE - OWL example file VBXCTL RC - OWL example file VBXCTLX CPP - OWL example file VBXHELP PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: VBT300 HLP - MH help file VBX_SYS1 PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: MHAL200 VBX - VBX Control MHCD200 VBX - VBX Control MHCL200 VBX - VBX Control MHDC200 VBX - VBX Control MHGA200 VBX - VBX Control MHMQ200 VBX - VBX Control MHRUN300 DLL - VBX Control MHSL200 VBX - VBX Control MHSN200 VBX - VBX Control VBX_SYS2 PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: MHCARDS DLL - VBX Control VBTBL LIC - VBX License VECTORS PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: IVECTOR CPP - Classlib example file MAKEFILE - Classlib example file VECTOR CPP - Classlib example file VECTORS IDE - Classlib example file VERINFO PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: MAKEFILE - Owl example file README TXT - Owl example file VERINFO CPP - Owl example file VERINFO IDE - Owl example file VERINFO RC - Owl example file VERINFO RH - Owl example file VIEWEX PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: ENTERDLG CPP - ENTERDLG H - INPUTVW CPP - INPUTVW H - MAINDOC CPP - MAINDOC H - MAKEFILE - RESOURCE H - SIMPVW CPP - SIMPVW H - SPLITTER CPP - SPLITTER H - STDAFX CPP - STDAFX H - VIEWEX CPP - VIEWEX H - VIEWEX ICO - VIEWEX IDE - VIEWEX RC - VIEWMAC R - VIEWEXJ PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: VIEWEX RC - WBIN PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: BUILDSYM EXE - Program to convert .exe to .sys files EXEMAP EXE - Borland .exe to .map program FCONVERT EXE - ASCII <> ANSI conversion utility TMAPSYM EXE - Borland .map to .sym program WCLIB PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: C0DC OBJ - Windows RTL file C0WC OBJ - Windows RTL file CWC LIB - Windows RTL file MATHWC LIB - Windows RTL file NOEHWC LIB - Windows RTL file WHELLO PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: MAKEFILE - Windows example file README TXT - Windows Example file WHELLO CPP - Windows example file WHELLO ICO - Windows example file WHELLO IDE - Windows example file WHELLO RC - Windows example file WILD16 PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: FILES C - 16 bit RTL support modules FILES2 C - 16 bit RTL support modules MATHERR C - 16 bit RTL support modules MATHERRL C - 16 bit RTL support modules WILDARGS OBJ - 16 bit RTL support modules WILD32 PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: FILEINFO OBJ - 32 bit RTL support modules FILES C - 32 bit RTL support modules FILES2 C - 32 bit RTL support modules GP OBJ - 32 bit RTL support modules MATHERR C - 32 bit RTL support modules MATHERRL C - 32 bit RTL support modules WILDARGS OBJ - 32 bit RTL support modules WINBIN PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: COMPRESS EXE - DOS lz compression utility HCRTF EXE - MS SDK Tool HCW EXE - MS SDK Tool HWDLL DLL - MS SDK file PORT DLL - Microsoft redistributable file REGLOAD EXE - Registration database support WINLIB32 PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: BWCC32 LIB - 32 bit Custom Control library C0D32 OBJ - 32 bit RTL support modules C0D32DYN OBJ - 32 bit RTL support module C0D32X OBJ - 32 bit RTL support Module C0W32 OBJ - 32 bit RTL support modules C0W32W OBJ - C0X32 OBJ - 32 bit RTL support modules C0X32W OBJ - CW32 LIB - 32 bit RTL support modules CW32MT LIB - 32 bit RTL support modules IMPORT32 LIB - RTL library INET LIB - MSEXTRA LIB - Import lib for low level Win32 API MSWSOCK LIB - NOEH32 LIB - 32 bit RTL support module OLE2W32 LIB - 32 bit RTL header file RPCEXTRA LIB - RTL Library TH32 LIB - W32SUT16 LIB - win32s thunking library W32SUT32 LIB - win32s thunking library WS2_32 LIB - WINSOCK PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: DLGADDR CPP - Owl example file DLGADDR H - Owl example file DLGDGRM CPP - Owl example file DLGDGRM H - Owl example file DLGLISTN CPP - Owl example file DLGLSTN H - Owl example file DLGSRVC CPP - Owl example file DLGSRVC H - Owl example file DLGSTRM CPP - Owl example file DLGSTRM H - Owl example file MAKEFILE - Owl example file OWLSOCK ICO - Owl example file README TXT - Owl example file SOCKBOUT CPP - Owl example file SOCKBOUT H - Owl example file SOCKDEMO CPP - Owl example file SOCKDEMO H - Owl example file SOCKDEMO RC - Owl example file SOCKDEMO RH - Owl example file WINSOCK ICO - Owl example file WINSOCK IDE - Owl example file WINSPCTR PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: DFA EXE - Winspector logfile processor WINSPCTR EXE - Program to capture UAE's in Windows WINSTUB PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: WINSTUB EXE - Windows stub program WINSYS PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: COLOR H - Classlib WinSys Header file DEFS H - Classlib WinSys Header file EXBASE H - Classlib WinSys Header file GEOMETRY H - Classlib WinSys Header file LCLSTRNG H - Classlib WinSys Header file LCLSTRNG RH - Classlib WinSys Header file MSGTHRED H - Classlib winsys header file PCH H - Classlib WinSys Header file PROFILE H - OWL header file REGISTRY H - Classlib header file STRING H - Classlib WinSys Header file SYSTEM H - OWL Header file UIMETRIC H - Classlib header file WSYSCLS H - Classlib WinSys Header file WSYSINC H - Classlib WinSys Header file WLLIB PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: C0DL OBJ - Windows large model RTL file C0WL OBJ - Windows large model RTL file CWL LIB - Windows large model RTL file MATHWL LIB - Windows large model RTL file NOEHWL LIB - Windows large model RTL file WMLIB PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: C0DM OBJ - Windows medium model RTL file C0WM OBJ - Windows medium model RTL file CWM LIB - Windows medium model RTL file MATHWM LIB - Windows medium model RTL file NOEHWM LIB - Windows medium model RTL file WORDPAD PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: BUTTONDI CPP - BUTTONDI H - CHICDIAL CPP - CHICDIAL H - CNTRITEM CPP - CNTRITEM H - COLORLIS CPP - COLORLIS H - DATEDIAL CPP - DATEDIAL H - DDXM CPP - DDXM H - DOCOPT CPP - DOCOPT H - DOCTYPE CPP - DOCTYPE H - FILENEWD CPP - FILENEWD H - FORMATBA CPP - FORMATBA H - FORMATPA CPP - FORMATPA H - FORMATTA CPP - FORMATTA H - HELPIDS H - IPFRAME CPP - IPFRAME H - KEY CPP - KEY H - LISTDLG CPP - LISTDLG H - MAINFRM CPP - MAINFRM H - MAKEFILE - MSWD6_32 H - MSWD6_32 WPC - MULTCONV CPP - MULTCONV H - OPTIONS CPP - OPTIONS H - OPTIONSH CPP - OPTIONSH H - PAGESET CPP - PAGESET H - RESOURCE H - RULER CPP - RULER H - SPLASH CPP - SPLASH H - SRVRITEM CPP - SRVRITEM H - STDAFX CPP - STDAFX H - STRINGS CPP - STRINGS H - UNITSPAG CPP - UNITSPAG H - WORDPAD CLW - WORDPAD CPP - WORDPAD H - WORDPAD IDE - WORDPAD RC - WORDPDOC CPP - WORDPDOC H - WORDPVW CPP - WORDPVW H - WRITE32 WPC - WORDPADR PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: FONT BMP - FORMATBA BMP - FORMATBG BMP - MAIN1 BMP - MAIN1B BMP - MAINFRM BMP - MAINFRMB BMP - RTFDOC ICO - RULERBL BMP - RULERBLM BMP - RULERDO BMP - RULERDOM BMP - RULERTA BMP - RULERTAM BMP - RULERUP BMP - RULERUPM BMP - SRVR BMP - SRVRBIG BMP - TEXTDOC ICO - WORDP48 BMP - WORDPAD ICO - WORDPAD RC2 - WRITE ICO - WREMOTE PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: TDRF EXE - Remote transfer utility for use with wremote.exe WREMOTE EXE - Remote debugger utility WRSETUP EXE - WRemote parameter setup utility WRITEPAD PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: ABOUT C - writepad series example CHILD ICO - writepad series example DISPATCH C - writepad series example FILE C - writepad series example FILEDLG C - writepad series example FINDDLG C - writepad series example GLOBALS H - writepad series example INIT C - writepad series example MAKEFILE - writepad series example MDICHILD C - writepad series example MDICHILD H - writepad series example MISC C - writepad series example PREVIEW C - writepad series example PRINT C - writepad series example PRINTDLG C - writepad series example README TXT - writepad series example RESOURCE H - Writepad series example file RTF C - Writepad series example file RTF H - Writepad series example file RULER BMP - Writepad series example file RULER C - Writepad series example file RULER H - Writepad series example file SEARCH C - Writepad series example file STATBAR C - Writepad series example file STATBAR H - Writepad series example file TOOLBAR BMP - Writepad series example file TOOLBAR C - Writepad series example file TOOLBAR H - Writepad series example file WINMAIN C - Writepad series example file WRITEPAD C - Writepad series example file WRITEPAD ICO - Writepad series example file WRITEPAD IDE - Writepad series example file WRITEPAD RC - Writepad series example file WSI32 PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: WS32 EXE - WinSight32 Program WSI32DLL PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: WSIHK32 DLL - WinSight32 Program WSIWIN32 DLL - WinSight32 Program WSLIB PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: C0DS OBJ - Windows small model RTL file C0WS OBJ - Windows small model RTL file CWS LIB - Windows small model RTL file MATHWS LIB - Windows small model RTL file NOEHWS LIB - Windows small model RTL file XLIB PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: BWCC LIB - Import Library for Borland Custom Controls IMPORT LIB - Borland library file OBSOLETE LIB - Borland library file XLIB16 PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: OVERLAY LIB - RTL overlay library XLIST PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: MAKEFILE - RESOURCE H - STDAFX CPP - STDAFX H - XLIST CPP - XLIST DEF - XLIST H - XLIST ICO - XLIST IDE - XLIST ODL - XLIST RC - XLIST RC2 - XLIST TLB - XLISTCTL BMP - XLISTCTL CPP - XLISTCTL H - XLISTPPG CPP - XLISTPPG H - XREF PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: MAKEFILE - Classlib example file TEXT DAT - Classlib example file TRIVIAL DAT - Classlib example file XREF CPP - Classlib example file XREF IDE - Classlib example file ALPHABETIZED LIST OF PRODUCT FILES ---------------------------------- 32ADDRES PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: ADDRESS DEF - BDE (32bit) Address example file ADDRESS H - BDE (32bit) Address example file ADDRESS ICO - BDE (32bit) Address example file ADDRESS IDE - BDE (32bit) Address example file ADDRESS RC - BDE (32bit) Address example file ADRCMDLG C - BDE (32bit) Address example file ADR_DATA C - BDE (32bit) Address example file ADR_DLGS C - BDE (32bit) Address example file ADR_MAIN C - BDE (32bit) Address example file ADR_UTIL C - BDE (32bit) Address example file ENGINE C - BDE (32bit) Address example file ID_DEFS H - BDE (32bit) Address example file MACRO C - BDE (32bit) Address example file MACRO H - BDE (32bit) Address example file MAKEFILE - BDE (32bit) Address example file 32BLL PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: CEEUROPE BLL - BDE (32 bit) run time file CHARSET BLL - BDE (32 bit) run time file EUROPE BLL - BDE (32bit) runtime file OTHER BLL - BDE (32 bit) run time file USA BLL - BDE (32bit) runtime file 32DBPING PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: DBPING C - BDE (32bit) DBPING example file DBPING DEF - BDE (32bit) DBPING example file DBPING H - BDE (32bit) DBPING example file DBPING ICO - BDE (32bit) DBPING example file DBPING IDE - BDE (32bit) DBPING example file DBPING RC - BDE (32bit) DBPING example file MAKEFILE - BDE (32bit) DBPING example file 32DOC PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: BDE32 CNT - bde (32bit) documentation file BDE32 HLP - BDE (32bit) documentation file BDE32 TOK - BDE (32bit) documentation file BDE32TOK TXT - BDE (32bit) documentation file LOCALSQL CNT - BDE (32 bit) documentation file LOCALSQL HLP - BDE (32bit) documentation file 32HLP PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: BDECFG32 HLP - BDE (32bit) runtime file 32IDAPI PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: BDECFG32 CNT - BDE (32 bit) runtime file BDECFG32 EXE - BDE (32bit) runtime file BLW32 DLL - BDE (32bit) runtime file DBG32 DLL - The debug layer for Idapi 32 DLLSWP32 EXE - This swaps the debug and non-debug dll's IDAPI32 DLL - BDE (32bit) runtime file IDASCI32 DLL - BDE (32bit) runtime file IDBAT32 DLL - BDE (32bit) runtime file IDDBAS32 DLL - BDE (32bit) runtime file IDDR32 DLL - BDE (32 bit) run time file IDODBC32 DLL - BDE (32bit) runtime file IDPDX32 DLL - BDE (32bit) runtime file IDQBE32 DLL - BDE (32bit) runtime file IDR20009 DLL - BDE (32bit) runtime file IDSQL32 DLL - BDE (32 bit) run time file 32IDAPIC PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: IDAPI32 CNF - BDE (32 bit) configuration file 32INCLUD PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: IDAPI H - BDE (32 bit) SDK include file 32INVENT PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: ENGINE C - BDE (32bit) SDK Inventory Example File ID_DEFS H - BDE (32bit) SDK Inventory Example File INVENTRY DEF - BDE (32bit) SDK Inventory Example File INVENTRY H - BDE (32bit) SDK Inventory Example File INVENTRY ICO - BDE (32bit) SDK Inventory Example File INVENTRY IDE - BDE (32bit) SDK Inventory Example File INVENTRY RC - BDE (32bit) SDK Inventory Example File INV_DATA C - BDE (32bit) SDK Inventory Example File INV_MAIN C - BDE (32bit) SDK Inventory Example File INV_UTIL C - BDE (32bit) SDK Inventory Example File MACRO C - BDE (32bit) SDK Inventory Example File MACRO H - BDE (32bit) SDK Inventory Example File MAKEFILE - BDE (32bit) SDK Inventory Example File 32LIB PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: IDAPI32 LIB - BDE (32 bit) SDK library file 32QUERY PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: BIG_ORDR QBE - BDE (32 bit) SDK Query Example File CUST QBE - BDE (32 bit) SDK Query Example File CUST SQL - BDE (32 bit) SDK Query Example File DISPLAY C - BDE (32 bit) SDK Query Example File ENGINE C - BDE (32 bit) SDK Query Example File HI_ORDRS QBE - BDE (32 bit) SDK Query Example File IBCAT SQL - BDE (32 bit) SDK Query Example File IBPX SQL - BDE (32 bit) SDK Query Example File JOIN SQL - BDE (32 bit) SDK Query Example File MACRO C - BDE (32 bit) SDK Query Example File MACRO H - BDE (32 bit) SDK Query Example File MAKEFILE - BDE (32 bit) SDK Query Example File ORACAT SQL - BDE (32 bit) SDK Query Example File ORDERS SQL - BDE (32 bit) SDK Query Example File PRICEY QBE - BDE (32 bit) SDK Query Example File QRY_DATA C - BDE (32 bit) SDK Query Example File QUERY C - BDE (32 bit) SDK Query Example File QUERY DEF - BDE (32 bit) SDK Query Example File QUERY H - BDE (32 bit) SDK Query Example File QUERY ICO - BDE (32 bit) SDK Query Example File QUERY RC - BDE (32 bit) SDK Query Example File QUERY RH - BDE (32 bit) SDK Query Example File QUERY TXT - BDE (32 bit) SDK Query Example File QUERY32 IDE - BDE (32 bit) SDK Query Example File TWO_WORD SQL - BDE (32 bit) SDK Query Example File 32REDIST PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: BDECFG32 CNT - BDE (32 bit) runtime file BDECFG32 EXE - BDE (32 bit) SDK redistributable file BDECFG32 HLP - BDE (32 bit) SDK redistributable file 32SNIPIT PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: ADDALIAS C - BDE (32 bit) SDK Snipit Example File ALIASES C - BDE (32 bit) SDK Snipit Example File BATMOVE C - BDE (32 bit) SDK Snipit Example File BLOBIO C - BDE (32 bit) SDK Snipit Example File BLOBSMPL C - BDE (32 bit) SDK Snipit Example File BLOCK C - BDE (32 bit) SDK Snipit Example File BOOKMARK C - BDE (32 bit) SDK Snipit Example File CALLBACK C - BDE (32 bit) SDK Snipit Example File CONFIG C - BDE (32 bit) SDK Snipit Example File CR8DBTBL C - BDE (32 bit) SDK Snipit Example File CR8PXTBL C - BDE (32 bit) SDK Snipit Example File CR8TXTBL C - BDE (32 bit) SDK Snipit Example File DBIO C - BDE (32 bit) SDK Snipit Example File DBLOGIN C - BDE (32 bit) SDK Snipit Example File DRVCAPS C - BDE (32 bit) SDK Snipit Example File ERRVAL C - BDE (32 bit) SDK Snipit Example File FIELDMAP C - BDE (32 bit) SDK Snipit Example File FILTCOMP C - BDE (32 bit) SDK Snipit Example File FILTCONT C - BDE (32 bit) SDK Snipit Example File FILTER C - BDE (32 bit) SDK Snipit Example File FILTER2 C - BDE (32 bit) SDK Snipit Example File FORMAT C - BDE (32 bit) SDK Snipit Example File IDXDBASE C - BDE (32 bit) SDK Snipit Example File IDXEXPR C - BDE (32 bit) SDK Snipit Example File IDXPDOX C - BDE (32 bit) SDK Snipit Example File ID_DEFS H - BDE (32 bit) SDK Snipit Example File INITENG C - BDE (32 bit) SDK Snipit Example File INMEMTBL C - BDE (32 bit) SDK Snipit Example File INPUT C - BDE (32 bit) SDK Snipit Example File INPUTREQ C - BDE (32 bit) SDK Snipit Example File KEYUPDT C - BDE (32 bit) SDK Snipit Example File LANGDRV C - BDE (32 bit) SDK Snipit Example File LNKCRSR C - BDE (32 bit) SDK Snipit Example File LSQL C - BDE (32 bit) SDK Snipit Example File LSQLJOIN C - BDE (32 bit) SDK Snipit Example File LSQLLIVE C - BDE (32 bit) SDK Snipit Example File MAKEFILE - BDE (32 bit) SDK Snipit Example File NAVIGATE C - BDE (32 bit) SDK Snipit Example File OPTDBPAR C - BDE (32 bit) SDK Snipit Example File OPTPARAM C - BDE (32 bit) SDK Snipit Example File PASSWORD C - BDE (32 bit) SDK Snipit Example File PRDXSORT C - BDE (32 bit) SDK Snipit Example File QBE C - BDE (32 bit) SDK Snipit Example File QBE2 C - BDE (32 bit) SDK Snipit Example File RANGE C - BDE (32 bit) SDK Snipit Example File RDOLOCK C - BDE (32 bit) SDK Snipit Example File RECLOCK C - BDE (32 bit) SDK Snipit Example File RECUPDAT C - BDE (32 bit) SDK Snipit Example File REFINTEG C - BDE (32 bit) SDK Snipit Example File SEARCH C - BDE (32 bit) SDK Snipit Example File SECDESC C - BDE (32 bit) SDK Snipit Example File SESSION C - BDE (32 bit) SDK Snipit Example File SNIPDATA C - BDE (32 bit) SDK Snipit Example File SNIPIT DEF - BDE (32 bit) SDK Snipit Example File SNIPIT H - BDE (32 bit) SDK Snipit Example File SNIPIT ICO - BDE (32 bit) SDK Snipit Example File SNIPIT IDE - BDE (32 bit) SDK Snipit Example File SNIPIT RC - BDE (32 bit) SDK Snipit Example File SNIPIT TXT - BDE (32 bit) SDK Snipit Example File SNIPMAIN C - BDE (32 bit) SDK Snipit Example File SNIPTOOL C - 32-bit IDAPI SDK Snipit example SOFTDEL C - BDE (32 bit) SDK Snipit Example File SQLBIND C - BDE (32 bit) SDK Snipit Example File STORPROC C - BDE (32 bit) SDK Snipit Example File SYSINFO C - BDE (32 bit) SDK Snipit Example File TBLINFO C - BDE (32 bit) SDK Snipit Example File TBLLIST C - BDE (32 bit) SDK Snipit Example File TBLLOCK C - BDE (32 bit) SDK Snipit Example File TBLOPEN C - BDE (32 bit) SDK Snipit Example File TBRSTRCT C - BDE (32 bit) SDK Snipit Example File TEST C - BDE (32 bit) SDK Snipit Example File TEXTEXP C - BDE (32 bit) SDK Snipit Example File TEXTIMP C - BDE (32 bit) SDK Snipit Example File TRANSACT C - BDE (32 bit) SDK Snipit Example File UPDTCRNT C - BDE (32 bit) SDK Snipit Example File UPSIZE C - BDE (32 bit) SDK Snipit Example File VALCHECK C - BDE (32 bit) SDK Snipit Example File 32TABLES PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: CONTACTS DB - BDE (32 bit) Tables Example File CONTACTS PX - BDE (32 bit) Tables Example File CUST DBF - BDE (32 bit) Tables Example File CUST MDX - BDE (32 bit) Tables Example File CUST2 DBF - CUSTOMER DB - BDE (32 bit) Tables Example File CUSTOMER PX - BDE (32 bit) Tables Example File CUSTOMER VAL - BDE (32 bit) Tables Example File CUSTOMER XG0 - BDE (32 bit) Tables Example File CUSTOMER YG0 - BDE (32 bit) Tables Example File DBSYSTEM DB - ORDERS DB - BDE (32 bit) Tables Example File ORDERS PX - BDE (32 bit) Tables Example File ORDERS VAL - BDE (32 bit) Tables Example File ORDERS X02 - BDE (32 bit) Tables Example File ORDERS XG0 - BDE (32 bit) Tables Example File ORDERS Y02 - BDE (32 bit) Tables Example File ORDERS YG0 - BDE (32 bit) Tables Example File SECURITY DBF - STOCK DB - BDE (32 bit) Tables Example File STOCK MB - BDE (32 bit) Tables Example File STOCK PX - BDE (32 bit) Tables Example File STOCK X02 - BDE (32 bit) Tables Example File STOCK Y02 - BDE (32 bit) Tables Example File VENDORS DB - BDE (32 bit) Tables Example File VENDORS PX - BDE (32 bit) Tables Example File ANIMALS PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: ANIMALS ICO - VDBT example files ANIMALS IDE - VDBT example files ANIMLS16 DEF - 16 bit VDBT example file ANIMLS32 DEF - 32 bit VDBT example file ANMLSDLC CPP - VDBT example files ANMLSDLC H - VDBT example files BEASTWIN CPP - VDBT example files BEASTWIN H - VDBT example files BEASTWIN RC - VDBT example files BEASTWIN RH - VDBT example files MAKEFILE - VDBT example files README TXT - AWARE_H PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: DBACC H - DBCHKBX H - data aware wrapper class source DBCOMBO H - data aware wrapper class source DBCONTRL H - data aware wrapper class source DBDEFS H - data aware wrapper class source DBEDIT H - data aware wrapper class source DBEVENT H - data aware wrapper class source DBGRID H - data aware wrapper class source DBIMAGE H - data aware wrapper class source DBLIST H - data aware wrapper class source DBLKUPCB H - data aware wrapper class source DBLKUPLB H - data aware wrapper class source DBMEMO H - data aware wrapper class source DBMISC H - data aware wrapper class source DBNVGTR H - data aware wrapper class source DBPME H - data aware wrapper class source DBRADIO H - data aware wrapper class source DBTEXT H - data aware wrapper class source DBTYPE H - data aware wrapper class source BDTBIN16 PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: BDT52 TLB - BDT52C DLL - BDTBIN32 PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: BDT5232 TLB - BDT52CF DLL - BDTINC16 PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: BDTI H - VDBT include file BDTOQRY PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: MAKEFILE - VDBT Example file OWLQRY CPP - VDBT Example file OWLQRY ICO - VDBT Example file OWLQRY IDE - VDBT example file OWLQRY RC - VDBT Example file OWLQRY16 DEF - VDBT Example file OWLQRY32 DEF - VDBT Example file README TXT - RESOURCE H - VDBT Example file BDTOTAB PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: MAKEFILE - VDBT Example file OWLTAB CPP - VDBT Example file OWLTAB ICO - VDBT Example file OWLTAB IDE - VDBT example file OWLTAB RC - VDBT Example file OWLTAB16 DEF - VDBT Example file OWLTAB32 DEF - VDBT Example file README TXT - RESOURCE H - VDBT Example file BDTQUERY PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: MAKEFILE - VDBT Example file QUERY CPP - VDBT Example file QUERY ICO - VDBT Example file QUERY IDE - VDBT example file QUERY RC - VDBT Example file QUERY16 DEF - VDBT Example file QUERY32 DEF - VDBT Example file README TXT - RESOURCE H - VDBT Example file BDTSTC16 PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: BDTAWRL LIB - VDBT 16 bit lib BDTC LIB - VDBT library BDTO LIB - VDBT Library BDTSTC32 PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: BDTA LIB - BDTAF LIB - BDTAWRF LIB - VDBT 32 bit lib BDTCF LIB - VDBT library BDTOF LIB - VBDT Library BDTTABLE PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: MAKEFILE - VDBT Example file README TXT - RESOURCE H - VDBT Example file TABLE CPP - VDBT Example file TABLE ICO - VDBT Example file TABLE IDE - VDBT example file TABLE RC - VDBT Example file TABLE16 DEF - VDBT Example file TABLE32 DEF - VDBT Example file CALCFLD PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: CALC16 DEF - VDBT example file CALC32 DEF - VDBT example file CALCFLD CPP - VDBT example file CALCFLD IDE - VDBT example file MAKEFILE - VDBT example file README TXT - CPPAWARE PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: DBACC CPP - DBCHKBX CPP - data aware wrapper class source DBCOMBO CPP - data aware wrapper class source DBCONTRL CPP - data aware wrapper class source DBEDIT CPP - data aware wrapper class source DBEVENT CPP - data aware wrapper class source DBGRID CPP - data aware wrapper class source DBIMAGE CPP - data aware wrapper class source DBLIST CPP - data aware wrapper class source DBLKUPCB CPP - data aware wrapper class source DBLKUPLB CPP - data aware wrapper class source DBMEMO CPP - data aware wrapper class source DBMISC CPP - data aware wrapper class source DBNVGTR CPP - data aware wrapper class source DBRADIO CPP - data aware wrapper class source DBTEXT CPP - data aware wrapper class source MAKEFILE - DATABASE PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: ANIMALS DBF - database file for VDBT example ANIMALS DBT - database file for VDBT example ANIMALS MDX - database file for VDBT example BIOLIFE DB - database file for VDBT Examples BIOLIFE MB - database file for VDBT Examples BIOLIFE PX - database file for VDBT Examples BIOSITE DB - database file for VDBT Examples BIOSITE PX - database file for VDBT Examples DEST DB - database file for VDBT Examples DEST PX - database file for VDBT Examples DEST X02 - database file for VDBT Examples DEST Y02 - database file for VDBT Examples DIVECUST DB - database file for VDBT Examples DIVECUST PX - database file for VDBT Examples DIVECUST VAL - database file for VDBT Examples DIVEITEM DB - database file for VDBT Examples DIVEITEM PX - database file for VDBT Examples DIVEITEM VAL - database file for VDBT Examples DIVEORDS DB - database file for VDBT Examples DIVEORDS PX - database file for VDBT Examples DIVEORDS VAL - database file for VDBT Examples DIVEORDS X02 - database file for VDBT Examples DIVEORDS Y02 - database file for VDBT Examples DIVESTOK DB - database file for VDBT Examples DIVESTOK PX - database file for VDBT Examples MSGHELP DB - database file for VDBT Examples MSGHELP PX - database file for VDBT Examples MSGHELP X05 - database file for VDBT Examples MSGHELP Y05 - database file for VDBT Examples NAMES DB - POSSDEST DB - database file for VDBT Examples POSSDEST PX - database file for VDBT Examples QBEMAP DB - database file for VDBT Examples QBEMAP PX - database file for VDBT Examples QBEVAL DB - database file for VDBT Examples QBEVAL PX - database file for VDBT Examples SHIPVIA DB - database file for VDBT Examples SHIPVIA PX - database file for VDBT Examples SHIPWRCK DB - database file for VDBT Examples SHIPWRCK MB - database file for VDBT Examples SHIPWRCK PX - database file for VDBT Examples SITES DB - database file for VDBT Examples SITES MB - database file for VDBT Examples SITES PX - database file for VDBT Examples SITES X02 - database file for VDBT Examples SITES Y02 - database file for VDBT Examples DBD51 PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: DBCOEDIT DLL - Database Desktop (16bit) file DBD EXE - Database Desktop (16bit) file DBDCREAT DLL - Database Desktop (16bit) file DBDLOCAL EXE - Database Desktop (16bit) file DBDQBE DLL - Database Desktop (16bit) file DBDSQL DLL - Database Desktop (16bit) file DBDUTILS DLL - Database Desktop (16bit) file DBDVIEW DLL - Database Desktop (16bit) file DBSRV DLL - Database Desktop (16bit) file DBD52 PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: DBD HLP - Database Desktop (16bit) file READDBD TXT - Database Desktop (16bit) file DBTIMP16 PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: BDTAWRLI LIB - 16 bit bdt lib BDTCI LIB - VDBT Lib BDTOI LIB - VDBT library DBTIMP32 PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: BDTAWRFI LIB - 32 bit bdt lib BDTCFI LIB - VDBT Library BDTOFI LIB - VDBT library DOCS PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: VDBT WRI - VDBT Usage doc EVHANDLE PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: APPLSDI ICO - DIALOG CPP - DIALOG H - EVHAND16 DEF - EVHAND32 DEF - EVHANDLE CPP - EVHANDLE DEF - EVHANDLE H - EVHANDLE IDE - EVHANDLE RC - EVHANDLE RH - MAKEFILE - README TXT - TEXTWND CPP - TEXTWND H - EXCEL PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: QUERY XLS - VDBT Example TABLE XLS - VDBT Example FISHFACT PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: FFACT16 DEF - 16 bit VDBT example file FFACT32 DEF - 32 bit VDBT example file FFACTWIN CPP - vdbt example files FFACTWIN H - vdbt example files FFACTWIN ICO - vdbt example files FFACTWIN RC - vdbt example files FFACTWIN RH - vdbt example files FISHFACT IDE - vdbt example file FSHTDLGC CPP - vdbt example files FSHTDLGC H - vdbt example files MAKEFILE - vdbt example files README TXT - OWLRANGE PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: MAKEFILE - VDBT example file OWLRANGE CPP - VDBT example file OWLRANGE ICO - VDBT example file OWLRANGE IDE - VDBT example file OWLRANGE RC - VDBT example file PRINT CPP - VDBT example file PRINT H - VDBT example file README TXT - RESOURCE H - VDBT example file RW PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: BIOLIFE2 RC - VDBT Example file SETUP EXE (Disk1) - installation executable SRCBDTO PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: BASE CPP - source for bdto BATCH CPP - source for bdto BDTEVENT CPP - source for bdto BDTO MAK - source for bdto BDTO16 CFG - source for bdto BDTO32 CFG - source for bdto DATABASE CPP - source for bdto DATASET CPP - source for bdto DATASOUR CPP - source for bdto FIELD CPP - source for bdto FIELDDEF CPP - source for bdto FUNCTOR CPP - source for bdto INDEXDEF CPP - source for bdto MISC H - source for bdto PARAM CPP - source for bdto QUERY CPP - source for bdto SESSION CPP - source for bdto STOREDPR CPP - source for bdto STREAM CPP - source for bdto STRINGS CPP - source for bdto TABLE CPP - source for bdto VARREC CPP - source for bdto WRAPIT CPP - source for bdto WRAPIT H - source for bdto TDBCLASS PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: MAKEFILE - README TXT - TDBCLASS CPP - TDBCLASS IDE - TDBCLS16 DEF - TDBCLS32 DEF - VBXCRTL PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: GAUGE VBX - Vbx Control file PICT VBX - Vbx Control file SWITCH VBX - Vbx Control file VBXDLL16 PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: BIVBX31 DLL - VBXDLL32 PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: BIVBX31 32C - BIVBX31 32N - BIVBX31C DLL - BIVBX31N EXE - VBXGEN PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: VBXGEN EXE - VBX code generator VBXINC PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: BIVBX H - VBX Support include file VBXLIB16 PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: BIVBX LIB - 32 bit import libary for BIVBX101.dll VBXLIB32 PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: BIVBX32 LIB - 32 bit import libary for BIVBX101.dll VBXLIC PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: VTSS LIC - VBX file VBX_2 PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: VTSSONLY VBX - VBX file VDBT TXT (Disk1) - last minute information VDBTVBX PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: BDT52ACC VBX - BDT52CTL VBX - VTSSDBW DLL - VBX file VTSSDLL DLL - VBX file VDBT_BIN PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: BDT52 REG - VDBT_EX PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: BDT52EX DLL - BDT52EXF DLL - VDBT_HLP PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: VTSS HLP - VDBT help file VDBT_INC PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: BDTC H - VDBT include file BDTE H - VDBT include file BDTF H - VDBT include file BDTM H - BDTO H - VDBT include file